Clinton airs thousands of positive ads while Trump is silent

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks in Springfield, Ill.
WASHINGTON >> It would take almost 14 straight days to watch all the feel-good Hillary Clinton television ads that have aired since the general election campaign began last month.
Meanwhile, anyone flipping through the channels looking for positive ads about Donald Trump would be disappointed: He hasn’t yet put up a spot appealing to November voters.
The lopsided commercial airwaves show the two presidential candidates have drastically different views of the importance of traditional political campaigning. Clinton’s large batch of biographical ads has given her an opportunity to influence views about her own image.
On the other hand, Trump has been banking on free media coverage propelled by his celebrity appeal. As a consequence, he has largely ceded control over what the voting public is learning about him.
21 responses to “Clinton airs thousands of positive ads while Trump is silent”
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Another worthless AP “news” story.
LYING CORRUPT Hillary Clinton has PATRIOT BLOOD on her HANDS!!!
TRUMP 2016 !!!
You probably could have put the word “story” in quotation marks too.
The media want this gigantic money from publishing propaganda ads. The public learns nothing true about the candidate from propaganda ads paid by Clinton.
What is significant is that while HilLIARy spends millions more than Trump, she is loosing support and the race is tightening. She is so toxic, money can’t wash away all the dirt.
this is a strange, strange campaign year. both candidates from democrat to republican are disliked heavily by party controllers yet both have managed to lead their party ballots up to the conventions.
the first female felon to run for president bankrolls thousands of ads across the county while trump remains one dimensional and relies on shock news and his appeal to political outsiders.
Oh, I think the voting public is learning quite a bit about Trump and what he stands for despite the lack of campaing ads.
Lying crooked Hillary can spend her millions but we all know the rotten terrible person she is. My biggest wish is Trump wins and his new AG will prosecute her for her reckless handling of classified info. If you have ever handled classified material you know exactly what is required. Any regular person would have lost their clearance, been terminated and brought to justice.
I guess ads must make a difference as they pay so much for them, but have ads ever made a difference to you? I can’t think of a single time when I saw an ad that made me decide how to vote.
We need another newspaper here in Hawaii; anyone interested?
So in other words without the main stream media a candidate doesn’t have a chance? Having a crook spend millions to constantly tell us how great and admirable she is makes her look even more crooked. Trump speaks volumes with his silence.
Most commentators are negative on Clinton. Those commenting here are the informed voters who take an interest in politics and are informing themselves – while a large part of the population chooses to remain ignorant – the latter are the Hillary voters..
I have the opposite view. I find commenters here are singularly uninformed and aren’t interested in politics at all. They just like to complain. They aren’t interested in fully considering an issue, they just want to rant. If you really want to talk politics you wouldn’t do it on the SA site; the paper doesn’t have national political reporting, it just picks up wire stories. For national/international news you have to go elsewhere.
No matter what she puts on it she still smells.
What’s in your wallet? From sea to shining sea, from border to border, from Wall Street to Main Street, Corporations large and small, sole proprietors, black, white, brown, yellow, purple. All religions, atheists, too send money to Trump 2016. USA.
“What does it matter now?” as her answer about Benghazi. 4 Americans died needlessly and don’t their lives matter? I thought Hanoi Jane was evil but HRC is worst. Here we have a history of being fooled by talkers over and over again. Don’t be fooled on election day. Auwe!
Thank you for your comment. If I may please add.
You can fool some of the people some of the time. The trick is to fool all the people all of the time.
She has a lot of work to do. Emails, servers, classified top secret handling, pandering, dishonesty, Bill, FBI, IG, Clinton Foundation, Tarmac trysts, double standards, it just goes on and on and on.
What’s there to like? I think Someone with a heartbeat would have had a chance against her let alone Trump.
Trump is one of the “quiet and effective” types.
Memories of George Ariyoshi
Trump’s silence is his strategy. People have short memories. The Hillary ads that have been running for the past two weeks will be forgotten in a week or two by most people who saw them. In warfare, shooting at the enemy from afar is mostly ineffective. It is much more effective when you unload on the enemy when you can see the whites of their eyes. It is the same in politics. Trump is keeping his power dry and will put it to good use at the right time. The assault on Hillary will be intense, merciless and effective. She will be spending all of her time on defense. We are in for some great viewing. It is Trump’s strategy.
The elderly, veterans, welfare recipients should max out their credit cards, mortgage their homes, cash in their 401s, take out personal loans and send the money to the Clinton U Campaign. She will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.