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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 81° Today's Paper

What do you think about the state’s goal to increase food production and security?

  • B. OK, but unrealistic (330 Votes)
  • A. Good; needed and achievable (274 Votes)
  • C. Who cares? No big deal (35 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

13 responses to “What do you think about the state’s goal to increase food production and security?”

  1. bleedgreen says:

    “Ho’opili is a development proposed for Ewa, O’ahu that would drop another mega suburb, some 12,000 houses, on top of the most productive farmland in our state.” So how can Gov. Ige pursue this plan when he is proceeding to “give away” precious farmland to developers?

    • wiliki says:

      Baloney. Hoopili is part of the urban core that is in the 30 year sustainability started about 20 years ago.

      We have ample land, about 50,000 acres of ag land on Oahu. We have only about lo 10,000 acres under cultivation.

      Where is Ige going to find the farmers to cultivate the land? Many who lease the |and want to build Buddhist Temples and resort camps on the land,

      Sounds like Ige’s new goal is to find farmers for 10,000 more acres.

      • polekasta says:

        It’s not about how much land is being cultivated, it’s about how productive the land is when it’s being cultivated. There may be thousands of acres in Kuna that can be used for growing, but the problem is how you going to water those plants. Ho’opili land is unique because of the flat land, perfect soil conditions and access to a steady water source via the old waihole irrigation system.

        • wiliki says:

          The sugar cane ditch from the Koolaus still runs to the Kunia watermelon farm.

          Further mauka, plantation flood control resovoirs still function for free water.

          But the city also provides low cost water to farmers,

      • bleedgreen says:

        “…Hoopili is part of the urban core that is in the 30 year sustainability started about 20 years ago.” Huh, housing development is part of a 30-year sustainability plan? “In ecology, sustainability (from sustain and ability) is the property of biological systems to remain diverse and productive indefinitely. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems. In more general terms, sustainability is the endurance of systems and processes….”

  2. duna6430 says:

    “Okay, but unrealistic” because the state keeps giving the farmland away to developers (for housing that is needed) with NO PLAN. The roads/infrastructure isn’t there to support what we have now – and there are more coming. GIVE the people another road out of Ewa Beach (east of Fort Weaver into Waipahu). Give the people of Ewa Beach and Kapolei another connection or two to the choked highway (and add a lane where you can). SYNC THE LIGHTS so they work together. There’s going to be an emergency one day – where we’re trying to get people out of an area (Ewa? Kapolei? Nanakuli?) and we’re all going to be sitting at a light…

  3. sollie says:


  4. Bdpapa says:

    This should have always been the goal!

  5. localguy says:

    Another of hundreds of areas where Ige just hasn’t got a clue. How can you increase food production when elected bureaucrats are rubber stamping “Approval” on ever single ag land grabbing developer’s proposal coming across their desk? You can’t.

    Sad to say Da Gov has done nothing of substance to back up any of his so called “Visionary” dreams. Still smarting from the beating he took for not making an intelligent decision on the TMT, kow towing to the whiners, he lacks credibility.

    Just another day in the little 10th world of Hawaii Nei.

  6. mcc says:

    Ige’s impossible dream. Prime farmland in Hoopili and Koa Ridges has be sold out to developers.

  7. On_My_Turf says:

    Lofty goals indeed. When environmentalists are allowed to harass and obstruct agribusiness. Having said that, I disagree with the idea of having residential areas right next to agricultural areas. Your average city dweller who did not grow up on a farm would not understand the noise, dust, or need to spray chemicals. I want to see the complainers eat what they can grow, grow what they are going to eat, and nothing else. I am talking meat, eggs, and milk too. See how long that lasts. I do not think it is possible to increase food production locally. With the mentality prevalent in this state, finding willing farmers and then leaving them alone to do their job is a far away dream.

    • wiliki says:

      He just said that he would double current agriculture.

      He didn’t say we would be sustainable in food.

      The big problem in Hawaii is NOT land.

      The problem is not enough farmers. Most are ready to retire. The kids don’t want to carry on.

      • On_My_Turf says:

        Why would they want to? Sovereignty activists will be on them unless they are growing an indigenous crop. Environmental activists will be on them unless they are organic. Now tell me again why anyone would want to deal with all the static. Hug and thank a cattle rancher or conventional crop farmer.

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