Get rid of the Honolulu City Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP). Monster homes are not the problem; it is the lack of enforcement by DPP building inspectors who allow violations to persist. The top leaders of DPP should be fired for allowing non-permitted monster homes to be constructed. Why have a city department that is not protecting the taxpayers’ interest?
Patrick N. Custino
Service members deserve tax break
On behalf of the Hawaii National Guard Enlisted Association (HNGEA), which represents the interests of more than 4,600 enlisted men and women of the Hawaii Army and Air National Guard, we urge Mayor Kirk Caldwell to sign Bill 91, which provides current service members of the U.S. armed forces a real property tax exemption.
We are grateful to the Honolulu City Council members who supported this measure, including Council Chair Ernest Martin and his staff, for working with HNGEA in crafting and considering this important piece of legislation.
We realize there is a cost to enacting this legislation, yet feel the city can afford to extend this benefit to our valued Hawaii National Guardsmen and service members who proudly serve our state, nation and city. It is truly a well-deserved benefit.
R. Maui Quizon
President, Hawaii National Guard Enlisted Association
Focus on electing our next president
Democrats should focus their energy on finding their best candidate to replace President Donald Trump in 2020. The constant criticism and complaining about our current president is annoying, and their obstruction denies our president the chance to make America great through his policies, legislation and actions.
If the president is allowed to fill essential government positions and vacant judicial posts, Democrats will be able to point to his poor choices and the poor performance of his appointees in meeting America’s needs. The president’s chance for re-election will suffer due to his poor choices and their performance.
Democrats predict that every presidential act will result in Armageddon, a constitutional crisis or impeachment. They should allow him free rein to prove their point.
If Trump’s critics are mistaken and America transitions to greatness in the next two years, they will have an additional four more years to find a really good candidate to replace Trump in 2024.
John Tamashiro
Pearl City