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Judge issues stay on Hawaii Trump travel ban lawsuit


About 100 people at the Honolulu International Airport, on Jan. 29, held signs to greet travelers and protest President Donald Trump’s executive order to ban immigration from seven predominately Muslim nations. A federal judge in Honolulu is suspending Hawaii’s lawsuit challenging President Donald Trump’s travel ban on people from seven majority-Muslim countries.

A federal judge in Honolulu is suspending Hawaii’s lawsuit challenging President Donald Trump’s travel ban on people from seven majority-Muslim countries.

U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson today granted the government’s request for a stay. He’s halting the case while a nationwide injunction remains in place in a suit brought by Washington state and Minnesota.

Washington state and Minnesota sued Trump last week, saying the ban harms residents and effectively mandates discrimination. The case is before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin filed a lawsuit Friday, saying the ban keeps families apart and harms the state’s tourism industry.

Watson’s order cancels a hearing scheduled for Wednesday in the Hawaii lawsuit.

63 responses to “Judge issues stay on Hawaii Trump travel ban lawsuit”

  1. Pocho says:

    The Law is on TheDonald’s side! What a crook of bs from the Libertards and Democrats.

    • allie says:

      Very poor coverage by SA> What are the reasons given by the federal judge. I imagine it has to do with the fact that Trump’s executive actions are already being challenged by the court and other states so no other action is needed?

      • Pocho says:

        Maybe Hawaii’s Judge has some sanity to step away from politicking! Go listen to the Real News on FoxNews. The 9 Circuit is the Liberaliest of them all consisting of 2 democratic appointments and 1 republican from Hawaii who happened to be appointed by a Republican

        • Pocho says:

          lol, typed wrong as usual. Don’t know if the Hawaii Judge on the 9th is a Republican or not but it’s reported that judge was appointed by a Republican. Sorry bout that

        • Tita Girl says:

          The 9th is the most liberal, but they’re also the most overturned.

        • advertiser1 says:

          I’m a so called Libtard…so, take what I say with a grain of salt, but Judge Watson is not political in that manner. He is straight laced and would not issue the stay if it were not called for under the law.

        • Pocho says:

          ^^^ I was led to believe and I would hope all Judges are held to standards but you know they all like us being only human.

      • GONEGOLFIN says:

        Isn’t that what the story says?

        • Denominator says:

          Yes but you have to read to know that.

        • GONEGOLFIN says:

          Denominator, to understand what you write, you should use the proper punctuation. For example, “Yes, but you have to read to know that”
          Did you notice the “comma”?

    • Keonigohan says:

      @ Pocho
      Correcto Mundo!
      POTUS Trump is working on everything he promised in a TRANSPARENT way…unlike the “previous administration”!

    • oldsurfah says:

      You mean crock, not crook. The latter refers to Trump. But it figures. You spell and think as well as he does.

  2. st1d says:

    to those waving signs and marching in protests against securing u.s. borders and vetting refugees before allowing them entry into the u.s.:

    prove your commitment to open borders and illegal immigration by placing an “open door policy” sign on your home’s doors and leave your doors open or unlocked so that anyone who wishes may enter your home and share its comfort and benefits. anything less is hypocritical.

  3. Waokanaka says:

    Judge Watson looks like he’s currying favor with President Trump in an effort to garner job security !! Nothing like ignoring the Constitution to suck up to your boss !!! Shame on you, Judge Watson, Hawaii deserves better than YOU !!

    • GONEGOLFIN says:

      Why is it people do not understand that Trump is “Following” the constitution by securing our boarders and making it safe for the people within our country that actually have Constitutional rights unlike those from foreign countries.
      I’m sorry, but I have yet to see where people from the middle east have the United States of America’s constitutional rights. Please advise.

    • Recce says:

      @Waokanaka — Last time I checked, federal judges have a lifetime appointment. Maybe you should read the Constitution yourself before accusing others of ignoring it! Shame on you, Waokanaka!

  4. dontbelieveinmyths says:

    All the crying liberals are cheering, until we get victimized by a terrorist act perpetrated by a middle easterner. Then what?

  5. Bumby says:

    99% of the articles about our president is negative. No information on any positive things he has started to put in place. Or should we say a positive spin instead of a negative spin.

    Tired hearing the negative spin on him. Half the country voted for him but no the mainstream media spins that two that he lost the popular vote by 2-3 million. What about covering and investigating those illegal voters who is supposedly dead or not citizens of the U.S., and those that voted twice under the same name that was orchestrated by the democrats.

    American citizens wake up they are covering things to create anger, hatred, racism, etc. Can you not see what the globalist and their puppets are doing. Are they trying to create civil unjust and divide this country.

    • Keonigohan says:

      Libs believe FAKEnews to be true….SAD.

      • NITRO08 says:

        The only fake news is coming from you and your fake president. Excuse me our fake president.

      • Pocho says:

        ^^^ LIke they say you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink. lol

      • roughrider says:

        Kellyanne Conway to Jake Tapper: “I don’t think CNN is fake news.” OUCH! Wait till our “so-called president” hears this one.

        If someone truly believes “99 percent” of the stories on Trump are negative. Well, there’s no one to blame but the “so-called president.” He makes such outlandish (and false or misinformed) statements and tweets every day. They’re hard to ignore.

        • Keonigohan says:

          @ roughrider
          here’s good advice…

          Dinesh D’Souza
          “My definition of #fakenews –news that tells you less about what’s actually going on & more about the ideological source generating it”

        • roughrider says:

          @Keonigohan. Thanks. I can actually see his point, but is this the same Dinesh D’Souza we’re speaking about?

          Dinesh D’Souza isn’t just a convicted felon and adulterer. The filmmaker, right-wing pundit, defender of Donald Trump’s right to access beauty pageant contestants’ dressing rooms, and world’s most racist amateur comedian …

        • Keonigohan says:

          @ roughrider
          Yes that’s him..who is more honorable than BO.

    • koae says:

      Trump said he was going to investigate the illegal voters who were suppose to be dead or not citizens of the US. What’s he waiting for? Tell him to prove there were illegal voters. The accusers should prove their claim.

      • Pocho says:

        Trump has put Pence in charge to look into his claims. Honestly it’s already been written some dead still been voting, don’t ask me how though. lol. I believe the dead and illegal aliens have also voted, but let me say this I don’t believe it’s in the millions and being that said it’s only “my belief” till it’s been proven how many did vote.

        • Pocho says:

          I’ll go on further to say even if you don’t think it doesn’t matter in that one illegal vote(of the dead or illegal alien) is ONE to many! The Democrats/Libertards been whining that the Russians has or at least tried to sway our US elections but Looky here who’s illegally voting in our elections! Like people say to go out and make your vote count, they urge you to vote as every vote count! but don’t really care of the illegal votes in our Election. That’s Double Talk, right there, Politicking! Well, you want everyone to believe every vote counts but they all not wanting to tell you a illegal vote does matter! CRAZY! double talkin Fools!

        • paniolo says:

          Did Pence tell the POTUS that ABC Nightly News reported that Trump’s daughter, Tiffany Trump registered to vote in New York and Pennsylvania; son-in-law Jared Kushner in New York and New Jersey; WH Strategist Steve Bannon in New York and Florida; and Press Secretary Sean Spicer in Rhode Island and Virginia? And Trump talks about voter fraud and rigged election. Oh yeah, must be “alternative facts.”

        • GONEGOLFIN says:

          Paniolo, It is not illegal to be registered in multiple states> It IS illegal to VOTE in multiple states.

        • Pocho says:

          Guess it’s happening! You see TheDonald or daughter denying what happened? It’s problem a case where Donald’s daughter proved to him and his Crew that illegal voting happens and needs to be addressed in the 21st Century and all of it’s electronics.

        • Keonigohan says:

          @ GONEGOLFIN
          Yes it is amazing! (In ref to paniolo)

      • Keonigohan says:

        @ koae
        start here:
        Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds – Washington Times:

        Hillary Campaign Enlists Illegals to Garner Votes http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/hillary-clinton-illegal-aliens-enlist/2016/08/15/id/743707/

  6. Surfer_Dude says:

    Now we might get more rail $$$$ from the feds.

  7. Waterman2 says:

    How these Government people waste time , nothing better to do ? Chin ? What exactly did you accomplish that wasn’t already done ? And how much did it cost the taxpayers in your time and the courts ?

    A flaming example of how the Prog Frogs will get nothing done this next 8 years…………just so busy trying to disrupt what the American Public voted for. Sick. Perhaps they should all just take a vacation .

    • saveparadise says:

      Amounts to grandstanding. Maybe he is looking to make a run as a politician. They want to make every move the POTUS initiates as a wrong turn and put themselves in the politically correct spotlight.

  8. dtpro1 says:

    Sounds like a sensible ruling to me. How is Hawaii truly affected by a TEMPORARY ban from the most militant middle east countries? Seems like our AG is wasting time and tax payer resources…what has his office done to help correct the great problems of our State? Oh thats right he defended our inefficient and ineffective DOE when the Ewa State Representative was trying to get the very basics done for Campbell High School.

    • pohaku96744 says:

      Yes, this guy does not know how to choose his legal battles. I don’t see any Muslim Filipinos or other South East Asian Muslims being stopped at HNL. I work at the airport right next door to CPB deportation unit. Only time I see them at departure gates, deporting criminals, real criminals

      • pohaku96744 says:

        Organized crime figures, child molesters, human trafficking, idiots that cause problems on international flights….. not muslims. They don’t even bother to check the fishermen, the one’s that are Pakistanis or Malaysian traveling with Fijian Passports. Same guys confined to boats at Honolulu Harbour.

      • nalogirl says:

        ….or a loss on tourism. Doesn’t he know that last year we had a record number of visitors?

  9. Oahuan says:

    Finally a sane decision. Hawaii got the wackiest people on earth. Pound sand libtards!!

  10. saveparadise says:

    What a show! I love this entertainment. Political correctness is no longer a guarantee to win votes. The look on the faces of the establishment is priceless.

  11. Pocho says:

    Could you imagine them signs being held up high at Hawaii’s State Capitol on 9-11? Yikes!

  12. coyote says:

    What President Trump did is legal and has been done in
    the past by Presidents; Carter did it with Iranians students,
    kicked them out. Again in 1952 by democrats again; then in 1928.

  13. SanPablo says:

    bum bai dey learn—so all the bleeding hearts want to open up the inflow gates — just wait till the 1st incident–DT is so smart–tried his plan>>>got the liberals nutz>>>got his plan halted for now>>>just wait till something happens—who is to blame then??? all those–and the news and internet has the individuals and persons specifically that were/ are the loudest voices. They think they are helping preserve the Am Way???? they just made US more vulnerable…bum bai dey learn

    • Pocho says:

      I will say when we have another Migrant from the Mideast do harm in the US the Libertards/Democrats will beat their chests chanting TheDonald migrant policies made them do it! Garrans, you can take that to the bank. “smh”

  14. Tahitigirl55 says:

    I agree with Trump. Look what happened here in the island after the 9/11. He is doing what he said he was going to do. The people that are protesting should get a grip on life. Don’t they realize that is why you can not park at the airport and when going to another island the check points are so long. Get with the program all of you uneducationed people. Listen to Trump, I’m sure he will do a good job. Maybe not for everyone but for some of us.

  15. SanPablo says:

    wait till the 1st incident folks–may not be tomorrow or a week from now–but when it happens–because those people want to do us in–what do think is going to happen? my concern is not to me or my family being affected– anywhere but HI. what do you think will be said then? what are all the celebrities + sports radicals + SNL comedians + politicians say???? i think DT will say “told you so, tried to do something about it–the blxxd is on your hands and heads” of course DT will respond but only after…

  16. NahokuIIwebguy says:

    Finally, a Judge with some common sense.

    • goinglobal says:

      Judge works with refugees and declared Black Lives Matter in open court…. Dont care if he was appointed by a Republican or not he was hand picked to hear this case…

  17. saywhatyouthink says:

    The Judge’s order will be overturned. It’s not for a federal judge to decide who can or cannot immigrate to the US. That power resides with the President and congress.

  18. davcon says:

    Where is the great Legal Mind Klastri, probably climbed back into his/her safe zone.

    The Trump Train can not be de-railed so either get on board or get your useless Democratic Left Wing Radical A@#$S out of the way.

    Doug Chin should do something that would make more of a difference and look into the corruption of the Hawaii Government.

  19. goinglobal says:

    Gee Hawaii asks President Trump for a waiver of his federal hiring freeze and the same day the States Attorney files a lawsuit against him… Can you say STUPID

  20. Amosilatus says:

    The ban may harm families and tourism, but that’s not the point. The point is: Is it constitutional? Is it a ban of a particular religion?

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