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Wednesday, January 15, 2025 72° Today's Paper

Breaking News

Hawaii sues Trump over immigration ban


State Attorney General Doug Chin, seen here in a July 2015 photo, today announced that the state of Hawaii has filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump over his ban on immigrants from seven majority-Muslim nations.

The state of Hawaii is suing President Donald Trump over his executive order temporarily banning immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries and suspending the admission of all refugees to the United States, Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin announced today during a news conference.

“We did so for one simple reason: everyone in the United States, including the president, must follow the law and follow the Constitution,” said Chin. “The executive order that President Trump issued last Friday keeps Hawaii families apart, it blocks Hawaii residents from traveling, it harms Hawaii’s tourism industry, it establishes a religion in Hawaii in violation of the Constitution, it blocks Hawaii businesses and universities from hiring as they see fit. Most importantly, it degrades the values that Hawaii has worked so hard to protect.”

The lawsuit was filed this morning in Hawaii federal court.

Trump’s order banned immigration for 90 days from seven majority-Muslim countries: Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The admission of Syrian refugees was indefinitely suspended, while the admission of all other refugees was suspended for 120 days.

Washington and Minnesota have also filed lawsuits over the executive order, while a number of other states have joined in a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union.

199 responses to “Hawaii sues Trump over immigration ban”

  1. creative721 says:

    Well I guess Hawaii can kiss the rest of the rail funding from the Federal Government goodbye. Trump is a pretty vindictive guy, so I can see him directing his new Secretary of Transportation to block any further federal funding for the rail system. Heck, he may even ask for the money we already spent back.

    • pohaku96744 says:

      Reduce UH Federal Grants, reduce Defense Presence in Hawaii, Highway funding, airport funding…….Rail wasn’t even on the top 50 major projects reviewed by the present administration. Defense reduction would be very interesting. Went on “Boss-Lift” in 2003. One of the selling points of Hawaii getting the C-17s, 25th Infantry was going light with Strikers. Remove strikers and send them to Fort Lewis, reduce C17 wing, assign the McCord.

    • Ronin006 says:

      Creative721, you must have been sleeping for the past year or more when the Obama administration told Honolulu city officials that it was withholding a billion or so dollars for rail construction and might demand repayment of several million dollars already paid to the City if it did not get its rail funding plan in order and complete the rail project all the way to Ala Moana Center in accordance with the Full Funding Grant Agreement between the Federal Government and the City of Honolulu.

      • jusris says:

        And your point is????

        • Ronin006 says:

          My point is that Creative721 is saying about what Trump might do is what the Obama administration already has said it would do.

      • GONEGOLFIN says:

        So what does that have to do with the previous comment. Yes, we all know what was said, but, that has nothing to do with the post.

      • Pocho says:

        hahahaha, The Libertards/Democrats already read TheDonald not mentioning anything of Hawaii’s TheRail on his infrastructure agenda. So what being that said the Libertards/Democrats have nothing to lose suing TheDonald. Plus you add in the Fed. hiring freeze which Pearl employs hundreds if not thousands here.

    • AlohaKakou says:

      None of the reasons given by AG Chin explain how Trump’s orders violate the law and are unconstitutional – looks like this a ‘lose money’ effort!

      • Vector says:

        AlohaKakou, AG Chin is not the only Attorney General who is suing the Trump Executive Order refugee ban as being unconstitutional. Many other Civil Rights Groups are suing for the same reason.

        • saywhatyouthink says:

          Where were these groups when Bush did exactly the same thing after 9/11? Not a peep from the ACLU when 3000 americans lost their lives and Bush suspended travel from all Muslim countries.
          I guess it’ll take another large scale attack on America that kills hundreds or thousands before the protesters realize the constitution was never meant to protect the rights of non-citizens to enter the country.

      • bsdetection says:

        In a ruling with nationwide impact, a Federal judge in Washington (a George W., Bush appointee) just halted Trump’s immigration order. All of the reasons that Chin stated give Hawaii standing to sue over the unconstitutional nature of Trump’s ban.

        • Ronin006 says:

          I predict the TEMPORARY restraining order issued by Judge Robart will be very temporary and will be overturned upon appeal by the Trump administration.

        • pohaku96744 says:

          Ronin006, you are right. Stay applies to visas already issued. CPB personnel are posted in U.S. Embassies overseas and do the vetting. Deny in foreign countries, no visa, no airplane ticket, no entry, no business for lawyer here in U. S.

        • pohaku96744 says:

          On that same note, lots of U. S. carriers are beefing up their internal security. That security includes overseas where carrier flys to. Guys applying for these jobs, retired CPB and ICE agents. Airlines happy to hire, they know federal requirements, have contacts at embassys, don’t need benefits, come to work, and understand how Global traveller and Pre-check
          Work. Biggest benefit for airlines, keep rubbish off planes BEFORE they get here. Biggest benefit for retired agent, gets to fly free where ever carrier flys.

      • Pacificsports says:

        Get used to it, lawyers are going to make a lot of money suing the Trump administration.

    • allie says:

      Trump is indeed vindictive but Hana boo boo wills ave us!

      • atilter says:

        true snowflake – don’t forget – we now have a Republican congress. you somehow think that hanabooboo is a “superwoman”. and whatever happens to the rail is in reality due to its history of mismanagement, greed, and graft by the you-know-who’s….yup the party of the people that are pushing the suit through. we have just shot off the final toe in our feet!!

        • Boots says:

          We shall see how long it lasts. Not even 2 weeks and already 40% want the Donald impeached. Where are the jobs?

        • Vector says:

          Trump needs Hawaii if he intends to build up the military and make America Great and Strong again. We are the buffer between the US and North Korea and China, if they ever attacked the US. Trump would have to think hard about cutting off funds to Hawaii.

        • sarge22 says:

          Lawyer jobs at the airports. Part time that don’t qualify foe Obamacare.

        • lwandcah says:

          Vector, that may have been true in the old days, but with ballistic long range missiles what they are today, we can just sit back and watch them fly over our heads.

        • cwo4usn says:

          Yo BOOTIE (Boots), we want you impeached.

    • inlanikai says:

      “it blocks Hawaii residents from traveling”. If the “resident” is a permanent resident with a green card then they are free to travel. I guess he didn’t read the news. More drama from the uninformed, or intentional lies. You be the judge.

      And, yes, the FTA funding will be history. Sharpen your pencil, Mr. Mayor. Gotta find another $ billion.

    • Vector says:

      The Attorney General of Washington State sued the Federal Government, and now a Federal judge in Washington has halted nationwide, Trump’s Executive Order banning refugees. Hooray for upholding our US Constitution, liberty, tolerance, and the welcoming of immigrants into this country.

    • Vector says:

      The nationwide halting of Trump’s refugee travel ban by the Washington State Federal Judge, shows that Trump cannot proceed to write Executive Orders that are inherently Un-Constitutional without an intense and strong push back from the Judiciary of our country. We can expect the same, Judicial scrutiny and repeal of his other Executive Orders.

    • Vector says:

      Trump could care less about Hawaii. He hardly ever leaves the East coast, has no interest in the west coast, and shows more interest in dealing with Russia, than Japan, South Korea, China and Southeast Asia. He has always lived in New York, high up in his luxurious, air conditioned Trump Tower, insulated, cocooned, and isolated from the world below and outside his business empire.

    • Bumby says:

      Why don’t the AG of all states start suing those politicians that allows the Federal Reserve to print money from thin air (cyber space)and then charge the U.S. Government interest on that so called money.

      We the American people are being used by those in power. Increasing the debt which is stated to be 20 trillion and always telling the people if we don’t have the Federal Reserve print this money and lend it to the U.S. Government, this government will shut down.

      Thus by doing so every man, woman and child is on the hook for $65,000 each for the debt which is collected by the IRS.

      By the way the Federal Reserve is not owned or a part of the U.S. Government. It is a private conglomerate made up of a few corporations and wealthy families. The American people need to start becoming aware that we are the puppets. Whomever is in power will they do things for the people of this country. Is Trump doing things for us Americans? The verdict is still out.

      • fiveo says:

        Absolutely correct Bumby. Most Americans have no idea that the “Federal Reserve” is no more part of the Federal Government than is
        Federal Express. Its imposition on the American people is the greatest swindle the world has seen and was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson
        after a group of rich bankers, industrialists, and politicians held a secret meeting at Jekyll Island and drafted a bill passed in Congress during the
        Christmas holiday and then signed by President Wilson.
        The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank which is owned mostly by Europeans and the Rothschild Family who pretty much are the real power that
        runs most ofl the world with their control of the world’s central banks and most of all of the media and news organizations.
        If you do not believe me, I challenge you to find the Federal Reserve in the section of the telephone directory for the Federal government or I invite you to
        do your own research via the internet. Although there are many books written on this subject, one of the best is the book, The Creature from Jekyll Island
        by G. Edward Griffin. Read the book, and do your own research and wake up.

    • cwo4usn says:

      The only vindictive people out there now are the liberal loonies. Guess Gov Ige got the phone call from Obama telling him to sue. Someone needs to take the phone away from Obama. Dems and liberals will fight anything Trump does. Vindictive to the max. Obama never enforced our immigration laws.

      • Vector says:

        cwo, the Constitution is the law of the land, and No man, not even President Trump is above the law.

        • atilter says:

          neither is (was) the O-boy! but he surely acted like it! so what’s the diff…? none – except for the fact that O is out and T is in, and O misses the power!

        • Ronin006 says:

          Yes, Vector, the Constitution is the Law of the Land, so now please tell me and other readers exactly what provisions of the Constitution the Executive Order violates.

        • Carang_da_buggahz says:

          It was “The Law of the Land” whenever it suited obama and Holder’s purpose. Then they conveniently looked the other when it didn’t. Short memory you have. Typical Liberal pontificating.

    • Carang_da_buggahz says:

      Trump a vindictive guy? Where the hell were you when obama was running roughshod over those of us who disagreed with him for 8 long years? Oh, yeah. That was “different”, eh? Selective outrage conveniently serves your purpose.

  2. MamaKin says:

    Reallly? That’s what this State has reduced itself to. Suing the President and the country he represents. Isn’t that kind of like suing every American citizen? Oh yea, Hawaii’s people are sovergn Hawaiians and not part of the USA. Right?

    • Allaha says:

      What fools! Our roads are clogged with cars stealing our valuable time, our housing is bid up higher daily, finding parking is getting harder, longer lines at shops everwhere, beaches overcrowded, the rail monster is growing – all this because population growth fueled by immigration which sucks the good life away. I cannot believe there are pro-immigration fools that want everything more crowded. To top that with the hostile culture of Muslims – yeah on the outside they act smiling, but they dislike our culture and they only come here for the money. They don’t like to “flee” to Muslim countries no! no! they travel thru many safe countries to pollute us!

    • localguy says:

      State Attorney General Doug Chin can’t find any real work to do in the Nei, as in doing his job.

      So he decides to try something different to save his failing career. And when the state loses and is assessed with all the legal fees? Not to worry, Doug will just cut the Feds a check to pay the bills.

      Just another day in the little, backwater, obtuse, banana republic of Hawaii Nei.

    • Vector says:

      MamaKin, This country is a nation of laws, and the law of the land is the US Constitution, not the Bible, not the Torah, not the Koran, or any other religious scripture. Trump’s Executive Orders are being challenged as being Un-Constitutional. If Trump is issuing Un-Constitutional Executive Orders, he is breaking and undermining Constitutional laws. No President, no man, no group, no religion is above the law of the land, The Constitution.

    • sewing4u says:

      Yeah, so beat it and tell ur friends.

  3. Txpyer says:

    We got your point Mr. Chin but could you apply the same energy and effort for our Kama’aina’s and especially our Kanaka’s first?

  4. tikiguy13 says:

    The honorable Doug Chin should proceed cautiously when speaking for everyone’s “values” in Hawai’i. Ohana is a value in Hawai’i, and the Federal government doing their job to ensure the mutual safety and protection of all 50 state’s Ohana by doing a review of current policy, temporary halt and vetting of people coming to our country from places that have sworn to kill us is doing exactly what they should, and protecting what I value the most in Hawai’i… my Ohana. It’s your choice to misrepresent and detract from the true intentions of the President, but your misdirection’s do not by default become “fact” of a pseudo-reality made up by the Left. I value Ohana the most here in Hawai’i, and the federal government has a sworn duty to ensure our immigration policy protects the citizens of all 50 states from potential threats and peril. It’s the President’s sworn duty. His actions are temporary and part of the Plan-Do-Check-Act process in Quality. Once the immigration policy is verified functioning to keep my Ohana as safe as possible, we will return to open legal and lawful immigration. If we didn’t have 9/11, Ft. Hood, Orlando, et. al. in our history, you might have a leg to stand on; that state the President’s actions are “overkill”, but sir, your actions to sue the President are placing me and my Ohana in greater danger. That’s not a value I stand for. Your accusations of the impact are hyper-exaggerated to fit an ideology. We can discuss how both me and my family have been inconvenienced by the policies now in effect because of the enemies actions.

    *Unencumbered, free-will, open immigration from country’s at war with us is not a Constitutional Right, and the Statue of Liberty is not the Statue of “Immigration Policy.”

    • allie says:

      Hyper vetting was already in place under both Bush and Obama hon…

    • deepdiver311 says:

      aloha tikiguy
      you are a patriot!

    • Vector says:

      There have not been any terrorist incidents in US since 911 by Muslim refugees coming into this country. There have been hundreds of terrorist murders and violence by White Supremacist, White Nationalist, Klu Klux Klan, Neo-Nazi, Alt-Right people.

      • saveparadise says:

        Are you encouraging another 911? Ask yourself why there has not been another 911 or World Trade Center bombing.

      • Cricket_Amos says:

        Not to mention gang related terrorism,, and alt left attacks during demonstrations against the police.

      • Polynikes says:

        There have been a number of terrorist incidents since 2011 by Muslim refugees and/or persons linked with Muslim refugees. For instance:

        Little Rock, Arkansas, June 1, 2009. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot and murdered one soldier, Army Pvt. William Andrew Long, and injured another, Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula, at a military recruiting station in Little Rock. Muhammad reportedly converted to Islam in college and was on the FBI’s radar after being arrested in Yemen–a hotbed of radical Islamic terrorism–for using a Somali passport, even though he was a U.S. citizen. In a note to an Arkansas judge, Muhammad claimed to be a member of al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula, the terror group’s Yemen chapter.

        Fort Hood, Texas, November 5, 2009. Major Nidal Malik Hasan shot up a military base in Fort Hood and murdered 14 people. Hasan was in contact with al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack and shouted “Allahu Akbar!” as he fired upon the soldiers on the Fort Hood base. After being sentenced to death, Hasan requested to join ISIS while on death row. It took six years for Obama to acknowledge the shooting as a terror attack instead of “workplace violence.”

        Boston, Massachusetts, April 15, 2013. Tamerlan and Dhozkar Tsarnaev set off two bombs at the 2013 Boston marathon, killing three and injuring over 260 people. The Tsarnaev brothers later shot and murdered Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer Sean Collier. The Tsarnaev brothers were self-radicalized through online jihadist propaganda and through a mosque with ties to al-Qaeda.

        Moore, Oklahoma, September 24, 2014. Alton Nolen beheaded a woman, Colleen Huff, at a Vaughan Foods plant and stabbed and injured another person. While Nolen’s motives are unclear, he appears to have been another radicalized Muslim who was obsessed with beheadings.

        Queens, New York, October 23, 2014. Zale Thompson, another self-radicalized Muslim, injured two police officers with a hatchet before being shot dead by other cops. Thompson reportedly indoctrinated himself with ISIS, al-Qaeda and al-Shabab–a Somali jihadist terror group–websites and was a lone wolf attacker.

        Brooklyn, New York, December 20, 2014. Ismaayil Brinsley shot and murdered two police officers execution-style and his Facebook page featured jihadist postings and had ties to a terror-linked mosque.

        Garland, Texas, May 3, 2015. Two gunmen shot up the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, where a Mohammed cartoon contest was taking place, and were killed by a police officer. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

        Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 16, 2015. Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez shot and killed four Marines and a sailor at a military base in Chattanooga and was believed to have been inspired by ISIS.

        San Bernardino, California, December 14, 2015. Two radical Islamists, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, shot and murdered 14 people and injured 22 others at an office holiday party.

    • NP5491 says:

      tikiguy13> Excellent post. Your thinking is similar to how I feel. Why do we rush to allow “muslims” into our country when we know that they basically hate us and our way of life. They CALL US INFIDELS/NON-BELIEVERS and have declared a jihad against all non-muslims people (that’s us). I met some muslims military types at the CSGSC back in 1981, An Egyptian colonel in my section was doing a study on the art of terrorism, interesting, yes? Needless to say he had to left the US when Anwar Sadat was assassinated. But my understanding of the constitution, is that non-citizens do not have equal rights like the rights we have. So what is this federal judge thinking? I guess he is under extreme political pressure to do this. What a coward he is, our rights to refugees and immigrants. I say close all the borders. Let them suffer, who cares only th dummy liberals. Are they beoming the new breed of terrorists in the US? Looks like it…….

  5. Lana888 says:

    Proud of Hawai’i for standing up for our values.

  6. iwanaknow says:

    How about if the USA Military built the Wall along The border?………work experience for them and no high priced Unions……or hire former prisoners, homeless, or drug users or chain gangs as day labors?

  7. desertpup says:

    wow – great use of state resources given its inability to reconcile its disastrously over budget state pension plan and rail – how many hawaii families are really affected by this temporary order to allow for better vetting? completely absurd priorities by the state AG – i’ve seen the state do some really stupid things over the years, but this takes the cake.

  8. hokumakakilo says:

    Chin needs to be fired if he doesn’t know the eexecutive order is not unconstitutional . So why didn’t we sue when Obama Clinton and Carter also did temporary bans of travel against some Muslim countries ? This is political grandstanding and taxpayer money should not be used.

    • raphaeldag says:

      The post is false. It repeats a factual error made by Kellyanne Conway on Fox. At one point, the Obama administration tightened the requirements for applications. But travel was not stopped or banned, and people were continuously allowed in. There was never a ban under the Obama administration.

    • saywhatyouthink says:

      It’s not the policy the ACLU and democrats are protesting, it’s Trump himself.
      The fact that other US Presidents have taken the same action against muslim immigration in the past without any dissent at all is proof.
      If Trump were more politically correct and chose his words more carefully, there probably would be no protests. On the other hand, he probably wouldn’t be the President now either.

  9. Marauders_1959 says:

    I can see Trump shaking in his boots.
    WOW… heavily democratic Hawaii rattling its imaginary sword.

    No Federal funds for you !!!
    Instead… of deporting muslim terrorists…
    send them to Hawaii with the stipulation he can’t return to the mainland,

  10. mijoeca says:

    Must be a slow day in the AG’s office.

  11. lokela says:

    Chin is looking for money that our government wasted. How is it that he says the ban hurts tourism. I really can’t see refugees helping our tourism. I do however see more homelessness.

  12. Keonigohan says:

    Hawaii…Make A

  13. kiragirl says:

    If I am not mistaken, the Executive Order did not state MUSLIM countries so why did this article? These seven countries were already on the “watch” list from the Obama administration.

    • jusris says:

      Why were they on the watch list???

      • kiragirl says:

        Ask Obama.

        • jusris says:

          But you claim to know, that’s why I am asking

        • jusris says:

          And if Obama is So Bad then why didn’t Trump do his own homework and select his own countries??? How was he forced to use Obamas countries??? So Trumpers are actually cheering for Obama for selecting those 7 countries, it seems that Obama is the one protecting America…#MAGA

        • atilter says:

          if you have to ask, you are not as knowledgeable as you would like to think you are! your obvious handicaps of being both blind and deaf makes you incapable of understanding this that suit might be a very bad thing for the state. if there is a pill to fix stupid, you would be fine….but…..!

        • saveparadise says:

          Ok, cheers for Obi for pointing out the most dangerous countries. Pointing the finger really protects America.

        • jusris says:

          IRT atilter: So you don’t know either, okay don’t feel embarrassed…#MAGA

      • DPK says:

        They were on the watch list because they don’t have functioning governments that can truly vet refugees or potential immigrants. These were identified by the Obama administration and that’s why we need more thorough background checks. Is a 3 month suspension worth one American life? Ask France.

        • jusris says:

          I see, are these the ONLY countries with non-functioning governments??? If not, are we doing the same to those other countries and if not, why were only these 7 countries chosen???

        • saywhatyouthink says:

          There actually should be many more countries on that list but our government sees fit to call a lot of them allies even though most of their people want America to burn.
          Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, UAE, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Libya, Lebanon and Turkey just to name a few of the worse ones. Until these countries are blocked, America will remain at risk of being infiltrated by more enemies

  14. Speakup says:

    Good for him! Everyone, Democrat or Republican needs to take a stand against Trump! We are NOT an autocracy!

  15. Junkflyer says:

    More tax dollars going to waste.

  16. WestSideTory says:

    Please show me one Hawaii Family that was effected by President Trump enforcing the law and putting a hold on refugees until we can assure that none mean to do us harm.
    Hey AG I have a bowl of M&Ms for you, but one of them may be laced with poison, would you still eat them?

  17. dtpro1 says:

    Some questions…is the suit based upon the AG’s opinion or is he acting on the orders of the Gov and legislature? If so where was the open debate before doing this? It would seem that the AG has unnecessarily extended himself into controversial national issues using tax payer resources without a clear mandate. How about doing something here at home? Oh that’s right he squashed a State Reps. lawsuit over Campbell High School, defending our inefficient and ineffective DOE. The Ige administration continues to underperform and disappoint.

  18. willman says:

    What law firm will the Attorney Generals office hire to handle this law suit. It has been quite obvious that the state has no trust in its own attorneys
    to handle big cases so the tax payer foots the costs. I guess that Ige still want to settle Syrian refugees in Hawaii. True will limit Federal funding to Hawaii
    and allocate no money to the rail. Perhaps with state and county money only the rail may be able to reach Aloha Stadium. Hawaii values, give me a break !

    • inlanikai says:

      “What law firm will the Attorney Generals office hire to handle this law suit.”

      Someone who contributed heavily to the governor’s re-election campaign.

  19. akkman says:

    I didn’t vote for Trump, no am I a fan of all of his initiatives, but I don’t think that this is a wise move on Chin or Hawaii’s part. Not a good move…

  20. kailuanokaoi says:

    So did Hawaii ask him to do this for us? Where was the vetting to proceed with this or does he not have to do this. My apology that I don’t understand the political protocol, but this seems like a big and costly decision for our tax dollars.

  21. Allaha says:

    The law the law! Dah! Where was State Attorney General Doug Chin upholding the law when tens of Millions illegal immigrants broke the law and invaded us? Hiding in his mousehole instead of suing Obama.

  22. Lindall says:

    Thank you AG. Trump needs to realize that he is not “THE KING”. We the people are his boss and if we do not stand up for our rights who else will? Don’t let this irrational person run all over us. Counting down the days till he is gone.

    • 64hoo says:

      and the boss people 2/3rds of the American people support trump on this so the people have spoken and he carried it out. better do your studying before you make a dumb comment.

      • Kuihao says:

        2/3 of American people support Trump? Talk about alternative facts. Talk about a dumb comment.

        • dragoninwater says:

          I don’t think you know what an legal and legitimate American is. LOL
          I can show you that the only opposition to Trump are countless illegals and their anchor babies which are basically illegitimate US Citizens.

        • 64hoo says:

          lolo read again my comments I said 2/3 of the American people support trump on this, which means illegal immigration problem not the whole population on how they like trump, latest poll 57% like trump not 2/3rds, that is different than the illegal immigration problem.

      • Lindall says:

        64hoo Attorney Generals across the nation are suing trump. Is that a hint to you that maybe, just maybe he might be doing something wrong?

  23. wn says:

    “The executive order that President Trump issued last Friday keeps Hawaii families apart, it blocks Hawaii residents from traveling, it harms Hawaii’s tourism industry, it establishes a religion in Hawaii in violation of the Constitution, it blocks Hawaii businesses and universities from hiring as they see fit. Most importantly, it degrades the values that Hawaii has worked so hard to protect.” Please read his quote carefully. Rhetoric sounds good, however, in my opinion, borderline hysteria. I hope that, I(we), as individuals can file to opt out of being a party to this lawsuit.

  24. bluhawaii74 says:

    Impeach Chin.

  25. fiveo says:

    Very sad to see the Ige Administration wasting time and effort on this silly lawsuit. I guess it is pretty clear that the Democrats here have drunk the Obama Kool-aid
    and support the globalist agenda of flooding our country with the dregs of the Third World so it will balkanize our country and bring in chaos and disorder causing the people will beg for
    the government to act. Very clearly this is the Hegelian Dialect strategy at work. You know, create the problem, then offer the solution
    Unfortunately most here are in a trance and have no idea of what our ruling political elite are doing to them.

  26. dragoninwater says:

    He’s out to completely destroy Hawaii! Trust me, his actions will but a big bulls eye for Trump to whack away at us! What a traitor the the US, if anything, Chin should be sent to Guantanamo for treason against the federal government.

  27. 64hoo says:

    chin you are so full of it get klastri on your side than you really will be a lot full of it. it did not break any constitution stop crying, don’t want illegals in this country.

  28. FELINE says:

    Hawaii takes it on the Chin ….AGAIN!!

  29. yobo says:

    Who will win this tug-of-war ? Chin or Sessions ? I’m betting on Sessions.

  30. nalogirl says:

    Hawaii has the stupidest lawyers in government. This is not the first time bans on travel were made by other Presidents, and it us temporary! These people act like its forever. Our military are separated from their families fir a lot longer than immigrants.

  31. EastsideHomies says:

    That’s one way to end the Rail mess.
    Give the AG a cigar!

    • inlanikai says:

      Yep, let the Feds starve the (Rail) beast. Can’t wait to see the Mayor come back to the well for another billion dollars or more on top of everything else.

  32. biggerdog says:

    Establishes a religion? How is that?

  33. Bdpapa says:

    I really think the State should have taken a wait and see approach. Let the big dogs fight this one.

  34. WizardOfMoa says:

    If Mr. Chin will finance this suit with his own personal funds, by all means go for it. Otherwise, please give the 90 days ban a chance or if it’s not to your likings the doors are open for anyone interested to leave ! Never heard of this guy until now…another wannabe for national recognition?

  35. Oahuan says:

    <<>> So the state is seriously wanting to invite people from the seven Islamic countries known to produce terrorist? Get this jokers out of office!!!

  36. deepdiver311 says:

    where was the aclu during the berkely riots yesterday?
    oh they only support the rioting liberals
    what about all rights?
    i hope president defund the aclu
    auwe as wy hod!

  37. deepdiver311 says:

    i hope they relocate some of these muslims next to this pake boys house

  38. NanakuliBoss says:

    Lol, we don’t take kaka from the orange otangatang. Sue um. One of trumpfs weapons, sue. We got the big balla.

  39. kvlogic says:

    Check me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the United States at one time ban travel to Cuba and not have “diplomatic relations” with Cuba? And how about North Korea, still? Why are the libs not all huhu about that? Similar, right?

  40. fasteddie says:

    When will SA post that Obama gave $9.2B of our tax payer money to the UN. One of those groups that got $300+M supported terroristic actions in Israel. Oh sorry, wrong news feed, SA is where I get my alternative news. More so just local sports news.

  41. Qbcoach15 says:

    The USA Wrestling team was just denied visas for competition in this month’s Freestyle World Championships in Iran.
    Anyone remember the the 1980 Olympics when the USA protested the Olympics in Russia? Athletes who had been training & dedicating their lives to compete were the ones who were hurt. Here we go again……
    Politics interfering with the sports world.


  42. keaukaha says:

    Breaking news. Federal judge halts Chumps travel ban nationwide.

    • Mana07 says:

      HA HA yeah we’ll see how long that lasts. Another liberal judge making law based off of “feelings” instead of enforcing the constitution. There is NOTHING illegal or unconstitutional about this. I am so glad you left wing psychos are slowly and painfully go through your last flailing moments in a hysterical attempt to shut down the truth. LOL!!

    • Mana07 says:

      Yeah. You’ll be so happy that the terrorism supporting countries are now free to import their terrorist.

  43. TheFarm says:

    Excellent work. Thank you!

  44. wiliki says:

    Good idea… American shouldn’t discriminate on the basis of religion.

    • Mana07 says:

      Have you even read the EO? It has nothing to do with religion! “Muslim-majority” is a left wing media created adjective. The correct adjective would be TERRORISM SUPPORTING!

  45. MoiLee says:

    Don’t be a F@@l Mr. Chin. Braaaahh ! What are you doing? Your suite along with many cities has no chance what so ever! One of the President’s Job is uphold the constitution and protect the American People from foreign and domestic threats. This is the oath he has to take to be the POTUS! . So I ask….How many lives do we need to lose before you see the light?
    You ,however are encouraging,advocating standing up to the rights of “Protecting” Muslim Citizens rights? Who threaten our way of life?

    Like Mr Khan,you don’t have that “Right” until you go thru the process of becoming a US Citizen! Refugee or NOT. You go thru the process like every body else!

    In the meantime chew on this__
    The Majority of American People are overwhelmingly behind President Trump on this one! (Maybe not our “Snow Flake Liberals”and The ACLU.) This is what he said he was going to do, during his campaign,and this is why he got elected! “How refreshing it is to finally have a President,who does what he says,he’s going to do”.Gov. Mike Huchabee

    Lastly I concur with the similar opines stating that Hawaii is shooting themselves in the FEET. In relation to all the jobs and MONEY that Hawaii desperately needs ? Did you get that part Doug? Yeah, Mr Chin keep shooting ourselves in the Feet ! It might sound cool to some ,but to do it repeatedly? Is just Plain Insane and doesn’t help us one bit!

    This is all political posturing folks! How many people do you actually know ,who are from Somalia, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, Syria,and Sudan…… Yeah that’s what I thought. You’re on the Wrong Side on this one Doug.

    • roughrider says:

      Depends on what polls you believe in, but the math I learned in the third grade tells me 47 percent is not a majority.

      • NP5491 says:

        sewing4u> And what’s your pointless opinion. Don’t belittle the military, we have fought countless wars and battles to preserve the rights and privileges you have. Cherish them for many in this world do not have the same. Your blood and our blood is all the same, and that is, since you may have forgotten is American. Point your finger where it should point to the left and crybaby people that can’t get over the fact that the election is over with. There is a new POTUS Donald J. Trump. Get it! If you don’t or haven’t come to the reality of what is now, then you may be beyond help. God bless you and hope you know when to quit acting like a jerk. You can’t win all the time. I know from past elections.

  46. islandsun says:

    Immigration attorneys making a killing off this issue. Its bound for the courts anyway. Reform is long overdue.

    • wn says:

      I believe you may have uncovered the reason for filing this well thought out lawsuit…generating income for his associates…the elites (cliques) are coming out to woodwork! 🙂

  47. saveparadise says:

    Only in America can you file suit against the POTUS for trying to protect us but not a terrorist that has killed an American.

  48. localaunty says:

    I suppose everyone is ok with Hawaii turning into a Muslim haven like Paris, where there are “no go” zones, and the streets are blocked because they are in the streets praying. Women are leered at because there head is uncovered.

  49. roughrider says:

    Customs/Borders reportedly telling airlines the 60,000 visas will be reinstated. The smoke reportedly seen circling above Mar Largo is said to be coming from Trump’s ears. So much for the POTUS’ quiet weekend.

  50. bleedgreen says:

    I do not support this.

  51. reader503 says:

    In case someone hasn’t already posted it (there are nearly 150 comments so far), the AG’s lengthy news release has full details:

  52. HawaiiMillers says:

    The only lawsuit here should be Deedy v. State of Hawaii for malicious prosecution.

  53. justmyview371 says:

    I doubt any of the ills identified by the AG are actual problems. Why didn’t you guys ever sue Obama who issued unconstitutional executive orders every other minute until he left.

  54. sailfish1 says:

    AG Chin doesn’t know what he is talking about. The Trump order is a temporary ban on immigration from 7 countries and temporary suspension of admission of refugees. It has nothing to do with keeping Hawaii families apart, preventing Hawaii residents from travelling, and keeping tourists away. Chin needs to concentrate on his job in Hawaii and keep away from things that are above his mentality.

    • fiveo says:

      He is just following orders or if not, he is not very informed or smart. But then, we have not had a lot of competent people in this office.
      Unfortunately those who are in this office are nothing but tools for whoever happens to be the governor. Under our current governor, this might
      explain everything

  55. OPGLAW says:

    This is the beautiful thing about the USA— checks and balances.. no man is above the law. Sorry Trump, your ego will have to take a back seat to the law.

  56. jimbone says:

    Well at least if there is a terrorist attack and your family member dies, you know who to sue.

  57. Ronin006 says:

    Chin said Trump’s executive order “establishes a religion in Hawaii in violation of the Constitution.” What religion did Trump establish?

  58. davcon says:

    McCarran-Walter Act
    Very Interesting. Gets more interesting every day, as the public acts outraged, solely due to their ignorance. This is worth passing on. This election is certainly sending us back to the history, constitution, and laws on and in our books.
    Donald Trump is right to ask, does anyone know of the McCarran Walter Act of 1952.
    It has been a law for almost 65 years, and would seem to indicate that many, if not all, of the people we elect to work for us in Washington DC do NOT have the slightest idea of what laws already exist in OUR country.

    After several terrorist incidents were carried out in the United States, Donald Trump was severely criticized for suggesting that the U.S. should limit or temporarily suspend the immigration of certain ethnic groups, nationalities, and even people of certain religions (Muslims). The criticisms condemned such a suggestion as, among other things, being Un-American, dumb, stupid, reckless, dangerous and racist. Congressmen and Senators swore that they would never allow such legislation, and our President called such a prohibition on immigration unconstitutional.

    Known as the McCarran-Walter Act, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 allows for the “Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the President, whenever the President finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. The President may, by proclamation, and for such a period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants or impose any restrictions on the entry of aliens he may deem to be appropriate.”

    And who do you suppose last utilized this process? Why it was President Jimmy Carter, no less than 37 years ago, in 1979, to keep Iranians out of the United States.
    But he actually did more. He made ALL Iranian students, already in the United States, check in with the government. And then he deported a bunch of them. Seven thousand were found in violation of their visas, and a total of 15,000 Iranians were forced to leave the USA in 1979.

    Additionally, it is important to note that the McCarran-Walter Act also requires that an “applicant for immigration must be of good moral character and in agreement with the principles of our Constitution.” Therefore, if it is true that the Quran evidently forbids Muslims to swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, then ALL Muslims possibly should be refused immigration to OUR country. (Not to mention that their religion requires them to kill anyone who refuses to convert to Islam, which is why so many Christians have been beheaded, and will be otherwise murdered by Muslims)

    Authenticated at: Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

  59. Tempmanoa says:

    AS noted the Washington State Attorney General who brought several law suits against Obama obtained a Temporary Restraining Order on implementation of Trump’s ban from a Federal Judge appointed by Bush. The judge used precedent in a case where Republcans successfully sued Obama as part of the basis for granting the order for the State of Washington.

  60. EveryDayMan says:

    I get the whole “we should fight this together” mentality and all, but really…out of the 7 countries being vetted, the entire state only has 4 refugees (from Iraq). And with a federal judge already blocking the Executive Order, can we now just drop this expensive taxpayers’ lawsuit. This isn’t ever relevant to us.

  61. duna6430 says:

    Mock outrage. Fake news. AG Chin spinning up something for a feather in his own cap rather than READING the executive order. Aloha AG – just lost my faith in you and I know now you’re just another seeking or wanting power.

  62. whoispang says:

    why don’t you good libs and dems take some of these poor refuges into your home and take care of them. That would be the right thing to do.

  63. Upperkula says:

    I am not part of this law suite, who the H3LL do they think they are saying HAWAII is suing Trump, nobody ask for our opinion’s before filing this suite, WHAT THE F0CK.

    • yobo says:

      True statement. Don’t you think the title should be changed to “Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin” sues the POTUS for Immigrant Ban.

      SA assumes that Chin is representative of all our viewpoints here in the state. Wrong.

      Actually it’s not a Ban. It’s ‘VETTING’. Keep America Safe.

  64. dex says:

    Hawaii wants to welcome refugees, illegal immigrants, and terrorists to our state. We are moving closer (if not already there) to doomsday in paradise.

  65. blackmurano says:

    The liberal Democraps has shown so much hate for our President Trump that they are suing his action for banning Muslim countries that has terrorist originated. An executive Presidental action to prevent ISIS or any other terrorist group from infiltrating as a good Muslim with no intention of harming our country.
    That action by the Liberal Democraps probably killed the requested fund assistance, through our congressional delegate to ask President Trump administration to help fund our cash-strapped rail.
    The Liberal Democrap hate for President Trump far exceed their need assistance to finish the rail with federal assistance.

  66. Carang_da_buggahz says:

    I truly wish these “do-gooders” would pursue Illegal Immigration with the same Zeal and Enthusiasm as they fight for the rights of “Muslims” to infiltrate our country, putting WE, the rightful citizens of this country, at risk. Hello? I pay my taxes for you to represent MY interests, NOT THEIRS.

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