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Portland Trump protesters burn flags; 1 shot in Seattle

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High school and college student protesters marking Inauguration Day demonstrated at Seattle Central College today in Seattle.

PORTLAND, Ore. >> Hundreds marched through Seattle and Olympia, Washington, Friday and a group in Portland burned several U.S. flags as activists protested the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

The flag-burning occurred on Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square, called “Portland’s living room” because it’s a popular hangout for all types of people.

On Friday afternoon, hundreds of anti-Trump protesters gathered there before the start of a march that was expected to draw thousands.

They included a small group of flag-burners, many of them masked and clad in black. At first they had trouble because of the rain, but using lighter fluid they torched at least half a dozen flags. An ember briefly fell on the jacket of one participant but the fire was quickly put out.

The crowd in Portland marched through downtown and Portland police said on Twitter officers had used pepper spray at times. Police also tweeted that some protesters were throwing ice balls and eggs at officers.

Later, police announced the protest had become unlawful after some were seen armed with clubs and sticks and were throwing unknown liquid at officers.

Police said protesters needed to disperse or they would be using “crowd-control agents.”

Portland police said officers arrested a man protesting Friday evening who was wanted in connection with a November protest-turned-riot. When Billy Ellison, 18, was arrested he had a torch, knife and gas mask, police said.

He was booked into jail on two counts of interfering with public transportation.

In Seattle, anti-Trump protesters marched to the University of Washington where far-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH’-poh-lihs) was speaking.

Yiannopoulos writes for right-wing Breitbart News and is known for leading a harassment campaign that resulted in a lifetime ban from Twitter.

The Seattle Fire Department tweeted a man was shot Friday night and was taken from campus to Harborview Medical Center. His injury could be life-threatening. No further details were given.

Earlier in Seattle, protesters from Capitol Hill and Central District neighborhoods streamed downtown for an afternoon immigrant and refugee rights rally. Carrying signs that said “Fight Racism & Sexism” and “Resist Trump,” people from the earlier rallies met at Westlake Park downtown Friday afternoon.

People rallied and listened to speeches before resuming a march Friday evening, blocking traffic in some downtown areas.

Seattle officers at the park had confiscated wooden poles, heavy pipes and hammers, Seattle police said on Twitter.

Police also said officers were investigating reports of people in the crowd with fireworks and rocks.

About 200 protesters gathered on the Capitol steps in Olympia, carrying signs that included “Resist Trump” and “Not My President.”

Later Olympia police reported that about 100 people marched through downtown, causing some traffic disruptions.

In Portland, there was a student walkout at Portland State University a couple of hours before the flag-burning.

Loren Ford and his wife, Judy Arter, stood watch with a sign that read “Impeach Trump.”

The couple traveled to Portland from the small town of Lebanon, Oregon to protest because they felt Trump was not fit for office due to conflicts of interest and his rejection of intelligence community reports that Russia had been involved in influencing the election.

“I think he needs to be investigated right off the bat,” Ford said.

Patricia Elliott, of Portland, said she felt compelled to attend the march and could not bring herself to watch the inauguration earlier on TV.

“I’d feel like I was saluting to fascism, for example, and I don’t want to participate in that at all.” she said.

Some businesses in Portland’s downtown announced they would close early because of the anticipated crowds. Owners of some establishments boarded up windows to prevent damage.

Portland protests after Trump’s election last November turned violent when a small group of demonstrators smashed windows, spray-painted buildings and started small fires. The demonstration caused about $1 million in damage, police have said.

The organizer of what is expected to be the largest protest on Friday said he met with newly elected Mayor Ted Wheeler to discuss how to keep the rally peaceful.

The event’s goal is aimed at Trump and at putting pressure on local elected officials to make Portland “a sanctuary city, not just in the immigration sense of the word, but in every sense of the word,” said Gregory McKelvey, the leader of Portland’s Resistance.

“I probably wouldn’t have had a meeting with the mayor if I couldn’t put 10,000 people in the streets,” he said.

57 responses to “Portland Trump protesters burn flags; 1 shot in Seattle”

  1. Maipono says:

    The crazies are out on the Left Coast, always talking about liberty and democracy, they are the first attempting to stifle a different point of view. Such a sham and fascistic in nature, the Left are hypocrites of the highest order. We hope the best for the person who was shot.

  2. justmyview371 says:

    What’s the fact that someone was shot in Portland have to do with this story. Absolutely nothing as far as we know. AP is doing its best to brand Trump and start some riots. Then, they don’t have to make up news.

    • Lanaiboy says:

      Actually, it has everything to do with the protests. The shooting took place at a Milo Yiannopoulos speech at a University of Washington function. He is a columnist for Breitbart News, known for its strong support for Donald Trump. The protestors were trying to keep his supporters out of the auditorium. Milo is conducting his “Gay Faggot Tour” in various college campuses. Leftists have vowed to shut down his speeches wherever he goes. He is also known for conducting an on-line feud with Leslie Jones, on of the stars of Ghostbusters, with both saying harsh things about each other.

  3. jussayin says:

    This is actually pretty funny. If Clinton won, most would not have been surprised to see protests such as this from pro-Trump supporters. But since Clinton lost, wow, I guess there are crazies that supported her. We’re divided but the same … kind of ; )

    • Lanaiboy says:

      You are wrong. Trump supporters tend to be older; middle-aged and senior citizens seldom riot and while Trump has his supporters on college campuses, they are definitely in the minority. Most riots or violence are caused by self-styled anarchists, who tend to be leftists and young. Riots by right-wingers in America are rather rare, far more common in Europe and South America.

    • jusris says:

      Yes…I agree 100% we are divided but the same…These liberals feel that Trump and Trumpers opened the door for their actions, they feel their actions are equal to Trump and Trumpers and that might be a good thing…Trumpers will start seeing that non-Trumpers aren’t like these crazies and non-Trumpers will center themselves up away from these crazies…#MAGA

  4. 64hoo says:

    besides Portland and other places of protest, nothing in hawaii protesting trump, I guess if they were protesting they would probably burn the Hawaiian flag.

    • wave1 says:

      Or burn pot…

    • Vector says:

      Sorry to diapoint you there were protests today in Honolulu

      • DannoBoy says:

        Nice one, lespark. Ka-blammo!

        Definitions are fum.

        Let me try:

        1. Mathematics. a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction, represented by an arrow the direction of which indicates the direction of the quantity and the length of which is proportional to the magnitude.

        2. the direction or course followed by an airplane, missile, or the like.

        3. Biology. an insect or other organism that transmits a pathogenic fungus, virus, bacterium, etc.
        any agent that acts as a carrier or transporter, as a virus or plasmid that conveys a genetically engineered DNA segment into a host cell.

        4. Computers. an array of data ordered such that individual items can be located with a single index or subscript.
        verb (used with object)

        5. Aeronautics. to guide (an aircraft) in flight by issuing appropriate headings.

        6. Aerospace. to change direction of (the thrust of a jet or rocket engine) in order to steer the craft.

        Origin of vector
        1695-1705; < Latin: one that conveys, equivalent to vec-, variant stem of vehere to carry + -tor -tor Yippeee!

    • beachbum11 says:

      Today the lolo’s will be out at 10am. I hope it storms. LOL

  5. latenightroach says:

    Turns out that some Clinton supporters are more worse than a basket of deplorables, they’re bonafide nutjobs and criminals incapable of accomplishing anything positive.

    • jusris says:

      I like the “some” part of your post…Starting to see differences instead of grouping them all together…Maybe there is a chance for America…#MAGA

      • DannoBoy says:

        Wrong again, justis.

        We will never use that twisted “logic”. Not in this great land of America First, where Trump is first.

        Whenever a few hinders, a few dozen or even just a handful of Trump haters behave badly, it will TOTALLY discredit the message of millions. It means ALL of them are mindless thugs. Especially if the angry protesters are black.

        But if a handful of white Trump supporters, or Trump staff or even Trump himself, threaten violence, or assault people or act like thugs, they are not. They are heroes standing up for what they believe. Patriots who are sick and tired of what this country has become. Brave Americans struggling against the long legacy of oppression of white men. And if thousands across the country get a little over-enthusiastic, and harrass and attack a few nasty immigrants or muslims or evil women’s clinics, or if they firebomb a few mosques, that’s no big deal. They are just trying to make America great. Trump knows this. That’s why he has ignored it, or excused it, or commended it.

        You see, jusris, you can’t use the same standard for the haters as for us in Trump nation. That’s makes no sense. It’s like comparing apples and oranges – especially comparing Obama’s supporters to those of our magnificently Orange commander in chief.

        Trump replaces Obama.
        Orange is the new Black.

    • Vector says:

      Latenight, you should know all about nut cases and crazies as you are one them from the fascist Neo-Nazi right. GO to hell, you are on your way

      • calentura says:

        Sweet. Were you down there on Kalakaua this afternoon..?

      • Cricket_Amos says:

        “the fascist Neo-Nazi right”

        Saying things like this may make you feel good.
        Maybe even feel like you have some kind of deeper insight.

        But when you engage in category-think like this, you are doing exactly what the fascists did.

        • beachbum11 says:

          His post should and must be removed and he be barred forever on this blog. A true lawyer would never act or talk the way he does. Seek mental help.

        • DannoBoy says:

          How dare all these evil Obama lovers “engage in category-think”.

          Lumping people together based on categories is now the exclusive provenance of Trump nation, especially for our bald, brave white nationalist brothers. Elections have consequences. Harsh, iron-fisted consequences.

    • NanakuliBoss says:

      Still looking for the “rusting factories” in our landscape. You would think a heavy democratic state like Hawaii would be a waste land of carnage. Hmmmm.

  6. Keonigohan says:

    Ah the liberal losers throwing tantrums… no news as that’s their normal lifestyle.
    Beautiful day today.

  7. Wazdat says:

    Wow sure look like sore losers. The looney lefties have lost thier minds. Poor baby’s, sorry no trophys for you.

  8. wave1 says:

    Most of the protesters in DC look to be a bunch of spoiled college kids. In fact my niece is catching free bus from Boston to dc tomorrow to do the million women March, but she says they will use the trip to hit some bars and get drunk and not go to the March. Bunch of low class losers…

  9. st1d says:

    clinton brown shirts and democrats’ hate filled racist speeches designed to ignite class warfare in america are showing their fruit. tomorrow’s demonstrations will likely be led by the same clinton brown shirts that thought they could run a rigged presidential election by anointing clinton over sanders and then trump.

    however, the manipulated demonstrators are protesting against the same things trump is fighting against: politicians getting rich and consolidating power bases while outsourced jobs go to foreign countries leaving americans poorer and poorer; health care that is bankrupting the middle class with punishing premiums while leaving the poorest of americans with inadequate care; a faltering economy that has failed to support a shrinking workforce; a system of government that ignores the needs of its citizens while rewarding those who illegally take advantage of benefits designed for american citizens; and an educational system that is leaving more of its graduates unable to acquire a job that will secure the american dream for them.

    soon, even the manipulated demonstrators will realize that clinton and democrat brown shirts have misled them, just as they rigged the democrat election.

    it took eight awful years of obama’s administrative failures before americans stood up and recovered their government from professional career politicians who turned their backs on americans.

    trump has reclaimed the leadership of america back from professional politicians of both parties and has returned america to a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

    one can only hope that misled demonstrators will seek change by coming together as americans reclaiming their governments in d.c., their states and their communities.

    • Vector says:

      Std1, do not spread your hate filled transmittal disease

      • CEI says:

        IRT vector: Excuse me for saying so but judging by your above posts it is you who appear to be filled with hate. For example telling latenightroach to go to he!! seems a little heavy-handed. Please try not to take Waldo’s humiliating loss and the stopping of Barry Hussein’s transformation personally. Us knuckle draggers on the right wish you no ill will and hope you get better with time.

        • Keonigohan says:

          @ CEI
          Strange how now we, Deplorables, are the hate filled people.

        • hawaiikone says:

          This is the same vector that yesterday criticized a commenter for an insulting comment, noting that doing such only diminishes credibility. The hypocrisy on display is both obvious and endless…

        • DannoBoy says:

          Trump and Bannon’s dark magic is working.

          You can feel the powerful greatness emanating from both sides. It is magnificent.

          Power and self-confidence are all that matter now.

          Us vs Them. America first!

          #MAGA? (Make America Grrr-hate again?)

  10. HanabataDays says:

    Ahahaha the SB got played bigtime by “picture” 1 of 2 (which was actually a slideshow). Watch it and see the rainbow naughty word displayed very prominently on the poster! My, oh my. Just enough room on my screen to grab a screenshot with the SB logo at the top and the naughty poster at the bottom. There’s a good one for my media scrapbook! And perfect for der Gröpenführer’s inauguration.

  11. lespark says:

    Just ignore them.

  12. jimbone says:

    Burning the flag should be a 5 year jail sentence. Period… Don’t like America GTFO.

  13. willman says:

    Too bad only one shot. This is the kind of society that Barry Obama left us.

  14. lokela says:

    Arrest them all. If America becomes a better country in the next few years boot these idiots out. Better yet they should move to another country where they are happy. We don’t need these types of so called Americans here.

  15. rayhawaii says:

    If you don’t like Trump okay protest, but if you burn the American flag, GET THE L OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!!

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