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Police seek suspect who allegedly aided Ala Moana Center shooter


Lance Bermudez

Police are looking for a 25-year-old man wanted on a $500,000 warrant of arrest for first-degree hindering prosecution in the Christmas Day shooting of 20-year-old Stevie Feliciano at Ala Moana Center.

Lance Bermudez is the second man accused of hindering prosecution in the shooting at 7:30 p.m. Sunday.

Prosecutors charged William K.C. Kan today with first-degree hindering prosecution. His bail was set at $25,000. Police arrested the 21-year-old Honolulu man Wednesday on suspicion of first-degree hindering prosecution at his Punchbowl area home.

Police said Bermudez, alleged shooter Dae Han Moon, and their friends argued with Feliciano and his friends in the parking structure of Ala Moana Center.

Moon allegedly retrieved a firearm from his vehicle and shot Feliciano, police said. The suspect and his friends fled before police arrived.

Moon turned himself in to police today and has been charged with second-degree murder and other offenses.

Bermudez is 5 feet 9 inches, 150 to 160 pounds and has black hair and brown eyes.

Anyone with information is asked to call CrimeStoppers at 955-8300 or *CRIME on a cell phone.

36 responses to “Police seek suspect who allegedly aided Ala Moana Center shooter”

  1. bumba says:

    Thug number 3. Find’em and kill’em, HPD. Do us all a favor.

  2. 808warriorfan says:

    It’s obvious intelligence is not one of their strong points … great way to start the New Year for these PUNKS

  3. saywhatyouthink says:

    So … Korean doughboy flipped on his friends, probably hoping for a reduced charge even though he’s the shooter?
    I hope they all get life in prison for murder.

    • hunakai says:

      It doesn’t look like the shooter turned on his cohorts. They apparently went looking for the witnesses before he turned himself in.

    • TMJ says:

      I’ll bet that the first “hinderer”, Mr. Kan (in custody), is the one who gets the deal. Dough boy and Mr. Bermudez (still at large) will take the brunt of the sentencing if Mr. Kan gets smart and rats on his friends.
      First one to talk gets the deal…

      • pohaku96744 says:

        You are probably right…. enter witness protection, get Miles Briener as his attorney, negotiate plea deal in exchange for testifying, then relocate out of state.

  4. reamesr1 says:

    Typical flat tire law. They should ALL be charged with MURDER and share equal responsibility and jail time. Another reason why Hawaii laws need to be fixed to reflect modern times. Stop worrying about foreign fishermen and fix some of the outdated/incompetent laws.

  5. google says:

    He looks like he’s high on drugs.

  6. cojef says:

    How come, ID does not include tattoos on left neck? Criminal smarts, have visible tattoos on faces, necks arms, fingers and other visible areas on the body, like wanna be caught!

  7. TTPwr says:

    What’s a “$500,000 warrant”?

  8. makiki123 says:

    The photo says it all. Neck tattoo and facial piercings are a strong indication of where this person is headed.

  9. PokeStop says:

    Bubba is waiting for this scumbag at Halawa. Ouch!

  10. lokela says:

    These kinds of perps need to be shot upon sight. Keep the prison population down and save us tax payers money. This is not a hard job to do.

  11. maile77 says:

    Dangerous, violent crimminals. Lock ’em up for good!

  12. inverse says:

    Appears this story goes way deeper that what is reported. At this point finding it hard to say there was an ‘innocent victim’ as it sounds like the weed they were hoping to buy and sell was more than just a few joints in a little baggie. Looks like just the tip of an iceberg of a much larger operation.

  13. lespark says:

    Where’s the shoot out to kill like the mainland where justice is served.

  14. lespark says:

    Armed and dangerous, do not apprehend. Shoot on sight.

  15. Carang_da_buggahz says:

    As I’ve said many, many times before: You find neck tats on some of the nicest people.

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