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Trump calls it ‘sad’ that Clinton joining recount effort


Breaking with tradition, Donald Trump will move into the White House after the inauguration while wife Melania and 10-year-old son Barron plan to remain in New York City until at least the end of the school year.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. >> President-elect Donald Trump said Sunday it’s “sad” Hillary Clinton is joining an effort to force recounts of votes from the Nov. 8 election in up to three crucial states.

Trump tweeted part of Clinton’s concession speech, when she told supporters they must accept that “Donald Trump is going to be our president,” and snippets from her debate remarks, when she assailed the Republican nominee for refusing to say in advance that he would accept the Election Day verdict.

And it came on top of his saying it was a “scam” that Green Party nominee Jill Stein was revisiting the vote count in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Trump won Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and as of Wednesday, held a lead of almost 11,000 votes in Michigan, with the results awaiting state certification Monday.

Clinton leads the national popular vote by close to 2 million votes, but Trump won 290 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232, not counting Michigan. It takes 270 to win the presidency, and the three states in question could tip the electoral balance to Clinton in the remote event that all flipped to her in recounts.

Wisconsin officials said Friday they were moving forward with the first presidential recount in state history. Clinton joined the effort Saturday, with her campaign attorney Marc Elias saying, “We intend to participate in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides.”

Elias said Clinton would take the same approach in Pennsylvania and Michigan if Stein were to follow through with recount requests in those states.

Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway noted that the president-elect hadn’t ruled out the possibility of pursuing a criminal investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state, even if Trump indicated he’d rather move past the issue.

“He’s been incredibly gracious and magnanimous to Secretary Clinton at a time when, for whatever reason, her folks are saying they will join in a recount to try to somehow undo the 70-plus electoral votes that he beat her by,” Conway said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Clinton rival during the Democratic primary turned ally during the general election, defended the recount effort, telling CNN that leaders in both parties commonly request them. “No one expects there to be profound change, but there’s nothing wrong with going through the process,” he said.

He also suggested he would support a change to the nation’s electoral college system, which allowed Trump to win the presidency despite lagging in the popular vote.

“We have one candidate who got 2 million more votes than the other candidate and she is not going to be sworn in as president,” Sander said. “And I think on the surface that’s a little bit weird.”

Trump had been paying little if any attention to the recount push by Stein, who has raised millions of dollars for the effort since drawing a mere 1 percent of the vote nationally. But Clinton’s stance changed his tune.

“Hillary Clinton conceded the election when she called me just prior to the victory speech and after the results were in,” Trump tweeted on Sunday. “Nothing will change.”

He quoted from her concession speech — “We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead” — and he concluded: “So much time and money will be spent – same result! Sad.”

Trump, who repeatedly challenged the integrity of the U.S. election system before his win, earlier called the recount push “a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded.”

Trump was expected to return to New York on Sunday after spending the Thanksgiving holiday weekend at his West Palm Beach estate. His transition team said the president-elect had scheduled a series of meetings Monday with prospective administration hires.

Among the jobs Trump has still yet to fill: secretary of state.

Internal division over the position again spilled out into the open on Sunday as Conway said she had personal concerns with the possibility of Mitt Romney serving as the nation’s top diplomat. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker are among other prospects.

Conway noted that Romney and his allies regularly attacked Trump during the campaign.

“I’m all for party unity, but I’m not sure we have to pay for that with the secretary of state position,” she said.

Trump’s incoming chief of staff, GOP Chairman Reince Priebus, acknowledged that a Romney pick would represent “a team of rivals concept.”

That possibility, Priebus told “Fox News Sunday,” should tell the public that Trump wants to “put the best possible people together for all Americans, no matter who you are, what your religion — whatever your opinion is, he wants to move forward looking through the windshield and not the rearview mirror.”

96 responses to “Trump calls it ‘sad’ that Clinton joining recount effort”

  1. Tom938 says:

    Wow! No ant-Trump raves today? Or is it still too early in the morning?

    • OldDiver says:

      According to Donald Trump auditing the election count is unfair. Trump is fortunate his loyal followers also believe an accurate vote count is sad.

      • Pocho says:

        States do their own audit. These Liberals/Democrats spend money like it’s water as it’s gonna cost millions as they’ve already raised. Being that said there’ better charitable causes that money could be spent on besides what the States are/have done with their respected voting results. LOSE MONEY! “smh”

        • NITRO08 says:

          Is that any concern of yours. Also republicans do the same things wake up stop being a child.

        • jusris says:

          What about the money that was spent for during this Presidential election, you didn’t mention that. If you really cared about charity then you should have mentioned that instead of worrying about the destination of the relative breadcrumbs spent of the recount.

      • Pocho says:

        And you Liberals/Democrats Pied Piper follwers, you worried about TheDonald contesting the election results and now it’s being done by your respected party. What a JOKE! You all are LIARS, CHEATS, two-faced like Muslim/Islamist in the MidEast, like militants in Liberal/Democrat clothing. lol

      • Pocho says:

        oh and on another topix. Beautiful BIG MOUTHED Rosie O’Donall’d tweeted on Trump’s son Baron being autistic. FOULED MOUTHED, MOTHER of a child with autism just don’t know how to be polite and keeping her mouth shut if Baron has a problem. That’s someone’s son! Rosie did TheDonald bring your kid into the picture spewing medical problems your own family has which is personal stuff. That’s the problem with Liberals/Democrats, NO respect but full of Lies. POCHA’haunt’is Warren is FULL of IT

        • NITRO08 says:

          Talk about big mouth look in the mirror.

        • keaukaha says:

          Wow poncho you sound like you going through one meltdown. What worried that the Chumps claim that the election was rigged is true and that his friends the Russians helped him do it.

      • nomu says:

        If the tables were turned, and Trump won the popular vote but lost the electoral college, imagine the raging rants of vote rigging.

        • Pocho says:

          The thing is is that it’d be all conjectured thoughts. And the Liberal/Democrat’s and Press went over that point if Trump loss. Let me ask what Press is raining down on Clinton and the Liberal Losers doing a recount? I don’t hear them complaining about what they’d fear Trump would have done. lol

        • Keonigohan says:

          Trump won. Any attempt to say or prove otherwise is imbecilic & disingenuous–perfectly encapsulating today’s Democratic Party…Laura Ingrahm.

        • nodaddynotthebelt says:


      • pilot16 says:

        Oh, the irony. Just a few weeks ago, before the election, liberals joined with the lame stream media on insisting that Trump “accept” the election results in the likelihood of his loss. Liberal talking heads were “appalled” that Trump didn’t have the class and maturity to accept a loss and simply go away quietly. They all assumed (wrongly) the outcome of Hillary’s win as a foregone conclusion. Why didn’t Trump just accept that reality. Now, as with BREXIT, the experts, media, pollsters, MSM, political elites, and everyone else were proven wrong. Their opinions were irrelevant. They not only were wrong, their opinions, assessment, observations, and conclusions on what Americans desired…all WRONG. Now, the shoe is on the other foot. Liberals are behaving like whining 3 year olds who didn’t get their way. Poor snowflakes. Lets recount everywhere. But I challenge the election officials to look for illegals who were allowed to vote. Oh, wait, that’s different, huh? Take your loss and go home. The progressive liberal America of hope and change is over.

    • Waterman2 says:

      Nah , Klastri nursing his hangover , I’m sure he will be spewing his nonsense shortly.

    • nodaddynotthebelt says:

      Obviously you have conveniently forgotten that Trump stated on record that he would challenge the results of the election if he were to lose. Now that his opponent is doing exactly what he would have done himself it is not okay. On word: Hypocricy.

  2. lespark says:

    Without a doubt Secretary of State Hilliary Clinton is a hypocrite.liar and cheat.

    • Pocho says:

      Worse yet. Liberal/Democrat followers are blind to what their party leaders did or are doing! They don’t have to look any further than the DNC members like Debbie Wasserman, Holy Christian worshiper who’s highly regarded by all Donna Brazile who had a fit lying to Megan Kelly leaking debate questions. lol, I NEVER TRUST a Christian person who claims to be of the faith and using it to make you feel secure with them as it’s a SHAME buttering you up! Donna Brazile hiding behind her Christian Faith: “As a Christian woman, I understand persecution,” the MOST UNHOLY of UNHOLY lie from a Christian Woman who was persecuted by Megan Kelly lying about giving questions to the Democratic Party nominee. It’s SAD when a person who many held up with high esteem being caught on the airwaves LYING, WEASELING her way out of lying. “smh” again, NEVER trust a Christian of for that matter any religious person using that kind of talk hiding behind the cloth li dat!

  3. MoiLee says:

    Sad…more like Shameful.after this,just do the job you said you would.”Lock Her Up”. President Trump said this…..”These are nice people,I don’t wanna hurt them”. Still think Hillary is “Nice”? No more Mr. Nice guy Mr.Predident! And Oh! BTW ?Let,s have the Recount,so that we shut up all the Cry Babies…who spew utter nonsense in this forum! IMUA!

    • klastri says:

      Well, it makes sense that you would urge Mr. Trump to use the police power of the state to be a loathsome, vindictive bully. I’m pretty sure that he’ll do that without you egging him on. He’s a psychotic.

      Is it possible that you are really this low?

      • MoiLee says:

        ….I don’t know who’s “Low” it seems after crying your heart out because Hillary LOST!It took you a couple of days to recover, before you decided to Crawl from under your Rock….. Give it up Klastri your comments,like Boots are useless.it erodes your intelligence ,or what’s left of it! Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!

        • MoiLee says:

          #Lock Her Up!

        • klastri says:

          You are lying, of course, that I’m “crying my heart out.” Like you lie about everything else.

          Mrs. Clinton lost the election, unless of course a recount shows otherwise. You are the one urging Mr. Trump to punish Mrs. Clinton for exercising her rights. That’s low. Really low.

        • MoiLee says:

          Oh Yes you did! You along with Boots, Allie, Nana, and Ike. You & them, along with that CNN reporter were Bawling like big babies,in a state of Shock! BTW where is IKE? “Still Asleep”under his Rock? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!
          Keep that “Rock” handy bro,you will need it the second time around.I would pay money to see the looks on your face…..”the second time around”.
          Like a Rare Gem?”Pricless”lol

      • Waterman2 says:

        Klastri , if she weren’t a crook and constantly doing the things she accuses Republicans and Trump of doing I might give you some slack. However by her very action and the definition of the word she is a hypocrite. She also could care less about following law and if you believe the bit about “I didn’t know using my own server…..” then you are blind , deaf, and dense. Others who aren’t protected by her royalty ess have been jailed and fined for far less than her crimes , yet she expects to walk free and even be our president ?

        Just because she is famous and was married to a president does not absolve her from the law and yes there have been other presidents pardoned and all , but that doesn’t make it right .

        If you can’t see that the whole foundation and taking bribes from anyone she can get them from isn’t criminal then you are beyond reasoning with and a waste of space on this site.

        Wake up man , your lady has cheated on you and sooner or later you have to face it.

        • klastri says:

          Waterman2 – The choice was between Mrs. Clinton – with all of her faults – and Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump is a spectacularly unfit buffoon, who is already shaping his administration to directly enrich himself. His foundation is a fraud, and for years has used charitable funds to purchase gigantic portraits of himself – among other violations. His foundation, under intense pressure from remarkable reporting by the Washington Post, recently admitted to the IRS that he violated the law.

          Mr. Trump is a psychotic, who has empowered racists, white supremacists and bigots. His policies will badly punish the people who voted for him, but they don’t understand that yet. The process of assembling a cabinet has been a laughingstock. In business, he has been able to hide his many, many failures by secrecy. He will not be able to hide his failure as President.

          And I don’t really care what you think of my opinions. You voted for Trump. That tells me all I needs to know about your judgment.

        • Waterman2 says:

          Klastri , charitable funds , and portraits are some kind of violation ? And you have inside knowledge of what he is shaping ?

          And of course you are reading the Clinton Campaign Retoric published because she has nothing else to run on. . And believing it ?

          At least he is assembling his own cabinet , not the Democratic Socialist Party Alinsky Kool-aid and Vodka mix you seem to favor.

          Get help.

        • klastri says:

          Waterman2 – Yes, I forgot about your obsession with Saul Alinsky. Good luck with that story.

          Yes, using charitable foundation funds to buy presents for oneself is a clear violation of law. No question whatever about that. Mr. Trump’s foundation admitted that they improperly spent money on non-charitable causes. Like buying giant portraits of himself to feed his mental illness. I know you know nothing about the law (you have sadly proven that here over and over again) but just look up the IRS filings submitted by his foundation. They describe the violations of law.

          I don’t need inside knowledge – he’s announcing it publicly.

          Your comment about soft drinks and vodka makes no sense, but a lot of what you write makes no sense. So no surprise there.

        • Pocho says:

          TheDonald answered the call from people to stand up to these LYING Democrats, man, if you can’t understand what was shown to you Democrats I don’t know what to tell you, really! Maybe I give you Democrats pass if you admit the LIES that came from Hillary and the DNC Leaders and hating TheDonald more than the LIES your party Leaders spewed.

          I bet yah Tim Kaine was besides himself when the DNC fell apart because of unethical behavior, well, at least Tim admits he’s a Catholic but still put the people’s right to choose abortion which is not condoned by Catholics! I give credit to Time doing that but the rest of the Democratic Party is all SHIBAI, they’ll tell you anything to get elected but worse yet you followers of these Pied Pipers get taken in and for granted time and time again. Now, what’s thats saying, You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make em drink! How True!

        • Waterman2 says:

          Oh boy , another crime to file on the Clintons and their foundation…..talk about self enriching ! At least Trump earned some of his money.

          And as for the Washington Post , aren’t they the ones caught colluding with the Clintons ?
          Along with the rest of the Media ? Yet the smart people saw thru it all. Unfortunately you
          Missed it

        • Waterman2 says:

          Klastri, if you don’t take Ms Clinton’s association with Alinsky seriously perhaps you should go live in a country that follows his mentors rules. It is called Hell.

          All the kool-aide in the universe won’t cool you off there.

          I’ll bet you like Bill Ayers as well. Talk about trying to take down America.

          I’ll take Trump anytime .

        • klastri says:

          Waterman2 – Yes, it was only a matter of time before you brought up Bill Ayers. Can’t you think of anything new?

        • sarge22 says:

          Lock her up.

  4. nalogirl says:

    Sore losers. If it wasn’t for the Electoral College only # States would decide who is our President. Just because the democrats lost does not mean we need to change the voting process that has been in place for two century’s.

    • klastri says:

      Mr. Trump is the person who suggested eliminating the Electoral College, so you sound all mixed up. Mrs. Clinton is not suggesting any changes, so maybe it would help for you read a little bit more.

      What Ms. Stein and Mrs. Clinton are asking for is a recount. That’s not asking for any changes in the way elections are run.

      Reading is fundamental!

      • Waterman2 says:

        But they didn’t . He won by the rules . or are you going to blast him for that ?

        I really think you should join the kids walking around the college campuses crying and fantasizing.

        He won buddy , by an historic margin . Go back into your safe room and leave the running of the country to your betters.

        • klastri says:

          Of course there was no “historic margin.” Do you ever know what you’re talking about? He lost the popular vote and we don’t know yet, exactly, what his electoral margin was.

          Why do you make up things when the facts are so easy to research? You can’t really be as lazy as you seem.

        • Waterman2 says:

          Nice try. How did it go so far ? 230 to 290 . LOLL !

        • klastri says:

          Waterman 2 – You are either remarkably ignorant of history, or you are deliberately lying. Many elections were more lopsided than this one. Don’t you ever read anything? Are you really as lazy as you seem here?

          Democrat: 49 Jimmy Carter
          Republican: 489 Ronald Reagan

    • bahIggins says:

      crooked Hillary…….

    • bsdetection says:

      Wonder why we don’t hear Trump raging against the Republican Governor of North Carolinaa, who is also asking for a recount.

      And the plural of country is countries, not country’s.

  5. Keonigohan says:

    Clintons LOSS of Power, Money (Clinton foundation contributions down 37%, after that it was reported Australia ends contributions), Lime light..is devastating…being a psychological maniacal unfit family only adds to their woes.

  6. MichaelG says:

    And the truth shall set us free! If there is a doubt, why not find out the truth and put it to bed?

  7. 808comp says:

    I had to laugh when i read this because Trump claims that the election was rigged and he wasn’t going to accept the results if he had lost. Would he have called for a recount too?
    Nothing is going to come out of this recount.
    Conway needs to be reminded that every one that was running for office was attacking each other and not just Romney.

  8. NanakuliBoss says:

    That Baron is really spooky. Like Children of the Corn. Just saying.

  9. Maipono says:

    It really is sad watching the erosion of any remaining credibility that Hillary has. History will be unkind to her and this circus act seals the deal.

    • latenightroach says:

      I don’t think Hillary had any credibility to begin with. I was deployed in the Middle East during the “Arab Uprising” under her watch and felt that she miserably failed as secretary of state. Fast forward to 2016 where she wants to hold the highest office in our country…No way. Her lust for power is for personal gain and HER best interests. Hillary Clinton has zero integrity. Never had any and never will. I could care less how much experience she’s had in politics that so many think makes her qualified…It was bad experience. Having her drained from the swamp is a good thing for America and eventually more people will realize it. Sadly, this “circus act” (well said Maipono!) does nothing more than prolong the divisiveness in this country.

  10. okmaluna says:

    TEOTWAWKI is rapidly approaching as the doomers expected. Buut.. only for the democrats.

  11. HAJAA1 says:

    Pfft. Women.

  12. paniolo says:

    You mean it wasn’t RIGGED?

  13. scooters says:

    Democrats= Sour Grapes…you lost, they won…move on…

  14. wrightj says:

    Maybe the election isn’t over yet – to be continued.

  15. NanakuliBoss says:

    Sad?? He said “Sad”? Trump uses much more abusive language then that. Like,Liar,and Crooked,and P*ssy. Oh,now he tones it down? Lol.

  16. dtpro1 says:

    A green party candidate with ~1% of the votes pushes for a recount for at best dubious reasons and now Clinton dovetails on this? Aside from the foul smell of all of this, what happened to all the preaching from the Clinton’s and their allies about accepting the election process/results and the peaceful transition of power?

    • latenightroach says:

      It’s that infamous double standard hard at work for the Clinton’s. It would be appalling for Trump to do this (Hillary’s own words) but it’s perfectly okay for Hillary.

      Hopefully some day she’ll realize that our country is a better place with her boozing herself into oblivion at home in Chappaqua.

  17. Waterman2 says:

    Hey ! Klastri , I wanted to ask what you can tell me about the Clintons stealing furniture from the White House ?
    And who kept the money when they were renting the Lincon room out ?
    Oh , and , how much can you tell me about them running the dope smuggling landing strips while governing Arkansas ?

    What is that bit about how a leopard can’t change his stripes ?

    These are the folks you want running the country ? Are you nuts , or just a crook yourself ?

    Does the term LoLo mean anything to you.?

  18. justmyview371 says:

    So now Trump is reasserting his plan to investigate Clinton’s emails. This guy is despicable.

  19. ready2go says:

    Scouts in the BSA programs learn to survive and lead.

  20. rayhawaii says:

    What’s the sense in even voting? Why don’t the 522 electoral voters vote next time and save everyone the trouble? Pit them all in a room and have them vote and have 100 randomly picked senior citizens count the votes live on TV.

  21. Bumby says:

    The green party candidate raised around a million dollars for her campaign. In 1-2 days she raises $4.8 million plus for the recount.

    The globalist and its puppets are doing everything to not have Trump take office. Unruly protest with the damaging of property and attack on people. The killing of police officers around the country in the last few weeks.

    This is not a smooth transition of power due to the fact the people in power and the globalist will do whatever is necessary to not have a person like trump turn the tables on them. Those people do not want to lose their stranglehold on the people of America and the world.

    While everyone are enjoying their time during Thanksgiving, these globalist quietly start their recount attack when nobody is around to be aware of their agenda. Creating a false and manipulated conjuring up of votes that “poof” comes out of places no one ever knew. One of the states does not have electronic voting on top of that and they state that these machines has been hack in all 3 states. Obama did you not say that these machines are not able to be compromised.

    One thing that will most likely come out of this is that these electronic voting machines were hacked. Creating unrest to this transition of power and the people of this country. Meaning these people involved with this recount are informing those unknowing that these machines can be hacked and manipulated cause they did it before in their favor only this time not being in their favor.

  22. keaukaha says:

    He’s a fuc-in- crybaby. Takes a puss- grabber to appreciate the stench of a sexual predator. He’s probably the first president elect to be STD positive.

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