Mayor Kenoi case goes to jury

Mayor Billy Kenoi held back tears Wednesday as he spoke about his family during his testimony at his trial in Hilo Circuit Court.
HILO >> It’s now up to a Hilo jury to decide whether Mayor Billy Kenoi should be punished on any of five criminal counts against Kenoi for the use of his county issued purchasing card, or pCard.
Following six days of testimony that spanned two weeks, deputy state Attorney General Kevin Takata told jurors in his closing arguments Monday that “rules apply to everyone except the mayor. Apathy is the accomplice to political corruption. The verdict is yours. Do justice. Do equal justice.”
After Takata’s initial closing argument, Kenoi defense attorney Todd Eddins displayed the words “NOT GUILTY” on a courtroom screen throughout his own closing argument.
Eddins ended by telling jurors that “Mayor Kenoi’s an honorable, decent family man who worked tirelessly for this county… and you’re lucky to have him. And he’s been wrongfully accused by the state government. … It’s an opportunity and privilege for you to right a wrong. It’s an opportunity and privilege for you to tell the state government it’s wrong.”
Eddins then touched his heart and said, “Restore a good man. I hand William P. Kenoi over to you.”
Kenoi originally faced eight counts related to 15 transactions that he charged to his pCard from 2011 to 2014.
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Following the prosecution’s case, Judge Dexter Del Rosario dismissed three counts related to tampering with government documents, leaving Kenoi to face four counts of theft — two of them second-degree felonies and two third-degree — and one count of making a false statement under oath.
The theme of Kenoi’s defense has been that the charismatic and personable mayor used his connections from Washington, D.C., to Honolulu to the Big Island to regularly entertain people in government and private business — often in after-hours gatherings involving alcohol — to keep money flowing to Hawaii island.
32 responses to “Mayor Kenoi case goes to jury”
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There was no crime committed here. The state will not obtain a conviction that will survive an appeal.
I’m not sure what the AG was trying to prove here, but whatever it was, they failed. I’m pretty sure the defense team has already prepared an appeal, should the jury return a guilty verdict on any of these charges.
What does klastri know about any of this?
He doesn’t. I doubt that he attended the trial. What he is saying is that, in this State, if you are a Democrat you can pretty much do whatever you want to do. He believes laws only apply to non-Democrats.
You’re lying of course, as you always do. This has nothing to do with being a Democrat, and you have no idea what I believe. You are a liar. This is in fact a matter of law.
You’ve already shown here that you understand nothing about the law of Constitution, so I wouldn’t expect you to have the capacity to add to this discussion.
She is correct Ahipoke, prosecutor should have known better. Possible political pressure?
Case seemed weak to me. Just a waste of taxpayers money.
klastri- This is the same thing you said about Hillary!
If Hillary gets elected (heaven forbid) the congress can impeach her for lying. Like Billy.
That’s not true of course, but you do enjoy your delusions. Like this one.
Mrs. Clinton is going to be elected, so you might as well get used to it.
Since none of us are on the jury and were in the courtroom to hear all of the testimony it would be fair to say that anything written here is pure speculation. Just five it a rest, go trick or treating or kick back and watch Monday Night Football. The verdict will come when the jury is pay with their work, and hopefully we will all respect their decision.
Well said.
i think he will be found not guilty..garanz
Me too. Billy’s charms have worked. The bigger question is what now happens to his political future?
i think he still has a political future..there’s no strong candidates to lead us
Does anyone actually know what the factual basis for each count he was charged with was for?
Yes. It’s all part of the public record.
There is such a huge contrast between the cry cry Billy who is realllllly sorry (although he is completely innocent….), and the wild and crazy Billy at the strip club drinking taxpayer’s money. I hope he spends a couple of years in jail to teach him whats right and wrong.
couple five years. Then he can become a good janitor. That is what they teach in prison, housekeeping. Ha Ha
Obviously we don’t know all the facts because we weren’t in the courtroom but it sounded like the county rules did not prohibit the mayor from buying booze with the pcard. If that’s true then Billy walks.
If nothing else, a result of this trial may be that guidelines and rules for County and State P-card use will be re-written and strengthened. I know in my former (State) organization, nobody would dream of trying to do some of the things that were described in the trial and the media.
If nothing else, Billy was put on the hot seat and had to sweat it out for a few weeks.
I hope that Todd Eddins is not running for office. Eddins feels that Kenoi did nothing wrong. He better look at the guidelines for use of the P-card. No where on the guidelines does it say, you can buy liquor, buy surf boards, entertain. The crying is just an act and Billy sure know how to perform. Why did the SASA’s who worked at the school system get fired for using State money to purchase items? The Judge and jury need to take a good look at this Billy Kenoi and ask the State for the P-card guideline so that they can make their decision basic on how to use the P-card. I blame everyone involved. Only when Billy boy got caught did he start to pay back, he had no intention to pay back. Judgement is guilty.
I’m not sure the Bid Island county had the same rules as the State for pcard use.
Well, the rule in regard to how Counties can use the P-Card, in purchasing items that are blocked statewide, was amended for Counties. In 2003, PROCUREMENT CIRCULAR NO. 2003-06, Amendment 13 was issued, in which statewide blockages of services for “entertainment/recreation” was lifted from the counties, provided the counties filed and got approved by the state procurement office form SPO-35.
I am pretty sure Hawaii County immediately filed for it. If they didn’t, than that is bad mark No. 1.
Mr. Eddins is a defense attorney. His argument in behalf of Mr. Kenoi was not that Mr. Kenoi did nothing wrong, but rather that he did not violate the law under which he was charged.
Thankfully, you weren’t the judge because you appear to know absolutely nothing about the law under which the state charged Mr. Kenoi.
The County guideline and past practice for the card used by the Mayor was presented at trial. You seem to be completely ignorant of the facts of the case and the law. Do you often comment on subjects about which you know nothing?
Eddins ended by telling jurors that “Mayor Kenoi’s an honorable, decent family man who worked tirelessly for this county… and you’re lucky to have him. And he’s been wrongfully accused by the state government. … It’s an opportunity and privilege for you to right a wrong. It’s an opportunity and privilege for you to tell the state government it’s wrong.”
I just want to say that I work for the C & C and the guidelines we have for the use of the P-card is all the same.
Klastri – you need to get educated, get a job and open your eyes. Kenoi is a cry baby and a lier.
The “Good Old Boy Club” will take care of him…he’ll walk….
i second that and hope so.
This was Billy’s apprenticeship before he goes BIG TIME in Hawaii State politics…I guess he didn’t “get the memo” as to how to do it without getting caught.
“You’re lucky to have him.” Wow, the defense has some nerve!
the reason kenoi purchased a lot of liquor because he is an alcoholic; he probably drank while working. alcohol is not a way to gain favors from others, except another alcoholic. government officials, especially federal government are usually not allowed to drink while working. kenoi is guilty but he might be exonerated because the prosecution did not do a good job. this would be a travesty of justice. he may have worked hard for the county but he is not entitled to steal from the country to satisfy his own personal needs.
Free, Billy Kenoi!
Agreed, Free Billy Kenoi! Kenoi for Senate 2018.