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Trump says Justice Department trying to help Clinton


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke at a rally today in Phoenix.

WASHINGTON >> Donald Trump is accusing the Justice Department of doing everything it can to protect his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

Trump is pointing to a disagreement between the DOJ and the FBI over its handling of a new batch of emails discovered pertaining to the investigation of Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Justice Department officials cautioned FBI director James Comey against sending a letter to Congress informing them of the new emails, asserting that it was inconsistent with department policy intended to avoid the appearance of prosecutorial influence in elections.

But Trump tells a rally crowd in Phoenix, “The Department of Justice is trying their hardest to protect the criminal activity of Hillary Clinton.”

He asks, “What’s happened to the Justice Department?” and says this is what he means when he says that the “system is rigged.”

Trump is also repeating his claim that the development represents the biggest political scandal since Watergate.

He says, “It’s everybody’s deepest hope that justice, at last, will be beautifully delivered.”

44 responses to “Trump says Justice Department trying to help Clinton”

  1. bumbai says:

    So, the DOJ “policy” is cover up illegal activity if it impedes their political agenda?

    • Corruption says:


      • Pocho says:

        The Clinton’s, The Obama’s, the DOJ, Hillary’s staff, etc. are all in this together! It’s corruption at the highest levels of Government! They spew lies for their own gain to reach the top.

        • Pocho says:

          Go read FoxNews.com article about the FBI battle within and with the DOJ. The White House is CORRUPT!!! They Obama, Lynch and others want the FBI to be Politically Correct letting Hillary off the hook and I assume the Clinton Foundation has it long tentacles on players like strings on a puppet! The Clinton Foundation has gotten too Big for it’s own self not being able to hide the Pay of Play scheme. In which the FBI wanting to investigate and the DOJ taking a ho-hum stance about it.

        • Pocho says:

          Once one learns to Cheat and Lie it only gets easier to do as time goes on and corruption sets in. They relish the power they hold and believe their own lies! Deceive, smoke and mirrors for their gain

        • mctruck says:

          You talking about Trump right??

        • Keonigohan says:

          mctruck…no..it’s about the CORRUPT Clinton CARTEL

  2. saywhatyouthink says:

    The FBI Director is appointed for ten year terms and is at least partially insulated from the effects of political pressure. The Justice Dept. on the other hand is not insulated at all, the AG serves at the pleasure of the President and will do what Obama wants done.
    It must some serious info that couldn’t be suppressed for Comey to raise such doubts 10 days before a presidential election.

    • mctruck says:

      And Senator Harry Reid wrote a letter to Comey this past Saturday asking why he has withheld/suppressed concrete evidence tying trump to Russia/Putin.
      Senator Reid explains that the information Comey has withheld to the American public was requested several months ago; Comey has not responded to Senator Reid’s letter or requests from reporters.

      • sarge22 says:

        Harrry Reid is a disgrace and the main reason nothing gets done in Congress. What really happened to his eye> Did someone close it for him. Comey to get the truth out and expose the Clintons. Just watch.

        • mctruck says:

          waiting???,nothing, nothing. He will have, what do they say?, “egg on his face.”

        • Keonigohan says:

          mctruck…too much koolade from the MSM who are in collusion with hiLIARy is not a good thing to be bragging about as if you know what you’re talking about. get informed…go read WIKILEAKS.

      • Keonigohan says:

        “$145M was paid to the @ClintonFdn from Russia after the U.S. gave 20% of its uranium stockpile to the country.”
        mctruck…go get informed.

      • Keonigohan says:

        mctruck…Wall Street Journal…”Report: DOJ Tried Repeatedly To Kill FBI’s Clinton Foundation Investigation”

  3. dragoninwater says:

    When they resort to suppressing info means they have something to hide. Very likely, HitLIARy is guilty of something. Lets hope justice gets served sooner or later.

    • thos says:

      When they resort to suppressing info means they have something to hide.

      Just so.

      And the ‘something’ that has been hidden thus far – – in accordance with the agreement reached on the tarmac meeting between the AG and Slick Willy – – is a set of charges of breaking the law governing the handling of classified material in which each such mishandling crime carries with it a penalty of $10k and ten years in what Mark Twain once described as “strong lodgings”.

      Maybe the law is not just for “the little people” after all.


      • mctruck says:

        Oh, you mean like FBI Comey suppressing trump/Putin connection???

        • Pocho says:

          All smoke and screen. Where’s the PROOF? lol, don’t hold back and share your facts.

        • mctruck says:

          Had this information tying trump/Putin aka Russia three(3)months ago and Comey has kept it suppressed all this time. Who’s side do you think he’s on?, although he is well known as a Republican who’s donated the maximum to every Republican Presidential Nominee since forever.
          On top of that releasing email “gossip” to influence the election which is a clear indication of what condition the party is in.
          Trump and his kid’s have donated very little into the campaign for nearly three months already.

        • mctruck says:

          eh, Bozo, why do you think Senator Reid addressed the letter to Comey?, because the Senate was aware of the FBI findings and Senator Reid is now pressing Comey as to why he has suppressed Americans getting full disclosure.
          Where’s the proof??, that’s what Senator Reid was pressing Comey about!, got the picture now??

  4. 64hoo says:

    the department of justice headed by lynch who claims the 5th for her questioning on the iran deal, by LAW the FBI does not have to turn anything over to AG until there done with the investigation but the justice department and lynch and hillary want him to break the law and release what’s in the e-mails. he does not have to do it. stick by the law comey and don’t let them pressure you.

    • Bumby says:

      The lying lady would want the emails to be released that are new evidence that reopens this criminal investigation.

      Remember initially when her server and emails were subpoena, they did not hand it over immediately and somehow thousands and thousands had been erased or bleached.

      They want these newly fount emails out now cause whatever is stated in those emails they will find a way to spin it and blame someone else. Anyway the FBI does not need to release any information until their criminal investigation is completed once again.

      Are you, the American people realizing the wool that has been put over your eyes by the mainstream media and the lying lady. Please rethink what you have been fed. Granted the Trumpet is an unknown political commodity, however would you rather have this lying lady and her predatory husband back in the white house?

      For the future of our children and grandchildren please let your conscience guide you and vote for the Trumpet and give him a chance to clean up this mess of the lying lady and her hubby who has taken advantage of the American Government and its People with their lies and corruption.

      • South76 says:

        Clinton is trying to get back into the White House using the Grubber effect, like how they sold Obamacare to the American electorate. She’ll say anything and paint her opponent as racist in hopes of getting back into the WH on the Stupidy of the American Electorate.

    • klastri says:

      You are lying. There is no such law about evidence management, and General Lynch never exercised Fifth Amendment rights.

      Why do you lie like this? You do it so often and so routinely, that it appears clinical.

      You just make things up all day here. You need to seek out help.

      • 64hoo says:

        she did plead part of the 5th on the iran 1.5 billion dollars on the iran hostage deal when they gave the money to iran. look it up your news people already confirmed it.

      • thos says:

        After all your predictions of absolute defeat for The Donald, it now looks like you are starting to unravel what with your desperate, whiny charges of “lying” &c.

        And no wonder.

        The chasm that is widening between the FBI (whose good, honorable, industrious, working level agents appear to have threatened mutiny at being sold out by their politically compromised director when he gave Shrillary a pass despite all evidence of her crimes) and the thoroughly corrupted USDOJ, that chasm may well become the paved victory highway for Don Trump’s glorious ride to the White House.

        Hope you are working up a taste for humble pie in case you open the newspaper on November 9 and see the words “President-Elect Trump”. Bon appetit.

        • Pocho says:

          Hillary’s making it real personal attacking Comey, she’s burning it in. She’s going to pay dearly. Comey must be thinking, Fool me once shame on you! Try to fool me twice and I’ll put you away in SingSing land.

        • klastri says:

          I’m “starting to unravel?” That’s not true, obviously. Thankfully, most voters in the United States are smarter than you, and recognize that Mr. Trump is unfit and mentally ill. Mrs. Clinton is going to win in a landslide, despite your delusion.

          FBI agents are not going to declare mutiny. You’re making things up again as you always do.

        • sarge22 says:

          Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said in a letter to Comey on Sunday that he may have violated the Hatch Act, barring political activity by federal officials.
          “I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act,” Reid said in his letter to Comey. “Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.”
          Clinton’s campaign is focused largely on the reality that Comey’s actions are out of step for the Justice Department and the FBI — but now that Comey has made his move, the political consequences can’t be undone.

      • beachbum11 says:

        When will in get your facts straight? Always not being truthful to the facts. Hang on your aship is going way over to the lefy.

        • klastri says:

          beachbum 11 – The question with this comment is what language did you write it in?

          “Hang on your aship is going way over to the lefy.? WOW! Let’s see if I can guess …. how about Russian translated into Korean and then into English?

          Did I get it right?

        • Maipono says:

          I understand beachbum11 perfectly klastri, bb1 believes you have your facts all wrong and you aren’t being truthful with the readers. bb1 wants to warn you that your ship is sinking fast, in fact it’s going over the levy, which is pretty fast.

  5. AhiPoke says:

    This is getting really interesting. Now the $B Clinton campaign machine is hitting the Sunday shows trying their best to spin the latest email news. Their strategy now seems to be that the news media is being too harsh on Clinton and not on Trump. I think that’s laughable. I’m generally okay with their bashing of Trump as I think he deserves most of it. The man is dispicable. On the other hand the media has soft balled Clinton from the start. Now I think they have no choice if they want to maintain any sense of credibility. I’ve felt from the beginning that she broke laws that would put any of us in prison. Itl’ll get more interesting if she gets elected as expected. And even more interesting if Obama gets sucked into this. I suspect that behind the scene Obama is working furiously, with the DOJ and Loretta Lynch, trying to snuff this investigation to protect his legacy.

    • Pocho says:

      The rabbit is out of the HAT in the General public. Let’s here more deception and lie’s from Crooked Lying Hillary, bring it on and lie your way to HELL

      • mctruck says:

        “here=hear” As much as you wish it weren’t so, Dump da trump 2016.
        He will go down in one big heap come Nov.8th.
        Then the fun will begin to bury his okole.

  6. mctruck says:

    Harry Reid, in a letter to Director Comey this past Saturday stated that he questions why the FBI(Comey) has not released their findings of concrete ties between Russia and Trump as it was requested several months ago that Americans are entitled to know the full disclosure; yet, there has been no response from Comey on why this information has been withheld.

    • mctruck says:

      Yet, this individual saw it proper to misdirect information about so called, “more pertinent” emails involving Hillary without really knowing for sure what is in there?? Comey is one faithful trumpster.
      But he will be investigated by Congress/Senate.

      • mctruck says:

        So much on Comey, poor guy.

        Here is more information on the donald: check out this article from the inquisitir on: donald trump-russia connection. Just type in the dt-russia connection and you’ll recognize, inquisitir.

        One big item is donald’s little cash on hand and he’s owing Russia big time because every major bank in the world has turned down his request for loans.

        • mctruck says:

          the donald should be signing up with a publisher on a new book: “Telling it all, Coming Clean.” Chaching, $$$$$$$.

  7. paniolo says:

    blah, blah, blah. More blahs from Trump.

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