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Trump vowing to sue ‘every one’ of his female accusers


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally, Friday, Oct. 21, 2016, in Newtown, Pa.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. >> Steering his campaign toward controversy yet again, Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue every woman who has accused him of sexual assault or other inappropriate behavior. He called them “liars” whose allegations he blamed Democrats for orchestrating.

Trump’s blunt threat of legal action eclipsed his planned focus on serious-minded policy during a speech in Gettysburg. Though his campaign had billed the speech as a chance for Trump to lay out a to-do list for his first 100 days as president, he seemed unable to restrain himself from re-litigating grievances with Hillary Clinton, the media and especially the women who have come forward in recent days.

“All of these liars will be sued once the election is over,” Trump said. He added later: “I look so forward to doing that.”

Nearly a dozen women have publicly accused Trump of unwanted advances or sexual assault in the weeks since a 2005 recording emerged in which the former reality TV star boasted of kissing women and groping their genitals without their consent. The latest came on Saturday, when an adult film actress said the billionaire kissed her and two other women on the lips “without asking for permission” when they met him after a golf tournament in 2006.

Trump has denied all the allegations, while insisting some of the women weren’t attractive enough for him to want to pursue.

“Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign,” he said. Without offering evidence, he surmised that Clinton or the Democratic National Committee had put the women up to it.

Clinton’s campaign said Trump’s threat of litigation was a troubling insight into a potential Trump presidency.

Trump’s broadside against the women came at the start of an otherwise substantive speech that sought to weave the many policy ideas he has put forward into a single, cohesive agenda that he said he would pursue aggressively during his first three months in office.

The Republican nominee vowed to lift restrictions on domestic energy production, label China as a currency manipulator and renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, familiar themes to supporters who have flocked to his rallies this year.

“This is my pledge to you, and if we follow these steps, we will once again have a government of, by and for the people,” Trump said, invoking a phrase from President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

Though mostly a recap of policies he’s proposed before, Trump’s speech included a few new elements, such as a freeze on hiring new federal workers and a two-year mandatory minimum sentence for immigrants who re-enter the U.S. illegally after being deported a first time. In a pledge sure to raise eyebrows on Wall Street, he said he’d block a potential merger between AT&T and media conglomerate Time Warner.

Translating his proposals into digestible bullet points, he offered to-the-point titles for the legislative vehicles he’d need Congress to approve to accomplish his goals, such as the “End Illegal Immigration Act” and the “Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act.”

Throughout the GOP primary, Trump was criticized for shying away from detailed policy proposals. But his speech, which aides said would form the core of his closing argument to voters, underscored how the billionaire has gradually compiled a broad — if sometimes vague — policy portfolio that straddles conservative, isolationist and populist orthodoxies.

Yet any headway that Trump may have made was likely to be diluted by his legal threats against his accusers, just the latest example of Trump stepping on his intended message at inopportune moments. Days earlier, during the final debate, his otherwise well-received performance was marred by an alarming statement near the end that he might not accept the outcome of the election if he loses.

Trump didn’t say what kind of lawsuits he planned to file against the women, but any libel litigation could be complicated by the fact that Trump, in the 2005 recording, bragged about the same kind of conduct the women now accuse him of perpetrating. Trump recently vowed to sue The New York Times for libel, but has not yet followed through on the threat.

With the debates now over, Trump and Clinton have few apparent opportunities to alter the course the race substantially — a reality that benefits Clinton more than Trump. The Republican is trailing his opponent in most of the battleground states while Clinton eyes potential upset victories in traditionally safe GOP territory, with Arizona at the top of the list.

An increasingly confident Clinton on Saturday made what’s become her closing pitch in Pittsburgh, stressing unity and asking her backers to carry her message to any Trump supporters they meet.

“I understand that they need a president who cares about them, will listen to them and I want to be their president,” she said.

As Election Day nears, Clinton is also focusing on getting Democrats elected to Congress. She attacked the state’s Republican senator, Pat Toomey, saying he has refused to “stand up” to Trump as she touted his Democratic challenger, Katie McGinty.

Her campaign headquarters in New York was back up and running after a scare over an envelope that arrived containing a white powdery substance. Initial tests showed the substance wasn’t harmful.

Meanwhile, Clinton was getting a campaign boost Saturday from singer and pop icon Katy Perry, who was pushing early voting in Las Vegas.

More than 4.4 million votes have already been cast. Data compiled by The Associated Press found that Clinton appeared to be displaying strength in crucial North Carolina and Florida, while Trump appeared to be holding ground in Ohio, Iowa and Georgia.

113 responses to “Trump vowing to sue ‘every one’ of his female accusers”

  1. Ikefromeli says:

    Seems very Presidental. Those are the qualities folks want in a global leader: litigiousness and paper thin sensitivity.

    • thos says:

      Trump stuck to his belief the election is “rigged against him,” repeated false concerns about widespread voter fraud

      As indeed he should. The concerns are by no means false regardless of what our so called “news” media claims.

      As noted by Judicial Watch (which has enjoyed unprecedented success convincing judges to have damning material released that implicates both Clintons), widespread voter fraud is in fact prevalent.

      Doubt that? Then why would the Democrat Party be so fearful of voter picture ID? This has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with facilitating rigged elections upon which the Democrat Party depends to win close elections (e.g. Al Franken).

      Whether the thoroughly corrupt DNC can rig this election sufficiently for Crooked Hillary to eke out more than 270 electoral votes remains to be seen, but have not doubt the Democrat Party DEPENDS on widespread voter fraud.

      As one wag once observed of his grandmother, “She voted straight GOP until the day she died. After that she voted for Democrat Party candidates without exception.”

      • Kuihao says:

        “As noted by Judicial Watch…, widespread voter fraud is in fact prevalent.” This is a lie.

        • klastri says:

          It’s a lie. When states are asked to show cause for the laws by presenting actual cases of in-person voter fraud, they are uniformly unable to do so. That’s why those laws are being stayed or struck down by conservative and progressive federal judges.

          In-person voter fraud was manufactured by Republicans to prevent low income people from voting. Period.

        • thos says:

          One gathers you have zero knowledge of JW or the evidence it has pried out thanks to FOIA.

          Do try not to embarrass yourself further.

        • thos says:

          Yo! Klas-less!

          Can you spell A-l F-r-a-n-k-e-n-?

          You gingerly skirted around the unyielding Democrat Party opposition to voter picture ID which is obviously based on Democrat Party desire to promote as favorable (fraudulent) vote count as possible when the time comes.

          So many dead people vote Democrat the party deserves to be re-named “Nos Ferati”, the undead.

          Trump deserves much credit for shining the lamp of public attention to this dark, dank secret hide away of the Democrat Party.

      • mctruck says:

        Yeah, right; next.

    • amela says:

      I dare him to sue. I’d like to see more info on the issues.

  2. makiki123 says:

    Man is his own worst enemy. Could have won this election easy just by keeping his mouth shut, but arrogant stupidity is his way.

    • Ikefromeli says:

      That is actually sort of true.

    • amela says:

      Had a chance in hell!

      • McKinley High says:

        I somehow doubt this will happen. If the does that, these women could report these incidents to the police, which could become an interesting situation. Several (many??) of these women have also discussed what happened to fiends, relatives , etc what occurred soon after it happened. Their testimony, under oath, can be used to substantiate Trump was the “perp.” Hopefully, Trump would be charged accordingly, and moved from the penthouse to the “big house.”


  3. livinginhawaii says:

    The dude hangs out with too many ambulance chasing lawyers. What do you call 400 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? “A good start”…

  4. inverse says:

    Trump is a LIAR and will NEVER sue these women because that would open him up to defense attorneys legally prying fiurther into Trumps sordid past. Most importantly, in Trumps own recorded words, he says he ‘grabs women by their poo sees’ without their permission and can get away with sexual assault because he is rich and famous. Garans all of these women who have given their names and gave public interviews claiming they were sexually assaulted by Trump will be provided at no charge the best attorneys to defend them if Trump is actually stoopid enough to sue them. That will allow these women full confidence right up to election night to continue to publicly give their account of Trump assaulting them

    • allie says:

      agree. But will the real dirt on this clown come out before the election? There is a terrible scandal behind this guys deference to Putin and his slavery to organized crime figures worldwide.

      • BuhByeAloha says:

        There you go again Allie. It’s comments like that scare intelligent, hard working Americans. If this country wasn’t so messed up from Barry, anyone trying to pull what she did would be behind bars for a long time. I’m guessing you’ll vote for her. Lot’s of lost people will vote for her. My question for you- Do you think she will help this country? Or do you think she will help herself.

        • Boots says:

          And what exactly did sweet Hillary tried to pull? Can you be specific and not just repeat some propaganda from Fox?

          Yes, lots of people will be voting for Hillary simply because she is the better candidate. What the hell were you republicans thinking when you nominated someone with zero experience? I have a few problems with sweet Hillary but at least she won’t be a total embarrassment.

        • Ikefromeli says:

          You say this about HRC, not acknowledging the rather profound paradox of your statement: during his bankruptcy, Trump derived over 45 million dollars back to himself, and discharged all his personal debt..

        • thos says:

          On November 9th, I hope President Elect Trump charges Hillary Clinton with treason and has her prosecuted to the limit of the law. She recklessly blurted out sensitive information regarding what was once known as the Single Integrated Operational Plan – – the set of geographically tailored contingency options for Presidential release of nuclear weapons against pre selected targets. During the 3rd debate she breezily disclosed the precise interval between weapons release authorization and the time it actually takes to launch.

          Why is this important? Because hostile submarines near both coasts using fractional orbital bombardment trajectories can deliver SLBM warheads on desired ground zeroes in a matter of minutes. How many minutes (e.g. miles from target) is of critical importance.

          Recklessly disclosing sensitive information in a public forum gives potentially hostile forces all the information they need to determine how close to targets they must position submarines to best exploit this information.

          Clinton’s unending contempt for our armed forces and national security is breath taking. She is a clear and present danger. Electing this flap jawed dunderhead President is tantamount to suicide

        • klastri says:

          thos – How is it possible that an adult knows so little about the government? You seem willful in your ignorance. Like you spent a lifetime relentlessly and successfully learning absolutely nothing about elections and the transition of power. But despite knowing nothing at all about the process, you feel somehow compelled to write about it.

          A President-elect has no power to prosecute anything. Any adult – except you, of course – knows that power transfers upon inauguration. And even when that happens, the President is not a king.

          You are calling someone else a “flap jawed dunderhead?” You know absolutely nothing. Zero. Learn something. Anything would help at this sad point in your life.

        • skinut says:

          Thos – the president does not have the power to charge anybody with anything. That would be the purview of the judiciary. This is what alarms everyone about trump’s declaration that clinton would be in prison if he becomes president, as he, apparently, believes he would be all-powerful. His petulance and vengeful nature would not bode well for us or the rest of the world. However, I don’t believe he will follow through on his threat, as he would open himself up to a lot that even a mediocre attorney could exploit. He also knows nothing could be resolved until well after the election, so at this point, he is only trying to project strength to his supporters.

        • klastri says:

          skinut – The judiciary does not charge people with crimes in the United States, except in very rare cases like contempt of court during trial. Charges are brought by the executive branch.

          The President-elect is just an ordinary citizen until following the oath of office.

        • skinut says:

          What I meant is the judiciary is the venue in which charges would be brought, and the president has no influence there.

    • amela says:

      I like see him sue. Also not concede the loss so it can be his legacy. And my God D Jr. sounds like his dad, being the President of the US is a step down?

  5. username_required says:

    Voted. Want my internet back.

  6. kuroiwaj says:

    Hey SA/AP, what happed to reporting the truth without the political bias? I read your mention that Mr. Trump laid out his 10 issues he promises to handle in his first 100 days in Office, as the President of the United States to protect your back. But, where is the list of 10 issues? It’s the exact issue Americans are sick about, media bias. If the piece was in your editorial, we understand, but as a headline article.

    • NanakuliBoss says:

      Sean Hannity the 10 issues.

      • thos says:

        kuroiwaj asks: Hey SA/AP, what happed to reporting the truth without the political bias?

        That disappeared 56 years ago when our so called “news” media became w h o r e s for their much slobbered over hero, the degenerate coward, JFK. They have been in the tank for Democrat Party candidates ever since.

        They have covered their blatant bias by pretending their job is not to discover and publish the news, but rather to ‘comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable’. We have no enemy abroad to match the Quisling ‘news’ media here at home.

        • klastri says:

          But yet here you are, every day, whining about the newspaper you hate. Why do you subscribe?

          Great choices!

        • thos says:

          Why do I subscribe?

          Because of the sound advice given by the legendary (if fictional) olive oil importer Vito (‘Don’) Corleone (nee Andolini) to his sons: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

        • kolohepalu says:

          Wow- a huge media conspiracy, and most of the American electorate doesn’t know it! Congratulations on figuring it out when no one else could see it! Or maybe you’re just bitter, and wrong.

        • klastri says:

          kolohepalu – Bitter and wrong describes the typical Trump supporter.

        • HanabataDays says:

          Your utter rout and defeat will be particularly sweet.

    • Ikefromeli says:

      Why don’t you start your own rag?? Oh, yeah Rs are too darn cheap.

    • PoiDoggy says:

      Washington Post has listed them, for ex: “In Saturday’s speech, Trump listed more than two dozen things he wants to do, including amending the Constitution to create term limits in Congress, renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement and other trade deals, overwriting ‘every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama’ and suspending immigration from ‘terror-prone regions.'”

      People complain about SA’s alleged “biased” reporting. In fact they don’t do much reporting on national issues at all. They simply pick up and reprint stories from the wire services, usually AP. And they often don’t even print the whole story, but only part of it. If you read the paper carefully, you’ll see that most of the reporting is on local stories only.

      @kuroiwaj; you obviously have internet access. I suggest you search around for other news sites that would better suit your needs. I would go to the google news page for a start, there are lots of choices there. I’ve found CNN’s site gives a good overview of a story (the text; I don’t like watching the videos on websites). For more detailed analysis, the NY Times and Washington Post are good, as if the Guardian (UK), which, unlike the NYT and WP, doesn’t have a paywall. Also the Wall St Journal, though I think that might have a paywall.

      Honestly, I don’t understand why the people who complain about the SA continue to read it if it’s “biased.” If I don’t like a magazine or newspaper, I stop reading it.

  7. NanakuliBoss says:

    Hahahahaha. Hahahaha. Lol. LOL. (Wiping eyes) rolling,rolling,falling over. This clown is funny. A typical “silver spoon brat”.

    • thos says:

      As the notorious Red Lectroid from the 8th dimension, John Whorefin (formerly the human physicist Dr. Emilio Lizardo [John Lithgow] held at the Trenton Home for the Criminally Insane after getting stuck in between the two dimensions in a failed 1938 experiment) in the classic film “The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension!,” tells his mocking human hospital attendant when and how he plans to escape – – just before killing him and making good his escape to lead the conquest of humanity and the good 8th dimension Black Lectroids (who look like remarkably like Rastafarians) – – “Laugh now, Mo n k e y Boy.”

  8. HawaiiCheeseBall says:

    Too funny. Those women would love for Trump to sue them. They would then get to depose him under oath during discovery and can ask for all kinds of documents. Yea let’s see those lawsuits…

    • BuhByeAloha says:

      Wake up Cheezyboy

    • Ikefromeli says:

      Yup, just like his fallow and flaccid threat to the NYT, he will never follow through. At his core, he is a text book coward, and real confrontation that has teeth, is his worse fear. Discovery would take away whatever dignity he has remaining from this ridiculous clown car attempt to run for the presidency.

  9. bleedgreen says:

    Before running for president, the image I had of Donald Trump was of a brilliant businessman. But now, he is….. with all his financial/business successes, he seems be a very unhappy, spiteful, person.

    • Boots says:

      Brilliant businessman? Bankruptcy numerous times? Two do not seem to match. lol

      He does seen to be very unhappy. I think though he is all talk and little action. Looking forward to Trump TV.

      • mulen says:

        Fox or Breitbart?

      • mctruck says:

        Because he is sooo vain, the main reason he’s very unhappy is because he wishes he was 30-40 years younger so he can fill his small hands with all kinds of women like he used to.
        That was his main goal in mind, and now with the mind and body of a 70 year old man there’s not much left but to take the world down with him.

        • mctruck says:

          Another thought on his being unhappy; he never thought that all his BSing would keep him from the WH. So much for a clown who’s got mush for brains. Rigged, rigged, rigged; Keep it up donald, you are losing states that were heavy repubican.

  10. Boots says:

    Poor Donald, he is just being picked upon by women who didn’t appreciate having their p*ssies grabbed. Well Donald, what goes around comes around and now it looks like they have you. Next time, don’t even try running for president. You put on a good show though.

    • MoiLee says:

      Why Boots? A previous president w/ a “D” did even worse,he didn’t just talk about it ! He actually committed the act….Bill Clinton! and what came next? Bill’s Henchman Hillary Clinton! Who tried to destroy those women…… Y’all are barking up the wrong tree ! Maybe he shouldn’t have run for president? C’mon Boots .I’m still waiting for you to Wise -up! I hopeful…Yep “What goes around comes around”.Indeed!

    • BuhByeAloha says:

      Thats where you’re wrong, again Boots. The women did enjoy having it grabbed. Getting to be around a billionaire is pretty exciting for these ladies. But now, years later they can be on stage again, they say they didn’t love it. They loved it.

    • kuroiwaj says:

      IRT Peter (Boots), and including President Clinton’s paternity suit from a 30 year old, Mr. Danney Williams, claimed from an affair in Arkansas. Mr. Bruce Fein and George Gates IV are representing Mr. Williams. Ms Hillary has been fighting this paternity challenge for over 20 years. Simple resolution is to have President Clinton submit a blood sample together with Mr. Williams and reviewed by an accredited DNA lab. Challenge resolved.

      • Cellodad says:

        Already done in 1999. “Contrary to expectations, the paternity test determined that Bill Clinton was not Danney Williams’ father, Time magazine reported on 18 July 1999:”

        • kuroiwaj says:

          IRT CelloDad, best to check your source. Time Magazine had the story wrong. The 1999 DNA test was never consummated and there was no verification of test. Now, Mr. Fein and Mr. Gates are requesting an independent DNA test. Simple resolution, former President Clinton provides a blood test to the lab, same Mr. Williams. Then we all shall receive the same lab results and confirm if Mr. Williams is or is not President Clinton’s son.

        • mctruck says:

          too funny. next

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Kuro, comments??

          Yup, cricket crew again — awkward silence.

        • hawaiikone says:


          Let’s leave it at “unproven”, which is kinda where it started off at anyway. Kinda doubt Slick is gonna step up and change that..

  11. MoiLee says:

    …….it still amazes me to see how the libs are on the attack on Donald Trump! What surprise me even more is the way the MSM are treating the accusations of these women….But gives Crooked Hillary a Free Pass,by hardly covering the many scandals…Scandals.ie: Emails, Wikileaks, Clinton Foundationand making deals with Russians those are Facts!
    So what does the msm do? They dig up dirt,No ,I mean really dig up dirt by producing these women on the front page! Ask your selves if these “Accusations were facts ,why didn’t they come forward then? Why wait till now? It’s Like the Miss Universe. The Clinton’s “Dig her up, to bash Mr. Trump and it only explodes in their faces…… And now she’s crying Uncle? I’ll have no part of this! Haaaaaaaaaaa! So funny!
    Yes! Smart people know the MSM are in the tank with the Clinton’s. This is like deja vu all over again. Remember Herman Cain? Well,they did the same thing to him.
    Yet during the 08 Obama Campaign …….Obama Flashes his ..”you know what” at the CNN Reporters,they giggle and laugh and he gets another Free pass? SIC! I mean what is called proper,presidential etiquette or conduct/behavior to be the POTUS?? It’s on Youtube viewings are in the millions!see for yourselves. IMUA ….I’m back!

    • MoiLee says:

      …and this is the guy you voted for ? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I love it!

      • MoiLee says:

        Aghast! So What? No Takers? Where are the Liberals in defense of Obama’s “Flashing” offenses? On Youtube lol! At least Donald’s offenses with these women are here say and innuendos and Totally False. He lacks the real dirt only Career Politicians have,hence, “Let’s Drain the Swamp in Washington” Go Donald!

        • klastri says:

          You do understand that Mr. Trump is going to lose in a historic landslide, don’t you? He’s a loser.

        • mctruck says:

          here=hear say.

          “Let’s Drain the Swamp in Washington.” cheap catchy talk from the donald should not be why you’re voting for him?, especially since that Washington which you speak off is comprised of majority repugnicans.

  12. wrightj says:

    I wonder what that white powdery substance was.

  13. ready2go says:

    Are there any statute of limitations?

    • klastri says:

      In criminal cases, yes. The length varies by state, but for this type of assault ranges from three years to ten years if the victim is was an adult at the time of the assault. If a child at the time of the assault, it varies by the number of years either after the age of 21, or after the age at which the person realizes that they were a victim.

  14. fiveo says:

    I do hope that Trump does sue these women and lets see what happens. The evidence is overwhelming that the drive by corporate controlled media have stacked the deck against
    Trump and have engaged in character assignation to derail his run for President while at the same time have ignored all the illegal and unethical practices of Hillary Clinton and
    the Clinton Foundation.

  15. CEI says:

    There is a pro-Hillary piece on Yahoo news (what else would there be?) that’s nauseating to read. The interesting thing however are the comments. As of now there are over 1800 and at least the first 100 are very negative towards Waldo Clinton, Barry Hussein and Barry’s wife. Yahoo is where millennials go to get their news. Knuckle dragging right wingers avoid Yahoo news like the plague. What does that indicate? A Trump landslide, that’s what.


    • klastri says:

      Yahoo is where millennials go to get their news? Yahoo? Is that what you meant to write? Yahoo?

      So based on this completely incorrect nonsense, you are predicting a Trump landslide?

      You’re funny!

      • CEI says:

        Admittedly the Yahoo thing is anecdotal but the major news outlets have demonstrated a sickening favoritism for Waldo. So I trust their polls about as much as I trust Barry Hussein when he’s lying about Obamacare. I hope the DNC has a bunch of grief counselors and psycho-babble therapists on hand in a couple of weeks, they will be needed.

        • klastri says:

          You just make things up out of thin air all day long. Have you always lied about everything elsewhere, or just online?

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Here, I’ll,make it easy for you, I’ll promise to never post again, if HRC loses. Conversely, you do the same on Trump losing–deal?

  16. klastri says:

    Mr. Trump, of course, will not actually file suit against any of these woman. Exactly like he has not sued the NY Times as he blustered. Filing suit would allow each of them to get on-camera, for the record depositions under oath that would be cross checked against anything else he ever said. Every lie he ever uttered would be thrown back in his face. The defendants will also have access to audio and video recordings currently being held behind non-disclosure agreements, and will be able to pierce non-disclosure agreements in place with individuals.

    The effort would be directed at that point by the defendants at destroying Mr. Trump, his brand, and his name, in the entirety.

    An absolute dream case for a lot of lawyers. Female lawyers in particular.

  17. paniolo says:

    blah, blah, blah…

  18. 64hoo says:

    I feel these women are phonies the reason why is because if he did that to them all they have to do right now is go to the police department file the charge and the police would call him in to take his statement and if there’s cause then they could charge him sexual harassment, so why don’t they do it, because they are lying through there teeth, it is a Hillary pay for play.

    • klastri says:

      Well, where to begin? You have successfully packed so many mistakes into one small paragraph, that it’s hard to know.

      First, sexual harassment is not a crime or a police matter, so no statements will be taken by the police. Mr. Trump’s companies have been sued many times for sexual harassment – as has Mr. Trump individually – and those cases were settled with non-disclosure agreements attached. This threatened suit would make those non-disclosure agreements null and void for the purpose of discovery, which is just one reason that he won’t actually file suit against any of these women.

      Second, sexual assault (what Mr. Trump admitted he has committed) has a defined statute of limitations in each state.

      That’s enough for this lesson.


  19. mctruck says:

    When Gloria Allred who is considered the top attorney in this field accepts to represent a client at this stage, it’s because she is certain on winning, not losing the case. And you can take this to the bank. Good bye Mr. Goofy trump.

    • mctruck says:

      And mr. 3+billionaire trump is going to be out resourced by literally multi-big time billionaires who will be glad to assist these women in their claims against trump the dump.

      • mctruck says:

        Another thing donald; don’t forget to be at the court hearing, (December 16, 2016) where charges will be laid against you for raping a 13 year old girl not once but numerous times in Florida. And your lawyers I’m sure have advised you that she has eye witnesses.
        You’re toast, end story.

  20. 808warriorfan says:

    FEAR TACTIC … just because he’s got money and can afford lawyers he thinks he can scare away his accusers … I hope all they women he’s sexually assaulted stick to their guns.

  21. thos says:

    One gathers you have zero knowledge of the evidence JW has unearthed.

    Do try not to embarrass yourself further.

  22. PoiDoggy says:

    Win or lose, I don’t believe it will happen. Blowing more hot air. Also, really took the focus away from what should have been a speech on his 1st 100 days. He should have done that, then unleashed his “threat” at a different time.

  23. Bothrops says:

    Can you imagine the discovery process? Tax returns would be nothing. He’ll be facing multiple colonoscopies and checking the paternity of his kids and being dragged through the trash of everything he has done since puberty. But go ahead. . .

  24. wave1 says:

    SA just give it a break and report the freakin news…

  25. wave1 says:

    The only thing more scary than th T or the H is the media during this election. Really do some research and looked how biased the media is. Just watched part of Netflix do 13th and it is an eye opener. Take a look at how Bill C handled African Americans, no the H. Freakin scary, and to see she has the pic behind her as well as corporate America, real scary next four years. Rather have the T drop a monkey wrench and drain the swamp as he says.

    • hawaiikone says:

      There comes a point at which having the train veer so far off the right track that the “I told you so” harbingers are suddenly joined en masse and regain the steering wheel. One thing certain with Hillary as the conductor, that time will come sooner rather than later.

  26. lowtone123 says:

    If you beat ’em, sue ’em.

  27. lowtone123 says:

    If you can’t beat ’em, sue ’em.

  28. da long says:

    So now, you need informed consent before you kiss a woman. How about all the aunties that kiss me at every baby luau? I don’t remember ever being asked for consent, and as for me, no woman needs consent to kiss me. Is there some place on the internet where you can consent to every woman on the planet that they can kiss you whenever they feel like it?

  29. HanabataDays says:

    Bluster, bravado, baloney and bullst, That’s the brief description of a life ill lived. What good might he potentially have done had he not become a terminal narcissist? The world will never know.

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