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Kenoi’s liquor purchases take center stage in trial’s opening day


Mayor Billy Kenoi stands with his attorneys Todd Eddins (right) and Richard Sing (left) during his trial today in Hilo Circuit Court.

HILO >> Hawaii County Mayor Billy Kenoi’s attorney portrayed him as a 24/7 workhorse for the county on the opening day of testimony at Kenoi’s trial on theft and records tampering charges today, but prosecutors said the public servant crossed the line by using his government-issued purchasing card for lavish personal spending, including large amounts of alcohol.

“It was not his intent to permanently deprive the county of any money,” Defense attorney Todd Eddins said in his opening statement. The mayor may have purchased alcohol at a mainland hotel bar, but that was to build, nurture and strengthen relationships, Eddins said.

“That was his style of leadership,” he said. “Everything in the interest of this county.”

Kenoi is on trial before Judge Dexter Del Rosario in Circuit Court in Hilo after being indicted in March on four counts of theft, two of them second-degree felonies, and two third-degree; three counts of tampering with government records; and one count of false swearing or making a false statement under oath.

Before the indictment and in the wake of media reports Kenoi had admitted to inappropriate expenditures, including nearly $900 at a Honolulu hostess bar in 2013.

Two key prosecution witnesses took the stand after opening statements, in which State Deputy Attorney General Michelle Puu outlined the 15 transactions on Kenoi’s purchasing card from May 2011 to October 2011.

Nancy Cook-Lauer, the West Hawaii Today reporter who broke the story about Kenoi’s use of the county purchasing card, testified she requested pCard records for the mayor and other county heads and executive assistants for November 2010 through February 2012. The records, she said, did not include eight of the 15 transactions that are included in the charges.

Eddins tried to discredit Cook-Lauer, questioning her motives for doing the story and whether she wanted to see Kenoi convicted.

The initial story Cook-Lauer wrote included Kenoi’s payment of a Honolulu hostess bar tab of nearly $900, but that and many other personal purchases, which include a surfboard and bicycle, are not a part of the charges in the indictment.

Eddins said the county charter provided the authority for the mayor to authorize expenses, including meals and alcohol.

The second witness, former county Finance Director Nancy Crawford who was appointed by the mayor, appeared hesitant when testifying, explaining there were things she wasn’t supposed to speak about.

Crawford, who served from 2011 to 2014, said the pCard was not for personal purchases. She also said, however, that the mayor could authorize his personal purchases. “The mayor authorizes his own purchase of liquor,” she said, adding that she was aware of personal purchases.

In opening statements, Puu presented receipts showing large purchases of alcohol that the mayor did not provide to the Finance Department.

Some of the receipts in question were described as payment for dinner, including for staff and for volunteers at the Big Island Film Festival. But a receipt for $265 for liquor and $50 for beer showed no food, as Puu noted.

Some purchases were on Hawaii island while others were made on trips to Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and Honolulu.

Eddins tallied the expenditures alleged by the prosecution as personal to be $4,129.31. He said that Kenoi reimbursed the county $3,929.31, for 14 out of the 15 transactions.

Puu said the reimbursements range from four to 26 months and many followed requests by the media for pCard records.

59 responses to “Kenoi’s liquor purchases take center stage in trial’s opening day”

  1. BuhByeAloha says:

    He and HiLIARy should both be in jail.

  2. allie says:

    Is there anyone less inspiring or more disheartening that Kenoi?

  3. yobo says:

    Guilty as sin.

  4. seaborn says:

    For a repeat of the opening statements, pucker your lips, and while making a humming noise, flick your lips up and down with your pointer finger.

  5. mcc says:

    Resign, Billy, resign.

  6. justmyview371 says:

    DEFENSE — Gee, I’m just a country boy!

  7. pgkemp says:

    if this crook gets of, i will ?????

  8. nodaddynotthebelt says:

    Given all the unflattering photos of Kenoi I am surprised that his attorneys are not moving to change the venue of his trial. It makes great fodder for our faithful SA posters though and as such is good for business.

  9. TEnglish says:

    this is the state attorney general in action. Heinekin beer, crown royal and pineapple juice…….and no receipt……what a joke.

    • den says:

      and it was claimed to be for an event that ended hours ago.


    • MANDA says:

      They meant that he didn’t provide a receipt as proof of expenditure as he was required to do, probably because if he submitted that receipt, even his minions might have known there was a problem.

      • klastri says:

        Not providing a receipt is a violation of purchasing policy. It’s not a crime.

        • kahuku01 says:

          Violation is considered a crime. If it’s not a crime by your standards, what is it called….a slap on the wrist? LOL. Providing a receipt is part of the signed agreement whenever making any purchase. Anyone that is authorized to have a Pcard must read the policy before signing for the Pcard. By signing the agreement, it verifies that the recipient understands the do’s and don’t’s.

        • klastri says:

          kahuku01 – You don’t seem to understand how criminal law works, and I do. Think whatever you want to think.

          Violation of p-card policy does not constitute a crime.

        • DannoBoy says:

          If i steak your car, then bring it back 2 years later when the newspapers start asking around, that’s not theft either? “Hey, I brought it back.”

  10. rytsuru says:

    That is how the world works though! Charge a hundred thousand on your government card, you get prosecuted…steal billions from taxpayers for a project going nowhere and you get applauded. Of course we have to have a semblance of justice…

  11. yobo says:

    Definition of a bad lawyer-
    A bad lawyer makes a case drag on for years.

    Definition of a good lawyer-
    A good lawyer makes it last even longer.

  12. Bully says:

    The headline should read the lawyer tries to defend Kenoi’s spending with his city credit card, however, there is no defense for using the credit card to pay for nightclubs and beers. any two bit politician should know that.

  13. klastri says:

    The state will not be able to get a conviction in this case that withstands an appeal. This is a completely ridiculous prosecution that will ultimately fail.

  14. Hodad says:

    The tattoo above is emblematic of the first course given in law school. That is How to be a Lying Ahold 101. To retain your license you must retake it every other year as part of continuing education.

  15. residenttaxpayer says:

    “Lawyer Todd Eddins told jurors during Kenoi’s felony theft trial on Tuesday that Kenoi would invite people out after working hours to build trust and friendships.”….after hours drinking party at taxpayer’s expense…..such a sham….also going to nightclubs at taxpayer’s expense …….complete lack of ethics and civic responsibility as an elected official…..totally disgusting….hope he serves prison time…..

    • klastri says:

      The good news for Mayor Kenoi is that it doesn’t matter what you think is right or wrong. It matters what the p-card policy said and what the case law is.

      The state will not be able to get a conviction that survives an appeal.

      • keaukaha says:

        Why so long to moderate for using the word Idi-t

      • keaukaha says:

        Irregardless the testimony is showing that no one is minding the bank when it comes to taxpayers monies. That is the vey reason why the political elite of both the democrats and republicans are in very serious trouble. It is a blessing for Hilliary that the Chump is her opponent or she would be the loser in a landslide victory.

      • residenttaxpayer says:

        That’s rather premature since the trial isn’t finished yet…but even if that happens Kenoi will have been put thru the wringer and his political career is kaput……

        • klastri says:

          The state has a lousy case. Really lousy.

          I’m not sure what you mean about his political career being finished. He’s being term limited out of office, but when he’s acquitted, he’ll have options. He’s still very popular.

        • DannoBoy says:

          Please forgive klastori, who appears to be a lawyer, for the absence of any moral compass.

  16. den says:

    what he’s saying in the picture…

    the bottle of crown royal was only this big

  17. hywnsytl says:

    Billy made a couple of mistakes but nothing that warrants Jail. Yes local people do take other people that we need there help out for food and drinks. Nothing new here except someone does not like Billy which is very rare, he is very likable and has been good for the Big Island.

  18. HanabataDays says:


  19. 808comp says:

    Won’t be surprised if they set him free. Should have moved this to another island.

  20. PaulWatson says:

    Mayor Kenoi’s attorney Todd Eddins said Mayor Kenoi may have purchased alcohol at a mainland hotel to build/nurture/strengthening relationships. I was wondering what type of relationships Mayor Kenoi was building/nurturing/building/strengthening for the $900 he spent at the Honolulu hostess bar.

  21. Alohaguy96734 says:

    The irony of ironies: Kenoi takes the people of Hawaii County for a few thousand bucks, then pays it back and finds himself on trial. Caldwell dupes the people of Oahu for BILLIONS and may get re-elected. Sick.

  22. Speakup says:

    Our tax dollars at work! We work and pay tax and they drink it!

  23. WalkoffBalk says:

    He could use a drink right now.

  24. iwanaknow says:

    Keoni is a slick lawyer………he will walk free…..

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