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Amy Schumer’s Trump comments prompt boos, walkouts

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Amy Schumer attended the VH1 Big In 2015 with Entertainment Weekly Award Show held at the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood, Calif. in Nov. 2015. Schumer’s rant against Donald Trump apparently turned off some fans at her show in Tampa, Florida, Sunday.

TAMPA, Fla. » Amy Schumer’s rant against Donald Trump apparently turned off some fans at her show in Tampa, Florida.

The comedian slammed the Republican presidential nominee and brought a fan who supported him onstage to question him about his decision. She responded to people booing in the audience by telling them to leave if they didn’t like her opinions. When some continued to boo, Schumer asked security to escort them out.

Schumer went on to discuss her strong support for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and for gun control.

A reporter for the Tampa Bay Times who attended the show counted roughly about 200 people walking out over the comments.

Schumer responded to the controversy on Twitter today with a note , “All love Tampa.”

103 responses to “Amy Schumer’s Trump comments prompt boos, walkouts”

  1. bleedgreen says:

    So in other words, Trump supporters can dish it, but can’t take it.

    • paniolo says:

      Just like Trump, himself.

    • allie says:

      Trump is toxic for America and his entertainment act has grown old. He has no intention of helping the working class and laughs at them behind their backs. He has poisoned the atmosphere of our country with his tired act.

      • peanutgallery says:

        …..and lyin’ Hillary, and her sexually perverted husband can? Give us a break Allie.

        • saywhatyouthink says:

          People go to a comedy show to laugh and have fun. They’re not there to hear someone’s political and gun control views unless it’s part of a joke.
          I certainly hope she offered refunds to those she had Security remove from the audience. Bad move for her, she’s not that funny and may need every fan she can get.

        • el_burro_sabio says:

          Hillary and Trump are running for president, not Bubba. The qualifications of the candidates are the issue.

      • cajaybird says:

        Jobs help all classes. Also, if the ACA is replaced, that can potentially help people, especially those who can’t pay the deductible for the “affordable” insurance. That’s just a few benefits. Do you want the Canadian or British form of health care? You may not need a hip replacement right now, but many of your customers may. I’d weigh all the pros and cons before you vote. And do you believe an open border would be a good thing for Hawaii? There are millions and millions of people who would love to leave Central America, and for that matter, the rest of the world, to live in Hawaii.

    • AhiPoke says:

      IMO, people didn’t attend this event to hear more politics. They went in anticipation of comedy/laughs. I for one have pretty much tried to not see any of the political events as I pretty much think of both candidates as awful. It would have upset me no matter which candidate they were talking about. If Ms. Schumer wanted to use her forum to talk politics she should have advertised it as such.

      • marcus says:

        Schumer is disgusting weather she talks about politics or about her loose sex life. None of them should’ve went to the show in the first place. She has sent back women to the dark ages with her foul mouth.

        • aomohoa says:

          SO women aren’t allowed to talk like that. Maybe you want women to act like they were expected to in the 1950’s. I am not saying I like her, but that’s because I don’t think she is funny.

        • hawaiikone says:

          aoma, have you ever heard one of her performances?

      • Usagi336 says:

        @ Ahi – Exactly. She’s an entertainer, that’s what she gets paid for, to entertain her audience. I don’t care about her political views or anything else she believes. Just do what you are getting paid to do.

    • Denominator says:

      This was not a political rally. It was a show. If entertainers expect and enjoy applause, they should live with the boo’s. She was trying to make the crowd react to her and it did. If she didn’t like the response it was up to her to adjust or quit.

      • HIE says:

        Wrong. It’s her show. You don’t see liberals going to a Dennis Miller or Jeff Foxworthy show and walking out/booing when they rail on Obama or Hillary. These people epitomize Trump supporters — ign0rant and uneducated. If they didn’t know she was against Trump and that it’s part of her show, they didn’t know her at all. A comedian’s stand up is whatever the hell they want it to be. She wasn’t doing Shakespeare….

    • aomohoa says:

      This is what Comedians do. Are people outraged about Saturday night live. Don’t go to a comedy show if you can’t take it people. I don’t think Trump supporters have much of a sense of humor considering there candidate is a joke.

  2. NanakuliBoss says:

    Her show,her opinion don’t like it,leave.

  3. klastri says:

    Trump supporters, like Mr. Trump himself, simply cannot tolerate any criticism of him.

    He’s obviously a violent psychotic. That fact that one single person would consider voting for him is remarkable and terribly disappointing.

    • mitsuni says:

      Really, I am a Trump supporter and I criticize him myself…..I will vote for him and be proud of casting a vote against the corruption that exists in DC….I also realize because of the hold the DNC has over so many in Hawaii that my vote will not matter as the Unions and the indoctrinated LEFT will carry the electoral votes of Hawaii once again of to the DNC. As for disappointing, I have a hard time believing that so many will knowingly cast a vote for a woman, who is married to a rapist/pedophile, that is owned by wall street and cannot open her mouth without having a lie fall out. She doesn’t even know when she is lying. She committed a crime and is getting off while service members are g=being charged and serving time for doing far less. The DNC is now launching horrible false attacks against Trump which her followers are naively lapping up….do some research and stop listening to the Mainstream Media. It is all available on line if you really want to open up your mind.

      • roxie says:

        Totally Agree!…I’m tired of government corruption and want change….not loose change…

        • btaim says:

          Be careful what you wish for. I want change, too, but change just for the sake of change is unwise. Change in this case, if it’s for Trump, is indeed change but change for the worse. I’ll be able to tolerate Clinton. America would be set way back with Trump – which would be awful for anyone but white males.

        • Kahu Matu says:

          Change for the sake of change is a bad idea. Change from a corrupt and manipulative elite group of rich politicians to someone who isn’t doesn’t seem like a bad idea at all. Trump will still have checks and balances, but it would remove and disrupt the monopoly of Washington career politicians.

        • aomohoa says:

          So, you think a megalomaniac nut case will do a better job??Everyone is sick of politics as usual but he is not the answer.

        • mctruck says:

          And don’t forget that it’s been a Republican led Congress for nearly four years, as well as Republican governors in more than half of U.S.
          And at one time a Republican led Supreme Court. Duhhhh?? how you figure?

        • HIE says:

          What id!otic logic. That’s like saying your car doesn’t work well, so you go buy a motorcycle with no brakes — knowing that the brakes don’t work!

      • Boots says:

        Be proud. Instead of voting for someone who is married to a rapist, you are voting for a rapist. lol Way to go. Grabbing a woman’s P*ssy I think can be considered rape. As for Hillary lying, love the examples you give. The Donald is the number one liar in this election.

      • roughrider says:

        We’re sort of on the same page re: ousting political corruption from D.C. But I can’t bring myself to vote for an unhinged sexual predator.

        The election will be long over, with Clinton likely winning, before the votes in Hawaii are counted. That said, if you just want to make a statement against the DNC, why not consider Johnson or Stein? Or are you truly accepting of the morally corrupt GOP candidate?

      • jusris says:

        Is your vote for Trump or against DNC/Clinton? In your post you say you are a Trump supporter but fail to mention any support for him. I don’t see why he should be the candidate in your post, I only see why you don’t like the DNC/Clinton. It appears that the election has become a vote against Trump or a vote against Clinton, people appear more interested in pointing why you shouldn’t vote for the other candidate instead of why they think their candidate is the best candidate in ALL of America.

        • marcus says:

          I’m voting for trump because I don’t want a liberal slanted Supreme Court, I want to overturn Roe/Wade and gay marriage is that direct enough for you jusris?

        • Boots says:

          That is why I am voting for Hillary. I want Michael Obama appointed to the supreme court and Roe/Wade to be upheld. Tired of republicans who want to run people’s lives.

      • Taimalie12 says:

        Trump lies everyday to his uninformed base supporters!

    • nomu says:

      klastri, inappropriate touching during an affectionate greeting, or making moves on a date, is not “violent” behavior. Agressive, not violent.

      • klastri says:

        Mr. Trump has fomented violence many times at his rallies. Over and over again – on video. And has threatened war with Iran for hand gestures he doesn’t like. He is obviously a dangerous psychotic. Very obviously.

      • Boots says:

        I think the law would disagree with you. If you grab a woman’s p*ssy without permission, many would consider that to be a violent act

        • klastri says:

          That’s why it’s called sexual assault. It is a violent felony in all 50 states.

          I’ve stopped trying to educate Trump supporters. They are as prideful and willful about their own ignorance as is Mr. Trump. It’s a national disgrace.

        • sarge22 says:

          You still here and continuing to spread false truths? Have you watched Uncle Joe Biden’s hands. HiLIARy is in deep kimchee and all these attacks against Donald are just a side show. The election is rigged and the truth is slowly emerging. “Make America Great Again”

        • nomu says:

          klastri, you are obviously out of touch with reality. There’s a difference between talking about grabbing p*ssy when trash taking with another man, and actually doing it. You, obviously, can’t tell the difference. Obviously.

        • klastri says:

          nomu – He bragged about having committed felonies. You think that’s OK. Good for you.

          Mr. Trump admitted his past conduct with his own words and in his own voice. Hopefully, he will move forward with his lawsuit against the Times. Doing that would allow the Times to pierce the secrecy of the non-disclosure agreements he has in place, and would additionally allow the Times access to now hidden audio and video recordings.

          He is a psychotic. You can’t understand that, which is terribly sad.

        • oiwi808 says:

          I would much prefer a person that admits their wrongs than one who believes their own lies.

        • saywhatyouthink says:

          Really? What would it be if you grabbed Boots by the balls? .. a petty misdemeanor? Funny how none of the accusers ever filed a report with anyone about these “violent felonies”. Even the President of the United States was not able to stop his victims from reporting his sex crimes yet the Donald was able to convince them to keep it quite, sometimes for 30 years or more. Now that’s some real influence the Donald wields.

        • klastri says:

          saywhatyouthink – You’re lying, of course.

          Mr. Trump and his companies have been successfully sued many times over the years by women who claimed sexual harassment. Many times.

        • hawaiikone says:

          klas, could you please refer us to some of the “many times” women have successfully sued Trump or his company for sexual harassment?

        • mctruck says:

          nomu, looks like this subject is way over your head. Time for you to go nighty nite.

          hawaiikone, why don’t you go look it up yourself instead of being a lazy uneducated/uninformed trumpty dumpty follower.

        • hawaiikone says:

          truckie, I did look it up. There’s a saying about a knife brought to a gunfight. You exemplify the extremes of that reasoning.

        • mctruck says:

          If you did look it up, why ask such rediculous question of klastri to confirm his statement? you just shooting off your mouth for nothing, but that’s what the donald does so no difference with you.

        • hawaiikone says:

          As distasteful as it is, I’ll respond, as you’re not bright enough to notice that klas didn’t. If you ever took the time, or had the ability, to actually research, you’d have discovered that there has never been a conviction against Trump for sexual assault. He settled out of court for a breech suit, with the caveat that a concurrent sexual assault suit by the plaintiff’s acquaintance be dropped. Dozens of allegations, which are indeed indicative of concern, and tend to only reinforce the perception of him being a sleaze ball, may indeed offer justifiable pot shot opportunities, but, when someone that ought to know better misrepresents the actual facts, I will speak up. Which, in this instance. that someone did not include you, an individual clearly unable to do little more than spew incessantly.

      • Ronin006 says:

        Klastri, I do not doubt for one second that Trump has “made it” big time with many beautiful women and some who were not so beautiful. It goes with being a celebrity with lots of money. And I do not doubt for one second that the women involved willingly participated because of Trump’s celebrity status and were not sexually assaulted as you incessantly claim. Don’t you find it strange that during Trump’s many years of fame and fortune, not one woman accused him of sexual assault, sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior and that such allegations were not made until the past week and less than a month before the General Election? What do you think motivated them to come forward now with their allegations?

        • klastri says:

          It would help a lot if you would, at long last, stop lying.

          Women have been filing and winning sexual harassment law suits against Mr. Trump and his companies for years, and he has settled suits against him. This is all in the public record.

          If you are going to lie, you might consider doing it about something that isn’t so easy to disprove using public records.

          Grabbing the genitals of a woman without her consent – as Mr. Trump explained he has done – is sexual assault in all 50 states. You can lie about that too if you want. I couldn’t care less. You follow Alex Jones, so you have no standards or judgment.

        • Ronin006 says:

          Klastri, I challenge you to name one women who sued Trump for sexual assault and settled with him. You have a big mouth but never can produce evidence to back your bogus claims when challenged to do so. Produce one case from the “public record.”

        • mctruck says:

          You another one who is too damn lazy(on purpose)to look it up yourself because actually, you rather not know the truth even if it hit you in the face.
          trump is going down big time and then the truth of his vulgar life will come to the fore. Infact, he might flee and seek asylum in Russia just to escape the courts of lawsuits in the U.S.

        • nishi1 says:

          Isn’t that the same as the accusers of Bill Cosby? Many came forward years after the fact. One of his accusers recounted and incident from as far back as 1965. Why didn’t they come forward sooner? “Some, thinking she was the only one he had allegedly attacked, feared that the he said/she said would go in the favor of this beloved, folksy star. They worried that by remaining silent, they were making it possible for other women to be victimized”.

          Back in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s most women felt powerless – not so much today.

        • mctruck says:

          ditto, nishi.
          You hit the nail on the head.

        • Ronin006 says:

          Come on, Klastri, produce the link to prove your claim. I don’t think you can do it.

    • beachbum11 says:

      Any one voting for Hillary is remarkable and terribly DISAPPOINTING. Many uneducated voters.

      • cajaybird says:

        IRT beachbum11: Agree. Is anyone here following or aware of the wikileaks revelations? Notice how the media (except for Fox), isn’t reporting it. Very damaging for Hillary. There are a lot of seemingly illegal acts going on as part of an MO for Hillary’s campaign.

  4. oiwi808 says:

    Celebrities should not use their stage for a political discussion. If an entertainer is going to kick someone out of a show they bought a ticket for, simply because the paid entertainer doesn’t agree with them…it is the so called entertainer that is wrong. Freedom of speech only if SHE likes what you say.

    • klastri says:

      What a ridiculous comment. It’s Ms. Schumer’s show to say or do what she wants.

      Mr. Trump has people removed all the time from his rallies. Grow up.

      • oiwi808 says:

        It my PAID seat…I should be able to remove her too then.

      • Ronin006 says:

        Klastri, what a ridiculous comment. You seem to have missed the issue. Ms. Schumer allegedly is a comedian who tells jokes about many things to make her audiences laugh. Everyone is fair game for her jokes, but she crossed the line as an entertainer when she turned her performance into a campaign rally for Hillary. You have to be brain-dead or a Democrat not to understand this.

        • yhls says:

          Ditto. If you’re going to trash, trash both sides equally. SNL did and it was hysterical. In this case, Schumer is picking sides and campaigning for Hillary. People who are fans of hers and paid to hear her routine were certainly caught off guard and left. She’s funny, but not so talented she can afford to lose fans through a political rant like this.

        • mctruck says:

          (200+)left vs. (8,400+)remained; yeah she could afford it.

        • beachbum11 says:

          Bingo, both.

        • yhls says:

          Mctruck, I’m talking about her career overall, not just this show. The 200 are a drop in the bucket. But the overall effect on her career — much bigger. She’s an idiot like most of the people defending her actions here.

        • mctruck says:

          That’s her career; I think she can make decisions on how she wants it to go.
          She don’t need a babysitter.

    • Boots says:

      Of course celebrities should use their stage for political discussion. That is why Bill Meyer, John Oliver and Jon Stewart are so popular. Oh, you must be a conservative. Conservatives generally have no sense of humor.

      • oiwi808 says:

        The people you mention are politcal comedians. Thats their job & thats fine. People who went to see her did not go to see politcal comedy. I am not a conservative by any means…I have no problem with humor, in fact I love it! People should lighten up when it comes to comedy…but to have people removed because they don’t agree with you? if you can’t handle hecklers maybe you shouldn’t call yourself a comedian.

        • Boots says:

          No Sarge, I have not noticed Joe Biden’s hands. Do you have any links? Why is Hillary in deep Kimchee? Seems like she will be our next president.

      • Windward_Side says:

        Voting according to celebrity opinions is laughable. They’re just entertainers!!!

  5. OutsidelookingIn says:

    “When some continued to boo, Schumer asked security to escort them out”
    Seems to me she can dish it out but can’t take it!!!
    After all they paid to get in. Would like to know if she refunded them back?

    • serious says:

      I agree, people paid for entertainment she should sing, dance or whatever she was paid to do. Who really cares what a celebrity says??? What’s their background–what have they done for public service?

    • mctruck says:

      Actually, I would agree that if these(200+)people were thrown out, then I would refund them. And since we don’t know what happened or will happen it’s premature to so which way it went.

  6. rytsuru says:

    Isn’t it funny that our election is about who lies less…

  7. PoiDoggy says:

    How could her comments possibly be a surprise to anyone who’s ready anything about her?

  8. Boots says:

    Why would anyone go to her show who is for the Donald? I would go just to hear her make fun of politicians.

    • AhiPoke says:

      Making fun of all politicians is funny. Using a show to state political beliefs is not. If she were honest she should have advertised the show as a political rally for Clinton. That would have been fine. IMO, when people pay for a comedy show that is what should be delivered. She’s entitled to her beliefs but she shouldn’t make people pay to hear them unless they know what to expect.

    • oiwi808 says:

      Its one thing to make fun of politicians, but to belittle someone for their choice in who they vote for is wrong. Make fun of politics & politicians all you want, who cares. But when you ask for a supporter of a particular candidate to come on stage, in this case Trump…and you proceed to chastise him for stating his choice…that is totally unacceptable.

  9. willman says:

    How come Amy Schemer has gotten so much attention on this. She is a nobody or perhaps just another Wanna be.

    • Windward_Side says:

      Have you heard her “jokes”? It’s worst that anything Trump or even rapist Bill has said.

      • mctruck says:

        Only “worst” because the message hit home.

        • Windward_Side says:

          umm…they’re all sex and “locker room” type jokes. What jokes has she told that “hit home” are you referring to?

        • mctruck says:

          Well, according to many republicans interviewed, they don’t think, “locker room” talk means anything at all. So, what is it that’s got you all up in arms???

        • Windward_Side says:

          Have you been following this thread or are you just applying your rants from other threads. Your anger over Trump is just preventing you from making lucid statements. Enough said. You’re on my personal ignore list.

        • mctruck says:

          And may I say, “I’m proud as hell that you feel that way towards me.”

  10. WizardOfMoa says:

    Wouldn’t give a time of day for any celebrity political view point. Should your expectation to be entertain aren’t met, ask for a refund and leave. Celebrities are human beings, some are worthy of your time and some aren’t worth your time and money!

  11. WalkoffBalk says:

    They’re not booing. They’re chanting “Shuuu..,Shuuu.”

  12. HRS134 says:

    The lady is a waste. Not funny, and poor choice of venue yo use her show as a political rally.

  13. mctruck says:

    Look at the numbers, at least (200+) stood up and left, those who remained, (8,400+), I guess the numbers speak for themselves. Trump is not so well liked except for Evangelicals and white non-college degree white males aka, klu klux clan members.

  14. yobo says:

    I get perturbed when Comedians, actors, actresses and anyone in the entertainment industry use their fame/notoriety on stage for political gain.

    Well, exceptions are Scott Baio (Chachi) and Jon Voight. LOL!

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