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Police group’s endorsement of Trump stirs debate among ranks


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to retired and active law enforcement personnel at a Fraternal Order of Police lodge during a campaign stop in Statesville, N.C.

ATLANTA >> A national police organization’s endorsement of Donald Trump has exposed a divide within the ranks of law enforcement.

Some officers are asking if the group should support someone who calls himself the law-and-order candidate, but was caught on tape bragging about sexually predatory behavior toward women.

They also worry that Trump’s campaign has antagonized the very minority communities that police agencies need to win over amid turmoil over police shootings of unarmed black men.

The national Fraternal Order of Police issued the endorsement last month. The largest law enforcement association says Trump won the endorsement because he’s the one candidate who takes time to understand the issues facing men and women in uniform.

Some officers, particularly African-Americans, are now are questioning whether Trump is worthy of the endorsement.

25 responses to “Police group’s endorsement of Trump stirs debate among ranks”

  1. klastri says:

    This endorsement, naturally, is now blowing up in the face of union leaders. It’s odd that a group of law enforcement officers would endorse someone who was caught on tape bragging about his history of felony sexual assault.

    Good luck to the FOP leadership with their efforts to explain this gaffe.

    • sarge22 says:

      US Debt Soars To $19.7 Trillion…up over $170 billion in just eight business days.
      To give it some context, that’s up over $170 billion in just eight business days.

      Of course, this hasn’t been reported anywhere because the media is too busy pretending to be shocked that Donald Trump is a womanizer.

      And yet the debt is a much, much bigger story… though admittedly one that is far less entertaining.

      The election is merely a fight over who gets to be the band conductor while the Titanic sinks. And the debt is precisely the reason for this.


      • MillionMonkeys says:

        The topic is a police organization endorsing Trump and the debate it stirs up. The topic is NOT “the election.”

        Don’t change the subject when you are losing.

        • sarge22 says:

          By participating in online discussions you acknowledge that you have agreed to the TERMS OF SERVICE. An insightful discussion of ideas and viewpoints is encouraged, but comments must be civil and in good taste, with no personal attacks.

        • copperwire9 says:

          Sarge, c’mon! It says “insightful.” Did you miss that part?

      • Boots says:

        So Sarge does this mean you will be voting for sweet Hillary? The Donald would add a lot to the public debt by giving himself huge tax cuts and building a stupid wall along the border. So how much money have you contributed to Hillary?

    • kuroiwaj says:

      Morning Klastri, keep the pressure on the Trump story to keep the interest of citizens of Hawaii and the United States away from the Clinton’s and their Campaign. As the WikiLeaks releases expose the corruption of the Clintons and friends, and the women assaulted by Mr. Clinton (who may end up in the White House, again) you must make plenty noise to distract.

      • klastri says:

        I don’t need to make any noise. Thankfully, enough folks recognize that Mr. Trump is profoundly mentally ill, so he’s already losing badly and will be thoroughly trounced on November 8th. In case you didn’t notice, his poll numbers have collapsed completely.

        Will I see you at Mrs. Clinton’s inauguration?

        • kuroiwaj says:

          Klastri, no we will not be at Ms Hillary’s dream of an inauguration. We may make it at Mr. Trumps inauguration, for we do have family around D.C.

  2. Bumby says:

    The spin by the hillary’s campaign. Always adding a negative to what is positive for Trump.

    People start viewing youtube.com and learn the other side of hillary that you do not see in the mainstream video.

    You will think twice before voting for that woman.

    • klastri says:

      Of course. Nothing that happens to Mr. Trump is because of his own psychotic behavior and disgraceful words. He cannot take responsibility for what he says and does, and you agree with him.

      Everything bad that happens to Mr. Trump is because of Mrs. Clinton. That is one great analysis!

    • MillionMonkeys says:

      Youtube, as in “you,” as in anyone can make weird, distorted, biased videos against either candidate.

      There’s enough info in the mainstream news media. You can watch a little right-wing and some left-wing, but watch mostly regular news sources. And use your brain.

    • Boots says:

      Hillary was not my first choice but I will be voting for Hillary as the Donald is just disgustingly bad. The Donald as president would be far worse than a Clinton presidency. If nothing else it would mean that presidential candidates would never release their tax returns again.

  3. roxie says:

    Voting for this presidential election basically comes down to, do you like it the way the system currently is? vote hillary. If you want change? vote Trump…..Im voting Trump because Hillary is so corrupt and nothing sticks to her (teflon) because of who she is and so well connected…with all the things she has done, if it happened to an ordinary person, they wouldn’t be able to continue in the election and be in jail.

    • Boots says:

      lol, big mistake to think Trump = change. A vote for the Donald is a vote to return to the days of Ronald Reagan and G W Bush where Deficits don’t matter. No a vote for change is a vote for Hillary as a balanced federal budget will allow many options which we don’t have when there is a trillion dollar plus deficit. Plus why vote for someone who had close to a billion losses in his business?

    • kuroiwaj says:

      IRT Roxie, agree with your post. And, in addition the nomination of Federal Judges. We know Mr. Trump will nominate Conservative Originalists. We know that Ms Hillary will appoint Progressive Liberals. Who is elected to be the President of the United States will impact our Country for the next 50 years. Yes, I also support Mr. Trump.

      • advertiser1 says:

        Again, better to be progressive than regressive.

        • klastri says:

          Conservative Originalists = bring back slavery.

        • kuroiwaj says:

          IRT Klastri, Ahhh, as an attorney, you are knowledgeable about the U.S. Constitution Amendment 13 and Amendment 14 (Sec. 4) that ends slavery in the United States? Conservative Originalists will conform to the language of the U.S. Constitution. Liberal Progressives will do what ever they believe is best, even to find ways to go against the U.S. Constitution. Such as, Hawaii born President Obama writing and signing all his Executive Orders which are rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court as unconstitutional.

      • lunalilohi says:

        LOL, Dishonest Donald doesn’t know any of these terms or what they mean, the words are way too big for him. I can guarantee he has no idea that there are three branches of government or what they do.

    • keaukaha says:

      The Chump doesn’t know sh-t and spends his time fighting those who call attention to his inefficiencies. There is no need to say anymore unless you are the undereducated.

  4. copperwire9 says:

    Sometimes the StarAdvertiser just wears me out, with all the ‘news wire half-articles’ it posts.

  5. serious says:

    I think the police association has made a wise choice–if Hillary is going to be anything like Obama–and she says she’ll follow his policies–look how Obama sides with “the other side” and only supports the police when he’s politicking. I would hate to be a police officer–they need a President who will lead by example and show them the respect and courtesy their uniform deserves.

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