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4 city councilmembers announce support for Caldwell

DENNIS ODA / JAN. 2, 2013

Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell and Councilman Joey Manahan pose for a photo following a joint inauguration ceremony in 2013 at the Mission Memorial Auditorium.

Four Honolulu City Council members will be announcing their support of Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s reelection bid at a press conference this afternoon.

Councilman Joey Manahan joins colleagues Ikaika Anderson, Brandon Elefante and Kymberly Pine, who had previously stated they support Caldwell.

Last month, Council Chairman Ernie Martin and members Ann Kobayashi and Trevor Ozawa announced their support for former U.S. Rep. Charles Djou, Caldwell’s challenger.

That means of the current nine members, Carol Fukunaga and Ron Menor remain non-committed in the mayor’s race.

The non-partisan race will be decided in the general election Nov. 8.

52 responses to “4 city councilmembers announce support for Caldwell”

  1. Alohaguy96734 says:

    Must be bought and paid for just like the Krook they love so much

    • islandsun says:

      Krooks attract other krooks.

      • gsc says:

        This City and County of Honolulu had four years of Mayor Caldwell is this a better place ? I don’t think so ! Now can anyone remember any thing that these four council members did to make this a better place to live ? I remember Kymberly Pine wanting people to volunteer to clean city parks ! Time For A Change !!!!

        • beachbum11 says:

          But these same do nothing hacks still get elected. Pine did nothing good. Elepante want no plastic bags. It is just follow the leader. Sad!

        • wondermn1 says:

          Manahan is a waste on the city council and is bought & Paid for just like Caldwell, BOTH NEED TO GO and as far as NO SHOW PINE she is the biggest paid Dummy on the council. We are so screwed in Honolulu and our choices are few but for sure Caldwell Must Go so Djou is going to have to rise and listen to the people. WE DONT WANT THE RAIL TO CONTINUE.

      • inverse says:

        Members of the Mufioso?

        • Vector says:

          Djou calls rail a massive disaster. The guideway has already reached the main Pearl Harbor entrance to Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam, and now heading to the airport. Great progress has been made in our investment for the rail metro system. Our economy is booming, State and City tax revenues are increasing, more people are employed with their incomes increasing, due to all the rail metro construction and all the other development and construction. We have an intermodal transit system, with affordable housing and affordable rentals built and being planned and built along the rail metro guideway, and around the 21 metro stations. The rail metro stations will attract more business and commercial development, contributing to more economic activity and more employment opportunities, and improving our entire economy. The multiplier effect of of all this rail, commercial, residential development and construction is rippling throughout our economy

        • Keolu says:

          Thanks to kirk, rail is a massive disaster.

      • Vector says:

        Islandsun, you sound just like Trump, calling Hillary a crook. Character assassination is the currency of crooks themselves

        • beachbum11 says:

          The rail is still at the stadium. Has NOT reached the enterance to Pearal Harbor. Drive out there and See for yourself.

        • gsc says:

          Vector where do you live, you must not live here ! Roads are terrible, Houseless people are out of control, water main breaks are common almost everyday, then on the news last night that the mayor wants people to volunteer to do some work at the ” Peoples” park Ala Moana tomorrow ! What are you smoking Dry Banana Leaves just like uku !

        • davcon says:

          More mumble jumble from some one who has no idea of what’s going on. Where do you clowns come from.

  2. mcc says:

    Presenting the rail gang that will raise your taxes for their broken train.

    • Vector says:

      Djou calls rail a massive disaster. The guideway has already reached the main Pearl Harbor entrance to Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam, and now heading to the airport. Great progress has been made in our investment for the rail metro system. Our economy is booming, State and City tax revenues are increasing, more people are employed with their incomes increasing, due to all the rail metro construction and all the other development and construction. We have an intermodal transit system, with affordable housing and affordable rentals built and being planned and built along the rail metro guideway, and around the 21 metro stations. The rail metro stations will attract more business and commercial development, contributing to more economic activity and more employment opportunities, and improving our entire economy

  3. bikemom says:

    There’s plenty of discord at our county level of government. Too bad the mayor and councilmembers don’t come together like the city leaders did recently in San Antonio. http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Mayor-city-manager-and-council-members-heat-up-9527032.php

    • islandsun says:

      The council members should be the counter balance to the crooked mayor. Its better for the people that they dont all get along.

      • bikemom says:

        I was referring to the discord between councilmembers, not council and the mayor.

        • HawaiiCheeseBall says:

          You are missing the real story. The City Council will re-organize with these four joining Menor to form the new majority. It will be a City Council more favorable to the Mayor. The Trevor Ozawa zoning committee assignment was the first bad sign. Ikaika was a loyal Ernie soldier. I’ll lay odds that Menor will be Chair, Kim will be Budget Chair, Manahan will have Transportation, Ikaika will take Zoning, Elefante will be in charge of a parks or human services committee. If Fukunaga comes along she will get Executive matters. Ernie will be in charge of the Dog Catching Committee, Ann will be in charge of the restriping of parking lots committee.

      • wiliki says:

        The Coucil has more power than the mayor.

    • justmyview371 says:

      So you want them to dance and sing and make real fools of themselves.

    • saywhatyouthink says:

      Honolulu would be a better place without any of them really. All nine are bought and paid for by rail and developer interests, just like Caldwell. There’s no honor among thieves.

  4. hywnsytl says:

    I would have thought Anderson would be with Dijou and Ozawa with Caldwell. I guess there is no good side.

  5. HRS134 says:

    Study that list. If they’re in your district, don’t vote for them. They’re part of the problem. Anderson used to have some sense. For some reason he’s picked the wrong candidate.

  6. ALLU says:

    Forgive my ignorance, but I thought the City Council’s job and reason for existing was to keep the Mayor in check and to represent the people? Why even have a City Council if the Councilmembers are publicly announcing they are biased and in favor of the Mayor when they are being paid and were elected to ensure the separation of powers at Honolulu Hale? What is going on?

  7. fiveo says:

    Just the usual suspects. Nothing new. Do hope the voters remember them supporting Capt Kirk. They all are on the gravy train, I would imagine.
    They also need to be voted out. Otherwise, the people cannot have any reason to hope for clean, honest government on the city lebel.

    • justmyview371 says:

      I agree.

    • Alohaguy96734 says:

      Caldwell tends to attract the weak-minded people (who in their right mind would support a Mayor with a $250,000 a year side-job at the bank working 1-2 hours a month) so it is not much of a surprise these folks are amongst his minions.

      • Vector says:

        And who would support Djou who has little experience running this City, compared to Caldwell who has many years, under many administration’s running this City. Djou is an amateur, who only focuses on the costs of rail, and not in in the larger context of its benefits, as an efficient, modern, safe, fast, convenient part of an intermodal transit system, which will add affordable housing and affordable rentals to our housing supply, and economically benefit our State and City

  8. YOTARE says:

    Thanks, SA, for giving your readers an easy-to-understand list of people to NOT vote for. Great job!!

  9. MANDA says:

    Fukunaga and Menor are smart. Neither of these guys who want to lead our city can do a good job. It’s sad that these are our choices.

  10. 808comp says:

    Looks like Oahu going be stuck with Caldwell for four more years.

  11. YOTARE says:

    This really is no surprise. The only person who I’m disappointed in is Joey, as he’s actually a pretty decent guy. Weak and only semi-competent (English is not even his first language) but he’s genuinely nice. However, as someone else pointed out, the weak are easy to use and no doubt Kirk’s people bullied him into endorsing.

    Kym Pine is the epitome of everything that is wrong with elected officials. She’s a female version of Kirk–a crook and a snake who can’t be trusted. Want to know why she’s siding with Kirk? Because the entire GOP delegation has figured out how slimy she is and she’s no longer welcome in the party. She’s be switching to “D” when she runs in a partisan race again.

    Brandon is just a dense, naive kid who styles himself an ultra-left activist. Not particularly bright but extremely ambitious. I worked with him extensively when he was Breene’s fluffer. He won’t get very far in local politics. His entire community is outraged over the rail and yet there he goes, trotting along behind Kirk and trying to leech as much know-how from his new boss as possible, just like he did with Breene.

    Ikaika is just your garden variety scumbag opportunist, much like the rest of his family. No surprise he’s siding with Kirk, as Kirk will promise anyone virtually anything and Ikaika will always follow a sweet deal.

    So in the end, four councilmembers that most people either don’t know, don’t trust or don’t like are backing Kirk. Only thing that does is expand the list of politicians whose careers will be ending after this term.

  12. localguy says:

    All four are Kirky Boy’s illegal step children. No loss there.

  13. Kriya says:

    Wow, now if Menor could build up enough courage to not be afraid of his own shadow perhaps we’d actually have 5 council members on the same side to finally have new leadership in the City Council. Won’t hold my breath though.

  14. inverse says:

    And all of these bought out clowns want the law changed so that they can serve 3 four year terms?

  15. Commando1 says:

    They all lost my vote!

  16. ready2go says:

    Voters need to show up and vote. Show them what the voting public feels.

  17. justmyview371 says:

    Wow, two douche bags in one photograph!

  18. 808Cindy says:

    Djou is some much like other Republicans grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble GRUMBLE and noooooooooooo or very stupid solutions!!!! Get rid of the REPUBLICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. fraapes says:

    It’s difficult to take anything Ikaika Anderson says as reliable, informed or in the public’s best interest.
    e.g., his spin on rail:
    “To date, project expenses have remained relatively in line with the projections presented in the financial plans. While there has been a lot of speculation over the years as to what will or will not happen, with regard to the Federal commitment, on the local funding side the project has seen increased revenue and expenses at or below the projections.”

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