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Hope, relief for transgender military families in new policy


Jenn Brewer, 13, left, poses for a portrait with her mother Amanda Brewer after the teenager’s monthly doctors appointment for monitoring of her treatment at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital in Fort Belvoir, Va. Brewer is transitioning from male to female. Starting Oct. 3, the military’s health insurance will cover transgender-related services that include hormone therapy and supportive counseling.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. >> Like many transgender teens, Jenn Brewer faced bullying when she came out. Some classmates called her “tranny,” and a few teachers refused to address the 13-year-old by anything other than her male birth name, she said.

But she and her family found that the biggest difficulty came from her father’s employer: the U.S. military.

Jenn’s father is an Army staff sergeant at Virginia’s Fort Belvoir, and his military health insurance refused to cover private counseling to support the changes his daughter was embracing. Several months later, Jenn said, she was so frustrated and distraught that she tried to kill herself.

“Nothing was working out for me,” she told The Associated Press in an interview, sitting in a coffee shop near her family’s home on the base with her mom, who encouraged Jenn by placing a hand on her knee. “And I kind of felt suffocated by all of the rules that had been put in place for people like me.”

The military insurance also wouldn’t cover the $15,000 hormone blockers that could help Jenn transition to female. But such barriers will disappear Monday, when a number of health services for transgender people will begin to be covered by military insurance.

The Pentagon announced in June an end to the military’s ban on transgender service members. The ripple effect of the new health benefits extends beyond active-duty military to include roughly 7 million retirees and children of service members, like Jenn.

The change puts support for Jenn’s mental and physical wellbeing during her transition within reach, but the new coverage also comes with controversy.

The National Center for Transgender Equality says the new policy doesn’t go far enough, with a key operation — gender-reassignment surgery — covered only for active-duty personnel.

The Center for Military Readiness, a conservative group, also derides the new insurance, arguing that it covers expensive treatments devoid of any military purpose.

The new policy comes in the wake of other transgender-related mandates from the Obama administration. Driving these changes is the medical community’s belief that treatment can be considered medically necessary.

People who identify as another gender can experience various levels of distress, and studies show there is a higher risk for depression and suicide. Doctors say counseling, hormone therapy or surgery can lessen the anxiety.

The condition is known as gender dysphoria. Until now, the Pentagon lacked a policy that guaranteed coverage for it, said Eric Pahon, an agency spokesman.

In Jenn’s case, she said her feelings of being born into the wrong body began when she was 3 or 4. She came out at 11, and teachers and students at her middle school mostly supported her, although not everyone, she said.

Under the Pentagon’s previous policy, the family was unable to get counseling for Jenn at a private LGBT youth center. Jenn’s only option was a psychologist interning on the base. To the family’s relief, the intern supported Jenn’s transition, her mother, Amanda Brewer, said.

But the woman eventually left, leaving Jenn without access to a therapist for months because of staffing shortages, her mother said.

Fort Belvoir spokeswoman Alexandra Snyder confirmed in an email that a personnel shortage prevented counselors from seeing new patients when Jenn’s family requested one.

After Jenn’s suicide attempt, she was referred to another base therapist, who is supportive, her mother said. But the family faced an additional barrier when Jenn decided she wanted to begin to physically transition to female.

The family was referred to Dr. David Klein, an Air Force major and Fort Belvoir’s chief of adolescent medicine. Klein was open to starting treatment for Jenn. The first step would be hormone blockers to suppress male puberty. But the military’s insurance wouldn’t cover it.

Klein found a solution. Jenn also qualified for a diagnosis of early onset puberty, a condition that was covered by the insurance and could be treated with the same hormone blockers. Under the new military insurance, Jenn would have been covered without the secondary diagnosis.

But the new policy stops short of surgery for retirees and dependents.

A federal statute from the 1980s specifically bans military insurance from covering surgery for “sex gender changes.” The law allows the defense secretary to make exceptions for active-duty members but not military dependents or retirees, said Pahon, the Pentagon spokesman.

Harper Jean Tobin, policy director for the National Center for Transgender Equality, said the Pentagon misinterprets the law. She said cosmetic surgery is banned, not operations that many doctors now consider medically necessary.

“They’re trying to do the right thing,” Tobin said. “But they’ve gotten the interpretation wrong.”

Air Force retiree Shari Zabel of Colorado Springs plans to fight the Pentagon’s policy. She has scheduled male-to-female reassignment surgery for February. Her military insurance has already denied covering the $36,000 bill from a private facility, she said.

“You have a group of people who can get the surgery, but you’re excluding another group of people who are very similar, and that’s discriminatory,” Zabel said.

The Department of Defense says there is a military reason for the changes in the new policy.

“If service members are concerned about their family members’ health, they can’t possibly be functioning 100 percent to fight a war,” Pahon said.

At the coffee shop, as Jenn drank a frozen Irish cream concoction, she hesitated to go into too much detail about the struggles of the past year, instead focusing on the positive — the girlfriend she met at D.C.’s pride parade and her treatments — and often defaulting to her dry sense of humor.

“Other than being transgender, it was a pretty normal experience,” she said of the year, cracking a smile.

12 responses to “Hope, relief for transgender military families in new policy”

  1. Ronin006 says:

    He was born a male and will always be male regardless of what he says he is or feels he is. It is nonsense to refer to him as she, her, daughter and then like. How did something like this happen? I think I know -liberals.

    • aomohoa says:

      You are as rigid as a steel beam in your thinking. Oh, I know, conservatives! Guess what people are people whether they are conservative or liberal, neither is a dirty word like you imply.

  2. paradisetax says:

    You are either XX or XY – no amount of hormones, surgeries, wishful thinking or fantasies will change whether you are male or female.

  3. Numilalocal says:

    If you’ve never been in these slippers, you could not possible know the confusion, self-hatred, rejection of friends and family and lack of support experienced by people who are this way. I know because I am.

    • aomohoa says:

      Thank you for a common sense comment that is not judgemental and shows Aloha.NO one knows what it is like unless they are affected directly. Sometimes they soften and sometimes a family is torn apart and that is sad.
      I do believe everyone should be accepted for who they are and who they feel they are inside. Some people are very close minded, mostly because that is the way they were raised. I am sure most of them think being Gay is a choice.
      However, I have mixing feeling about whether or how much of this should be covered by Insurance, considering how out of control insurance costs are constantly escalating. Not everything should be covered. Just like people should be content with generic RX’s instead of demanding name brand, unless there is some really good reason.
      Life is just not so black and white. I wish you well.

    • nodaddynotthebelt says:

      Thank you for your comment regarding the issue of transgenders. I wholeheartedly agree that many in our society are insensitive to the plight of those of the gay and lesbian community. We have been a society for thousands of years but yet we have made such little progress. When we have religions, especially Christians, throwing resistance to laws that would provide equity we have a very strong resistance against fairness and equality. As per the issue of who is responsible for the cost of “gender transformation” I do not agree that the state or federal government should be responsible for the cost of such medical procedures. It opens us up to quite a very large tab and I feel is an abuse of the principles of equality and fairness for gays and lesbians. I’m all for those doing the procedure but NOT for passing on the tab to the taxpayers. Now, that, is just simply wrong. What is next? Gay and lesbian restrooms paid for by taxpayers?

    • Cellodad says:

      Yes. I’ve had students in high school who were trans-gender as well as gay. Life is not easy for them and they deserve support.

    • WizardOfMoa says:

      Ditto, Numilalocal and blessings!

  4. youngblood says:

    Can`t take care of our Vet`s, but they want to pay for a mixed up kids sexual problems ?

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