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District 09 – Emil Svrcina

Full Name: Emil Svrcina

Name on Ballot: Emil Svrcina

Age: 54

District: Honolulu City Council District 9

Email Address: emilsvrcina@gmail.com

Current Job: computer specialist, programmer, analyst University of Hawaii Cancer Center

Place of birth: Chrudim, Czech Republic

Campaign website: www.emilclearchoice.com

Job history past 10 years: UH Cancer Center

Business owner

Ever run for public office? If so, when? Outcome?

Council member District 9, 2008 — did not win

House Representative District 37, 2012, 2014 — did not win

Neighborhood Board No. 25, 2013, 2014 — won both years

Other civic experience or community service?

Vice President HIRA, HD37 District chairman

Anything else you’d like voters to know about you?:

Escaped tyranny of communism where lived half of his life. Christian, uncorrupt outsider, American patriot, nuclear scientist/researcher, engineer, analyst, creative thinker, married 32 years, father of five, brings all this to our partnership that will help us find the very best … intelligent, no-nonsense, adult solutions to our problems.

What makes you qualified to be a Council member?

Solid education, training and experience in disciplines other than politics. science, math, business. So when “experts” come with “reports” to sell us stadiums that rust, convention centers ceilings too low for TV, wasting a magnificent harbor on student dorms/junk food/no parking, Rail, I know when their numbers lie.

What is your one big idea?

Biggest agricultural import? Rice. Biggest social problem? Able bodied homeless/unemployed. Most precious natural resource? Water. Major environmental threat? Erosion. Solution: Put able-bodied homeless to work terracing windward mountain sides like the People of China did (by hand). Perpetual benefit and beauty. A pride and work-ethic building accomplishment.

What steps should elected city officials take next regarding the rail project?

Losers double down on losing bets. Winners cut their loss and move on. Stop at Middle Street. Redirect effort to the least expensive, most efficient form of transportation possible. Individuals in automobiles on 21st century roads. Today’s congestion is from intentional neglect of roads to cram Rail down taxpayer throats.

Why has the city not been able to take more homeless off the street and what would you do to improve the situation?

The corrupt Homeless Industry claims an increased number of “clients” it serves justifies higher funding and executive pay. Put park/beach Colonizers to work. (See big idea.) Spend more on mentally ill who cower alone, ignored, overshadowed by colonizers. Ditto those who use shelters/services to regain employed self-reliance.

What steps can elected officials take to ensure city employees behave ethically?

Ethics Commission members are appointed by the political class it oversees. Of course it seldom sees politicians doing wrong. Change system. Commission tries complaints. Publicly elected prosecutor presents Public’s case. Randomly selected jury of politician’s peer decides. I see citizens as the defendant’s peers, not other politicians.

As an elected city official, what would you do to improve the city’s affordable housing supply?

Reinstate mandatory lease-fee conversion. Feudal land ownership unfairly inflates home prices. Homes got too expensive. Good paying jobs too few. Poor education offers sophisticated businesses no reason to come. Keeps people dependent on tourism, career politicians, and six-figure pay union officers. Good education breeds self-reliance — my solution.

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