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District 09 – Sam Slom (R)

Full Name: Samuel (Sam) Morgan Slom

Name on Ballot: Sam Slom

Age: 74

Political Party: Republican

Running For: Senate

District: 9 – Hawaii Kai to Diamond Head

Email Address: samslom@gmail.com

Current Job:

(1) State Senator (2) Small business owner – SMS Consultants

Place of birth: Allentown, Pa.

Campaign website: senatorsamslom.com

Job history past 10 years:

SMS Consultants (owner), 1976 to present

Smart Business Hawaii (president), retired 2014

State Senate, 1996-present

Ever run for public office? If so, when? Outcome?

State Senate 1996

Other civic experience or community service?

University of Hawaii Alumni Association

Hawaii Economic Association

Livable Hawaii Kai Hui

Second Amendment Foundation

Hawaii Republican Party

Anything else you’d like voters to know about you?

Most accessible legislator; always available for meeting or assistance.

What makes you qualified to be a state senator?

My past record of active participation, leadership, and as a member of all Senate committees, ad hoc and investigating committees. Bills introduced, bills modified, and those passed. Educational and business experience. Ability to get along with majority while being independent and disagreeing on issues without being disagreeable. Representing minority taxpayers.

Gov. Ige says he will once again propose increases to the state gas tax, vehicle weight tax and state registration fees to help pay for state road projects. Do you support his proposal?

I oppose these proposals and voted and spoke against them in 2016. The state had previously raided the gasoline tax fund. We have the third highest national combined gas tax, and very high mv weight and registration taxes. More taxes is not the answer to our problems.

If the Legislature is again asked to extend Oahu’s half-percent excise tax surcharge to finance construction or operation of the rail system, would you support such an extension?

No. I opposed previously and continue to oppose this train to nowhere. The mayor, city and HART have continued to be dishonest with the taxpayers regarding the true cost of the rail project which is not on budget or on time. It must end and alternatives for real congestion relief chosen.

Should the state play a role in cracking down on illegal vacation rentals in Hawaii?

Yes, illegal vacation rentals harm community lifestyles and are unfair to legal owners and the visitor industry which must pay high taxes and fees.

Should the Legislature require that police officers in Hawaii use “body cameras,” and help to fund the use of those cameras?

Yes body cameras are a positive for both law enforcement and the public. It is a legitimate legislative expense.

Dozens of police officers in Hawaii are disciplined each year for committing crimes or violating departmental policies, but little information is released about the officers or their cases. Do you think there needs to be greater public disclosure?

Yes, greater disclosure regarding those officers actually disciplined, not merely accused, is part of transparency. But remembering that the vast majority of law enforcement officers do an outstanding job and should be recognized for what they do accomplish.

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