Takai endorses Hanabusa as his replacement in Congress

Colleen Hanabusa
U.S. Rep. Mark Takai today offered an endorsement of Colleen Hanabusa as his replacement in Congress in the wake of Takai’s announcement that he will not run for re-election.
Takai did not attend the convention because he is resting in Washington, D.C., but his representative Dylan Beesley read a statement from Takai to more than 700 delegates gathered on the floor of the convention hall at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel.
“Although I will not be seeking re-election this fall, there is still much work that I am determined to see through for Hawaii and our nation during the remainder of my term in Congress,” Takai said in his statement. “I intend to do all I can to elect a progressive champion to represent Hawaii in Congress, someone like Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa who can deliver resources and results for Hawaii.”
Beesley was interrupted by loud applause and had to pause at the mention of Hanabusa’s name, but continued: “And I will be by your side to make sure Donald Trump never, ever becomes president of our great nation.”
Hanabusa said Saturday she is preparing her nomination papers to make a bid to return to the seat she once held in the U.S. House of Representatives representing urban Honolulu, but she has not yet formally filed for the office. She said she delayed filing and formally announcing her campaign because she wanted the convention this weekend to focus on Takai and his contributions.
Takai announced earlier this month he would not seek re-election to the House because he needs to concentrate on his health after he recently learned that his pancreatic cancer had spread. Takai was first elected to Congress 2014.
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Hanabusa, 65, held the urban Honolulu House seat from 2011 to 2015. She challenged U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz in the 2014 Democratic primary in an effort to move up to the Senate, but was defeated.
Schatz had been appointed by Gov. Neil Abercrombie to replace the late U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye. Shortly before he died, Inouye had urged Abercrombie to choose Hanabusa as his replacement.
Hanabusa is a respected labor lawyer who was first elected to represent the Leeward Coast in the state Senate in 1998. In 2007 became the first woman president of the Hawaii state Senate. Hanabusa remained Senate president until 2010.
86 responses to “Takai endorses Hanabusa as his replacement in Congress”
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Beesley was interrupted by loud applause and had to pause at the mention of Hanabusa’s name, but continued: “And I will be by your side to make sure Donald Trump never, ever becomes president of our great nation.”
Totally uncalled for comment.
I just lost a lot of respect for Takai and Hanabusa just lost our votes.
All the compliments made about Takai went down the drain because of that asinine comment about Trump. He should have just endorsed Hanabusa and let it go at that!
nope trump is a pathological liar, he will say things to people to appease but does not mean it. how many times has he contradicted himself? this kind of person is truly dishonest. he calls people names and denigrate them, he does not debate the issues. this guy is an arrogant bigot, totally unfit for the presidency.
Yup an asinine comment is correct. “Make America Great Again” Mr Trump is doing GREAT. Per George Carlin, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
Our two presidential candidates are not prize packages. Although it was a democratic convention, Takai speaking ill of someone is not stellar character.
And… Hillary is not a pathological liar like her husband ??????
What you’re describing kinda sounds a lot like the guy already in the…. White House.
No worse than Billary!
I agree with you, aiea7. Trump is a facist. Glad that Mark Takai made that statement.
The majority of politicians will say whatever has to be said to get elected.
killary has American blood on her hands…remember that “video” that caused Benghazi.
And someone in this string called out fascism in regards to The Donald…misguided, actually meant for the WH occupier…the Transparent Liar.
And yet not as bad as the dem candidate, who is under numerous federal investigations and caused chaos in the Middle East, even worse that it was in 2008.
Wasn’t it Beesley who made the comment about Trump and not Takai?
He was reading Takai’s statement.
What an ego…I guess he doesn’t realize all he has is one vote.
Thank You Very Much Congressman Takai, Colleen Hanabusa is a Great choice because she has been there and done that, and you are right Donald Trump is ” PAPULE ” !
and hiLIARy has American blood on her hands.
Eh? He’s a “small raised, solid pimple”? I really don’t see that in him, but whatever floats your boat I guess.
Your post makes you look pupule though.
Sad to say having Hanababooza back in congress is a lose-lose position for the Nei. Just another recycled bureaucrat trying to get back on the taxpayer’s dole.
We need to use Takai’s departure as a golden opportunity to find fresh, competent, new blood with integrity and honesty. Hanababooza doesn’t make it.
Yup…nothing new here. Let’s keep the same old same old.
After all, the People of Hawaii OWE it to her since she didn’t get into the senate like Uncle Dan wished upon his death…
Bye bye HART…see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya…(unless she loses the election!!)
She will leave the House and run for Senate as soon as Schatz’s term is up.
At this point…with blatantly power hungry types like her (you too, Hillary)…you have to ask: Is it about the PEOPLE? Is it about SERVING the community? Is is about SELFLESSNESS??
I’m gonna resoundingly say “NO” and that it’s about all about NARCISSISM & EGO…PAYING BACK PAST POLITICAL DEBTS…seriously PADDING THE BANK ACCOUNTS. For starters.
There definitely is a certain “TYPE” that runs for office unceasingly….they get to the point of looking way beyond the original intention and get a drug like addiction, tunnel vision.
agree..Hanabusa has a very dark past. But the majority party has no new faces to offer. The same old nothing candidates. Hanabusa did zero in her first term in Congress and she will bring you more of the same. She does feel entitled to her seat though.
EXACTLY. She’s ALL about the entitlement and the senate seat she was owed.
Political welfare. It’s the Hawaii way
Shea has always shown she has one and only one priority. Take care of #1.
She left HART in a heartbeat to get back on the taxpayer’s dole. Lacks integrity, total vote of no confidence from everyone.
Spoken like the “followers” the so-called democrats are. Hawaii needs people who can start the state moving in the right direction and not to fill their pockets like the current “leaders” are doing !!
Although I’m not a fan of Hanabusa, just who do you have in mind that meets your criteria. Somebody? Anybody? or Nobody? Unless you can identify a worthy opponent, your comment is useless.
I’ll pick B. Anybody
There are many worthy opponents in the dem party, but like Bernie has found out, the establishment will ice anyone who is not their pick. THEIR pick, not the People’s.
This is a crucial endorsement for Hanabusa. I wonder what it cost her?
Good question, weewili. Considering her soul is long ago sold and she has probably worn knee pads for the last 15 years…
my guess is that the unions asked Takai to endorse her.
My guess is that the unions told Takai to endorse her. Crooks Inc.
Since when has the SA determined that Hanabusa is a “respected” labor lawyer? Unfortunately, impartial reporting by this organization has left the room long ago.
I noticed the same thing. Bad journalism, and evidence of bias.
Did SA report on the State Dept’s IG report on hiLIARy’s lies yet?
Yes, of course they did. Is 10 seconds of research too much burden for you?
Do you bill clients 2 hours for those 10 seconds of research at work?
klastri (aka Kurt in Kauai) ….so did you buy your pompoms as you had pledged your support for hiLIARy for PRISONdent yet?
She has friends on the SA’s Board of Directors. Like the Legislature, the SA has no ethics.
Labor is probably the key because she probably would not have decided to run for her old seat if they had not persuaded the Takai to endorse her for the job. She is over 65 after all. It’s going to the tough-going resolving rail cost projections with the feds.
3 words: selfish, narcissitic, and dementiated politicians. Are we still An American state? #TakeBackHawaii
And the Trumpf followers chime in above. “We Wanna Wall” “We want Our Guns”. “We Wanna Beauty Pagent”. After he loses, let’s throw them in a 4 wall box,with him,you and your guns.
It was the video that caused the torture & murders of Americans in Benghazi but “what difference does it make” what the truth is.
Looks like you didn’t read the report from the most recent (Republican) congressional committee. The people arrested for the murders said the rioting was sparked by the video.
But if you lie often enough, and with enough false conviction, you may be able to sway a few gullible people to believe you. So be sure to keep lying.
Well, Hillary didn’t say that to her daughter and other close associates.
Here are some of the events that happened:
An American Ambassador was assassinated in Benghazi, Libya by a coordinated attack by terrorists.
HilLIARy was the Secretary of State when the Ambassador asked for more security, and the request was refused by HilLIARy.
Intel suggested that Benghazi, was too dangerous, and other countries withdrew their ambassadors, but not us, HilLIARy chose to ignore warnings.
When the attack occurred, HilLIARy chose the false narrative that it was a spontaneous event caused by a video, that has since been discredited.
That’s the facts klastri, and by the way, just because the corrupt Democrats are stalling and dragging the investigation on, doesn’t mean it isn’t still being sorted out, HilLIARy and her allies are masters at obstruction, but justice always prevails, so be patient klastri.
kurt on kaui aka klastri…you still spewing your rhetoric even AFTER the facts are known….and you wonder why you get no respect. lol
An Establishment Politician, endorsing another Establishment Politician, who is currently being taken care of the Establishment Politician Old Guard, why is this a big surprise.
The main thing it demonstrates that Takai and other Establishment Politicians do not seem to understand why huge numbers of voters are endorsing Trump, or voting against “their party’s perceived correct choice”, that the elected politicians do not and have not listened to the voters for years, and continue to believe they know better than everyone else. These parties have failed in their public trust, given to them.
Insert Shoe in Mouth? There goes Takai thinking that the seat (USHOR) he is vacating belongs to him! How arrogant is that! Pulling another Daniel Inouye huh?? These guys need to realize that,they are merely Public Servants. Labled as “Career Politicians”. Their job is To Serve the People.The People who elected them into Office…..not the other way around! The USHOR Seat belongs to the People not Mark Takai. Though i would be up to the challenge to see Hanabusa get another shellacking by some unknown. lol.
I just hope he can deal with the idea of Donald Trump becoming our 45th President. President TRUMP! Remember in Cancer Therapy? Focus and Maintain a Positive attitude. This will be a feat in it’s self for Mark!
Remember Folks. DO YOUR ABC’s “Anybody But the Clinton’s. Ignore these politician’s and their endorsements.Just vote for the best person you think can do the job . Not someone who is flipping as soon as a Bigger Seat(US SENATE) becomes available.IMUA
Takai endorsed Hanabusa. Where does it say that Takai owned and gave the seat to Hanabusa?
Why would you endorse someone who hasn’t even taken out papers yet?
Anybody but Hanabatta. Oh and Trump 2016 !
Make America Great Again!
Is there anyone else running on the Democratic ticket?
Only the following per the Office of elections website:
(D) ADKINS, ALEXANDER E. 94-1033 AOKU ST. WAIPAHU 96797 (704) 516-0197 4/14/2016 OE
(D) AHU ISA, LEINAALA S.P. P.O. BOX 22539 HONOLULU 96823 (808) 537-4880 5/23/2016 SOT
(D) GALUTERIA, BRICKWOOD M. 1288 KAPIOLANI BLVD., #4103 HONOLULU 96814 (808) 864-8872 5/24/2016 OE
(N) GRIFFIN, CALVIN C. 1154 FORT ST. MALL, #410 HONOLULU 96813 (808) 545-1301 5/04/2016 OE
(D) HANABUSA, COLLEEN WAKAKO 3660 WAOKANAKA ST. HONOLULU 96817 (808) 595-3388 5/26/2016 SOT
(R) KAAIHUE, ANGELA SUE 98-673 KILINOE ST. AIEA 96701 (808) 542-9393 3/28/2016 OE
(D) KAAIHUE, ANGELA SUE 98-673 KILINOE ST. AIEA 96701 (808) 542-9393 3/28/2016 OE
(D) KIM, HOWARD H.Y. 91-827 LAUPAPA PL. EWA BEACH 96706 (808) 542-9393 5/25/2016 OE
(D) OCASIO, JAVIER A. P.O. BOX 22802 HONOLULU 96823 (415) 316-8662 2/12/2016 2/29/2016 OE OE
(N) OSTROV, SHIRLENE D. 95-1050 HALEMALU ST. MILILANI 96789 (808) 722-2313 5/26/2016 OE
(R) OSTROV, SHIRLENE D. 95-1050 HALEMALU ST. MILILANI 96789 (808) 722-2313 5/26/2016 OE
(D) PULETASI, PALASI S. 91-1027 LAULAUNA ST., #20B EWA BEACH 96706 (808) 781-4229 5/20/2016 OE
(D) REYES, ARTURO P. 94-1432 KAHULI ST. WAIPAHU 96797 (808) 679-9191 5/26/2016 OE
(D) TAKAI, KYLE MARK P.O. BOX 2267 PEARL CITY 96782 (808) 298-0615 2/02/2016 2/16/2016 OE OE
(N) TATAII, STEVE P.O. BOX 17734 HONOLULU 96817 (808) 845-5716 5/27/2016 SOT
(R) TATAII, STEVE P.O. BOX 17734 HONOLULU 96817 (808) 845-5716 5/27/2016 SOT
(D) TATAII, STEVE P.O. BOX 17734 HONOLULU 96817 (808) 845-5716 5/27/2016 SOT
(L) YIM, ALAN J.K. 7524 KAMAOMAO PL. HONOLULU 96825 (808) 227-5963 2/11/2016 5/23/2016 SOT
You’ve got my vote, Palasi Puletasi…I like your name!!!
only in hawaii: losing season for football, change the coach. 0 for ever, congressional team, re-elect them for life.
Finally got the Obama mess off my shoe and now I just got some Hanabata(hanabusa) on the other. The Democrats keep shoveling the stuff all over the place. Can’t wait for Trump to clean up their mess.
The WH may have to be replaced in its entirety.
There is no longer and point in voting, the government always gets in.
Oh so true
No No No!!! She was absolutely worthless during her term and how can you expect something different if she goes back? This good old boy Democratic party has to disappear.
You know that old saying about keep voting in the Dems year after year and expecting different results?
Do I care who Takai endorses? No. But on thing I know( I am a life long democrat) I will not vote for hanabusa. Just finishing one term in Washington and Takai thinks who is best for the position?? Just let people enter the race and let others vote for whomever they want to vote for.
Takai didn’t endorse. The PARTY endorsed. It’s his way of paying back. He OWES big time.
she wants to be a senator not a rep; she’ll dig out again, when the last time she fulfilled a term? maybe she should finish out with hart.
Oh NOoooooooo!
If she get’s in we’re in trouble.
But, what has our current senators done for Hawaii anyway ? Not much.
Schatz is starting to come alive because it’s an election year.
“I intend to do all I can to elect a progressive champion to represent Hawaii in Congress,” “progressive champion” is code word for a “big government, big business and especially big labor” Hawaii, haven’t you had enough with that? Rail, homelessness, ultra luxury condominium, all are the result of one corrupt party rule and big government.
Mark Takai was once for traditional marriage because he calls himself a Christian. But in order to get his Democratic support, he changed his views and supported homosexual marriage. He would rather follow men rather than God of the Bible.
Mark Takai is a converted left wing Obama clone supporter – so is Hanabusa he is endorsing.
This November 2016 general election, time to bring down the Democratic party hold on to the State and city government in Hawaii. Right now they and the union owned the State of Hawaii government, including the City and country.
I would hope the over-tax burden citizens of this State will dump all Democrat incumbans in the legislature and if Takai is on the ballot, dump him also.
Mr. Takai chooses to follow law, while you choose fairy tales. And you criticize him?
Yet another great reason not to vote for her.
You want to keep getting taxed and have nothing done in this State?
Keep voting dem.
No moa Hannabutta!!!
Who didn’t see this coming?
Yep…it’s the ONLY reason she agreed to take the HART gig…STAY IN THE SPOTLIGHT SO HER NAME CONTINUES TO BE REPEATED.
She needs to be DENIED.
Hawaii voters: Do you know when you’re young and you put your hand on the hot stove and it burns and hurts and you put ice on it and say to yourself- wow, that hurt; I don’t want to do that again. Vote Hanabusa!
Wow, over 70 comments already. Note the photo-shopped smile on her picture. Looks like we my add a Republican to the House majority.
Are Honolulu voters about to make a big mistake, again? She is bailing from the HART board after a few months of “service”- probably found that mess too big for even her crew to cover up, much easier to go for the cushy tax payer supported life in DC!
Nothing to see here folks. Just keep moving along….
After all, who did you all expect for Takai to endorse? Some haole-friendly candidate who represents interest that may go against the traditional AJA stronghold on Hawaii’s politics?
Nah, nothing to see here folks. Just keep moving along….
I could care less who Mark and HSA wants us to vote for, as for me I will never, ever vote for Hanabusa….ever. Her sense of entitlement is all the reason for never wanting her in office….ever. We as voter should never vote for people that believe they belong and others do not.
Keep in mind the 31% pay raise to legislators that she fought so hard for herself and other legislators while ALL GOVERNMENT WORKERS TOOK FURLOUGHS.