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Saturday, February 15, 2025 69° Today's Paper

Breaking News

Firefighters extinguish fire in Kaimuki lounge


Seven fire trucks responded to a fire at the Aloha Lounge at Waialae and 9th avenues today.

Honolulu firefighters extinguished a kitchen fire at the Aloha Lounge in Kaimuki today.

The Fire Department received reports of fire and smoke coming from the building at 3435 Waialae Avenue, which also houses the Town restaurant and 9th Avenue Rock House, at 11:53 a.m., said spokesman Kendall Ching.

Ching said the fire and smoke came from a pot of overcooked food on a stove. The fire was under control within 11 minutes.

Thee estimated damage is $200, mainly from the loss of cooking supplies.

Ching said a second alarm was prompted by calls from residents about seeing flames as well as smoke.

One response to “Firefighters extinguish fire in Kaimuki lounge”

  1. RetiredWorking says:

    After calling City and State workers dummies yesterday, you’ll be losing thousands of votes…..troll.

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